Because at 120, that’s your only metric… gear. There is no more leveling to do.
The disparity between freshly dinged and raider is still large. Most ding 120 around ilvl 280. The majority of the endgame dwellers have around 420+. That is a large bridge.
Freshly dinged 120s are given purple gear like candy, levelers are not.
Given by spamming WQs or doing the weekly warfront. If you choose not to participate in those types of content because you do not like them you will be far behind on the gear treadmill.
Much easier to spam lowbie dungeons for gear then endgame, due to zero mechanics just pure faceroll.
You don’t have to spam WQs. It literally tells you what your reward will be when you hover over the WQ. Not to mention, the emissary rewards are quick and easy and several offer relevant gear.
While dungeons are a good source of gear, they do not always yield a reward or a reward you need and leveling out of a bracket just from doing a dungeon is not uncommon.
Lets do a side by side comparison.
400+ item level or run with premade
HoA level 50+ for essences and powers
Pray to rng gods for good secondary stat allocation on gear
Low level pvp
use enchanted heirlooms for most pieces, run easy dungeons for others
enchant weapon with either crusader/ele force/spellpower
Which one requires the least amount of investment - and not depreciate in value. Having to stay current on 120s for gear is so fun and exciting.
Your not twinking if every person playing is also a twink.
Obviously the fresh 120 is not a twink. More like a freekill in bgs.
Not all levelers have heirlooms or all available heirlooms. And there was a comparison done in the PVP forum once about how heirlooms are not as good as the blues or purples twinks use. The numerical difference between an heirloom and a blue twink piece may only be a small number but multiplied by the number of pieces obtained and that number becomes alarming. Make those pieces purple and that just makes that gap bigger.
No matter how you try and slice it, comparing low level PVP to end-game PVP just does not work because of the number of variables.
Are you referring to the small chance of quest rewards getting an epic upgrade?
Yep and those who lock experience are accumulating these quite often. I’ve spoken to several who have full sets of them and some on multiple characters.
So by your standards unless they have an epic upgrade they are not a twink?
Nowhere did I nor anyone else say that. You were making the common mistake of trying to compare low level PVP to end-game PVP and I was only giving you one of the many reasons why you can’t by the disparity.
A disparity that exists because of a possible chance for an epic upgrade quest item vs the item level difference of 100+? Thats funny claiming the epic item has such a large power increase in comparison to the large ilvl bloat.
Miss this part?
Apparently not.
That part is pure bs so I chose to disregard it. Heirlooms are better for pants and shoulder solely due to armor kit application. If it were true, are you stating the small number differences even when stacked is stronger than the 100+ ilvl difference endgame content suffers from? Not to mention the good essences or trinkets.
All I ever see in these twink threads is “Waaaaa waaaaa waaaaaa, I can’t face roll normal players anymore. I don’t want to fight other twinks!! Blizz You Suck!!! Waaaaaa waaaaaa waaaaaaa.”
What we wanted is blizz to fix the outliers and BALANCE PVP, not this pathetic bandaid fix. Newsflash the brackets are still decimated by fotm busted specs. Play in the 20-29 bracket and tell us all what you see in there.
“Pure bs” lol
That type of copout response hasn’t even been a thing for years. The numbers are there, my friend. They’ve been laid out almost in spreadsheet format to show the difference. Math doesn’t lie, I’m afraid.