If you dont or have never twinked then you’re opinion is not valid as you don’t have a clue on what you are talking about. And you may not understand some of my points.
So first of all the reason why I started twinking was I was on a laptop that was really bad quality that didn’t allow me to play at max lvl as I would get around 5-15 FPS in a raid or arena or battle ground and I didn’t have the money to upgrade it and I just wanted to pvp as I loved doing pvp so I found out about twinking.
I played on twinks from the 29-39-49-59-69 brackets because I loved to pvp and my laptop could handle that lvl of pvp. That was the first reason why I played them and then it got fun to gear up and learn about all the gear I could get to make my Twinks better and that professions from previous expansions were really useful to me. When I did battle grounds I was never one to GY farm, I was one about winning and playing objective and I have met a lot of great players especially the 49 bracket who were the same.
For twinks to be removed from the game has basically deleted my battle tag list because all I did basically was Twink and all those players have either quit or waiting for classic. I hate the fact that the game now all revolves about max lvl, there is no care into previous expansions and twinking is one of the main things that includes those expansions. Retail wow is just for people to lvl up from 1-120 and there is no care in the world about other expansions until your 120.
So as of late i got a new desktop last week and since twinking is dead I have been forced to play max lvl but I also just lvl through bgs and have fun.
Now, the people that complain about twinks being too OP need to stop and have a look at themselves and their character. If you want to lvl through bgs with out getting rekt by twinks then don’t enter a bg with starter quest gear and plain heirlooms. What do I mean by plain heirlooms? There is a thing called enchants. I always make sure I have consumables and enchants on my looms before I do bgs and can I say I’m basically destroying others but it’s only because I decided to go in with gear since I know what I’m doing!
All I’m saying is if you don’t want to lose in in bgs then be prepared! And also twinks have much a bigger impact on the game than people realise! I hope one day blizzard can fix this!
Hey share some of that popcorn with me. This threads going places. Terrible places, but places none the less.
And to actually add something to the topic. I tried twinking. Was fun for the first two battlegrounds and the lost all appeal after I realized I was pretty much an unkillable god unless the entire team was smacking me and I had no healer. Even with a bad healer I was able to go against the whole team.
It was boring as could possibly be. Nothing fun or entertaining about fighting people that couldnt fight back. After the tenth battleground (always do something 10 times in WoW before I know I like it or not, so I can say I gave it a fair shot) I deleted the twink and moved on.
Their entire gameplay has been removed. There are no queues. It’s not any different than if their ability to queue at all had been removed, so maybe it was.
OP, get a Legion only account, level up to 110 and twink there.
My opinion is that low level BG’s are much better since the separation (and the exploit fix).
It is nice that everyone is playing by the same rules now.
I am sorry you can’t find enough twinks to play against each other though. I wish for your sake there were more twinks who wanted to play other twinks.
Try organizing timed twink meet ups. I nominate you to organize it.
Give folks time to prepare. Say like early August and start having a scheduled meet up starting like 2-3 times a week. If it takes off do it more often. Share realiID and make a twink community on the blizzard community app.
Okay so obviously it’s hard to find 2 full teams for war games all the time so it was fun when we could get in xp-on queues and and get short queues and also have 2-5 twinks on each team. They were the fun days.