Retribution design philosophy

Developer’s note: We recognize that movement is fun and feels good when attached to short cooldown buttons. That said, our goal for Retribution Paladin is to keep their strengths in removing things that hinder their mobility, or to charge into battle on their Divine Steed, not to give them a short duration burst of movement on a very short cooldown.

I don’t know how to start this…
We need someone to come down and talk to us, please.
Forums, Discord, interview, Q&A… anything to talk about Ret paladin specifically.

I cannot stress enough how out of touch it felt to read this.
What are the reason Ret cannot have mobiity options?
Explain them, please.

Because this paragraph here doesn’t make sense.

  1. It’s a video game, your whole goal is to make it fun so that more and more people can enjoy it.
    In this mindset, how do you justify making it less fun on purpose?
    Would giving Ret mobility hinder the fun of other players?
    If so, in what capacity?
  2. It was never a specific strength of the retribution paladin to remove things that hinder our mobility. In fact, one of the recurring critique of the spec is that it doesn’t bring anything at all that isn’t already covered by either Holy or Prot in BETTER WAYS.
    We have blessing of freedom and Bubble, that’s it. Those are the only tools that frees our mobility and has been for quite a while now and they are not spec specific… And as of now we’re mostly not taking freedom from the DF class tree because the class tree is off the mark.
    So the idea that it is a core strength of the spec is really catching a lot of us completely off guard. And let’s not even talk about Freedom consistency.
    For those of us playing the spec everyday, this take is really hard to re-conciliate with the gameplay we are experiencing. There really seems to be a large chasm between the vision the developers have of Ret and the reality of the players.

There are ALOT of ideas and feedback around Ret on the forums and it can be a challenge to make sense of it all. But there are 3-4 things that comes back around like clockwork. So if anything, please focus your energy on solving those as a starting point

  • Retribution Aura does not feel and is not in fact an AURA. An aura should have a positive effect on everyone and not just the paladin. The DF effect is better than the previous one but FAILS at the critical task of being an aura.
  • Replace SoV with Divine Protection/Give us a % damage reduction defensive. It hinders our presence in high content difficulty. AND OFF THE GCD
  • Divine Steed is not liked by the community, either go full Diablo 3 crusader style with it or give us options to use something else. AND OFF THE GCD
  • You need to answer the following question internally WITHOUT naming spells or abilities available to Prot and Holy: Why should a group/raid bring a Ret paladin?

Often times over the years, when I read changes from dev notes about this spec, I would get this weird feeling that the justifications for the changes are written by someone who plays against Ret in PVP.
It may sounds specific but I just can’t understand the inertia of Ret unless I look at them strictly from a PVP perspective. Everything start to make more sense when I look at it this way but then Blizz started to balance PVP independently from PVE so I’m lost as to what’s the hold up now.

If you agree with my sentiment, just bump this thread up.
Keep it at the top, keep it alive and relevant until we get some answers and explanations.
Thank you!

Also, you can submit direct feedback through in game support option in the menu.
If you can spare a minute, please submit your thoughts respectfully on this tool as well.
There is a 500 characters limit so you can’t write a book but voice your concern clearly.

I personally used it to say that WoW had made a turn to more dynamic gameplay over the years and that the last 3 classes added (Evoker included) were a testament to this ideology. I encouraged them to embrace this idea for all their classes, especially Ret who desperately need it.
And I shared my disbelief at the change made and philosophy behind the Dev note we got on LAotL.


If they took steed off the GCD AND gave it the Fist of Justice style CD reduction it would actually be quite good. I also think they should give people the ability to choose between Divine Steed and Speed of Light, same exact CD, movement speed, duration, and they would make so many Paladins happier.


Someone should look up their explanation from the beginning of legion where they said I think that ret was waaay to mobile with too many ranged spells (even tho they aided directly into it because iirc the tier set from brf gave extra charges to HoW) and that somehow took away from our melee identity ir something?

Since then they have kept banging the drums of not having mobility and real defensives. Just put divine protection in the class tree and divine toll too because it appears in all the spec trees.


I mean at least they achieved one thing with all the changes and that spiteful developer’s note: My sub runs out on friday and I don’t plan on coming back because ret is the only reason I play this game, but I am no masochist.
So, dear devs, if you wanted to get me out of the game, congrats, mission accomplished.


And if they follow their own philosophy here we should have more than a talent that extends consecration by 15% and unable to be slowed beneath 80% normal speed. Buff blessing of freedom, reduce its CD, and consolidate the steed to 2 talents max.


