Wtf is this, paladin is lacking mobility, mortal strike effect, healing, defensives, and you nerf its dmg ? no buff to any of the things ive mentioned. How is this balancing ? Templar is unplayable in pvp and dawnlight is literally the only way to make ret’s dmg decent. Wtf is going on.
I think the devs have fallen into the same trap they do every expansion and every raid release.
They look at ret dps at the start of a raid tier and nerf us, without realizing that instruments of justice is the cause of that inflation they are trying to curb.
The best option would be to delete it completely. Sadly alot of the class devs have ear muffs on when it comes to logic.
Just look how long it took them to finally remove justicars vengeance even though literally no one used it haha.
thats what they are doing today.
Thats why pve can´t be use tu balance pvp, in pvp rets are B tier and now afters this balance we are gonna be C tier. Great
Predictable. Herald overnight got a huge buff by scaling with Ret’s mastery. Completely unsurprising to see it toned back a bit.
but it was underperforming before the bug fixes.
And the added damage from Herald caused it to beat Templar is every since aspect of the game. A 15% nerf on one damage event is not going to ruin the spec.
You are correct that we need our defensives and healing tools addressed, but we also have a full class tree rework in the pipeline as well.
well everyone knows templar is undertuned. Litterally didn,t feel like a bug when you could spam hammer of light because it made it on par with other melee dps lmao.
Just like Tyr’s deliverance… Golden path… Yeah… Those two moves need to GO from the Hpal Tree…
He’s right. If the damn thing is actually ticking for 350K, Blizzard was gonna shut that $#!+ down with the quickness like they did the Mastery.
In the immortal words of Quicksilver from Avengers: Age of Ultron: “What? You didn’t see that coming?”
No, the nerf to Ret Paly is unwarrated, because Warriors and Arcane mages are already destroying Mythics and their small nerfs will not change the overall picture.
Enhanced shamans which are already in a good spot are … getting buffed.
Nerfing the Paly is absolutely nonsense.
I will post Mythic + logs a few weeks in M+ season 1 and will bet you that Paly will be nowhere close to Fury Warriors, Arcane mages and Enhanced shamans.
It will be mid tier.
Trust me, I look forward to seeing the data as time goes by.
Here are my questions about “Class Tuning Incoming – 18 September”:
- Is Ret nerf really necessary?
- Where is our tier set buff as rogues got?
- Why classes with better performance than Rets, got buff (enha)?
- Why classes with better performance than Rets, got nerfs on abilities but got buffs in another ones (warr)?
Our tier set, though not great, isn’t at the bottom.
Can’t speak for Enhance, so can’t truly comment. Certain other classes got buffs to talents they don’t give a $#!+ about (Death Knights).
According to many Warrior players, they don’t give a damn about Colossus or Mountain Thane. Slayer is their preferred choice.
Why is necessary? we aren’t meta, you can see a lot of theory crafters tier list, even in m+ or Raid, also, I played Nerub-ar Palace and plenty of m0 and I’m not above everyone quite far, so I ask again, Why is necessary?
If you aren’t blowing up the dps meters in dungeons as Ret, I don’t know what to tell you. I play Templar and I’m consistently top or close to top dps. It varies from pull to pull, but my damage output is clearly competitive enough to justify my spot.
Oh Geezus (Shakes head in hand).
sighs Okay…Mastery was performing so well that it outpaced our Primary Stat, Strength. That’s a big no-no. That’s why they had to tone it down a bit. Despite the 10% nerf, it’s still our best Secondary Stat by far.
Herald was performing so good that there’s data the burn ticks were doing 350K consistantly. That’s insane by anybody’s standards. You’re kidding yourself if you think Blizz wasn’t gonna shut that $#!+ down asap.
This is why the nerfs were necessary. Do you now understand?
Anecdotal evidence is not evidence.
Perfectly put. Well said.
I’ve stated this before. My theory is that they know as time goes by, ret is gonna shine by miles because of our Secondary Stats, especially Mastery.
Scaling well is among the best things that can happen to a class and Blizz has specifically stated they wanted our Secondary Stats to be impactful this season because they realized our scaling during DF was atrocious.
Ret as a whole doesnt need nerfs , herald needs nerfs. Now when you nerf a hero soec you are meant to buff the base spec so the underperforming hero spec catches up and the overperforming hero spec is more in line.
But they just nerfed herald without changes to templar or ret as a whole so idk.
It wasn’t all that long ago that there was a blue post that mentioned how poorly retribution scales throughout an expansion. Just last expansion, we had multiple three and six percent buffs to deal with the fact that we poorly scale. But we cant be average at the start so gotta start things off with nerfs. For pvp being average would be a dream for Ret. Too many design flaws and pvp nerfs active for that.
If you say Ret is good in M+ though, good, I’m glad it excells at something.
Being ok in Raid, is ok, and it is.
However in pvp everything a PVE Ret sees in their talent trees and spell book is nerfed in pvp and a team of IRL humans are trying to kill you. The design, base tuning, and pvp nerfs are making it easy for them to kill you.
Yeah, I’ll admit that PvP is a whole different animal to deal with.