It really sucks that a few developers’ take on our identity has ruined the spec for thousands of players, over multiple expansions now. WoD Ret was unique, functional and fun. It didn’t need the extensive revamp that was forced in Legion.

Yeah the fact that DT and DR are in every single tree makes me think that they’re not spending much time on design. Also Consecrated Ground appears in both Ret and Prot trees.

Any/all of these should be in the class tree.


I think it is pretty obvious it comes from a pvp standpoint as well. Ret was always the “fast” plate user pre legion and then they decided to hamstring us permanently with the horse and no long arm or pursuit of justice.

If ret got a mobility buff the first reaction would be oh well you cant have THAT much burst AND mobility. Obviously coming from a pvp point of view.

Ok then tone down the burst and up sustained some more, it isn’t fun for crusader strike to hit for 1k. I’m not saying make wings weak but right now ret does so little damage outside spenders and cds that you might as well just put TV and DS on cds and remove builders because the damage of losing CS and BoJ is so insignificant.

Also our cleave is AWFUL. It’s such poor game design to have the choice of divine storm and templars verdict be the only thing deciding your damage profile. We have 0 passive cleave, and this isn’t even something to do with burst. In legion we had DIVINE HAMMER AND MASS JUDGE. We still did big burst and were immobile as hell.

On the topic of utility they need to make crusader or ret aura do something Holy and Prot can’t do. Ret needs to give the range increase from crusader aura to other melee or something or just do literally anything unique from holy and prot.


Really wish this would get formally addressed. They are balancing PVP independently now so they could open the design space on Ret mobility and adjust our damage accordingly to amount for the increased uptime while not touching anything PVE wise.


“We recognize that movement is fun and feels good when attached to short cooldown buttons, but fun isn’t something we have in mind for you.”


I don’t even mind it, I like playing a defensively powered Retribution Paladin.

…but to force us to be squishies with no fun mobility to compensate? What. The. Hell.


Giving us Divine Protection would destroy the multiverse, or something. Lol.


It’s just all around dumb design. It’s how we ended up with the toxic way ret plays right now in pvp. You literally just annihilate someone in a hoj while having a miserable time 98% of the time in 3’s. Zero fun for anyone.

It’s terrible design, I hate it and that’s why MOP/WOD ret were the perfect iterations of the spec imo. Granted giving it everything it had in those expansions might not be super balanced with the way the game is now, but come on lol. Give us long arm back and make it good thanks.


Man i was SO excited for this xpac. We were finally gonna get laotl back!! I dont understand why you take out one of the most hyped additions, and all for the literal worst ability ever created in any video game the steed.

At this point its been 7+ years of ret being trash, im done. Either give rets better mobility, any kind of defensive, and a unique party/raid utility or im done with wow.

I refuse to let the devs lie to my face for a 4th expansion. You tell us your listening but all you hear is the echo chamber your stuck in. At this point the only logical reason they do this is pure spite. I am convinced you guys want to make paladin into a 2 spec class, and honestly id rather see ret straight up deleted than watch the travesty of my favorite class’s degradation.

Edit: and i CANNOT BELIEVE i am going to LOSE MORE utility this xpac. We have had LOH since day ONE of warcraft, yet now in this xpac cus apparently your too creatively bankrupt to create real talents you just add stuff in and most rets will end up losing LOH. Cool another utility that had minimal use in raid but was still useful gone. What the actual heck blizz?!?!?!

Where’s our good auras?
Where’s our greater blessings?
Where is unbound freedom?
Where is our group utility?
Where is our defensives?
Where is our mobility?
I could go on and on…

Its ok though we got 2% speed and MOFO avoidience.


Ever since they changed Ret’s philosophy in Legion I haven’t had much hope for the spec since.


Thats cus the devs “vision” of ret has not only completely failed in theory but also in practice, completely.


The most amusing part of their statement? Currently Ret has a choice of either BoF or LoH but not both due to our required talents.
So it isn’t even guaranteed that we get our “fantasy” of preventing hinderance of movement lol.


80% base movement speed in a restricted area is already a joke.

I was too, seeing all the raid/party utility being given to other classes like Rogue I was sure that Paladin was going to have some returned, but then nothing.
I’ve never been as angry about the game as I currently am seeing Paladin (Ret’s especially) design going forward into DF.

Like dragon riding sounds like it could be quite fun, but I’m not buying an expansion for that alone. Blizzard needs to make some real changes before I consider actually purchasing DF.


Don’t worry, they’re not done handing out candy.

Just not to ret. lmao


Yeah I saw that…was hoping that isn’t legit.


Beyond moronic if that goes live.