Wtb the return of twinks

Don’t ask me. I don’t even try to understand the mental gymnastics a low level xp off twinker goes through to justify what they do.


Let be honest here … Twinking is fun as hell … but only for the one doing it … i remember my old twink hunter who had 79-0 in a Warsong gulch … was pretty damn fun, but you could tell the others getting farmed in theirs Graveyards didn’t had the same experience then me … so no Twinking should stay off the game or seperate queue as it is right now.


Twinking only appeals to people who want to curb stomp new players. I mean it isn’t a surprise it essentially died with separate queues.


how would templates allow twinks to roll lvlers into the ground unfairly? The matches would be even.

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I stopped playing my low lvl toons once the ques were bad. I played them all again legion when i could actually pvp on my low lvl toons efficiently. As for why i pvp at low lvls, idk. I guess i like variety and experimenting. Used to be a bit more varied in earlier wow days, but still. At certain brackets you are missing moves and talents. It opened a new way to play. Its not that you can’t pvp per say, but it isn’t practical to wait 4 hours for one que to pop. To those saying it isn’t popular. Thats not deniable, but judging how many hits and posts some of these twink threads are getting, saw one the other day with over 3000 comments, and possibly way more views, it is something to consider.

I think the levelers should just have to log in ad pvp, only to have there que times skyrocket to like 7 hour long ques, and only get 50 exp per battleground, and thats it. Like, all some of the twinks want is a compromise that would make the battleground ques a bit faster for exp off. That’s all.

I would laugh to. People would complain so hard about it, like now you know what we deal with. The lvlers are getting their way, and i think that the twinks should continue compromising and coming up with ideas in a passionate manner. I was just giving an example of levelers being given the shaft, to the point where they would be no point in pvping for them, just like there is litteraly no point in playing a twink. Some one might say, like let it stay that way. I disagree. To them, I say, i hope your lvling ques get nuked into the ground, and you get next to no exp upon your bg line up. Hopefully blizzard reintroduces stat templates as an exp off option to merge brackets and make them fair. I miss that so much about legion.

I think they got it reversed. With templates all members of classes would have the same stats. The only real gear advantages would be in trinket and enchantment effect. That’s assuming the templates are balanced. Gear normalization would scale all gear to the same item level so there would be an advantage of purples over greens plus the advantages of templates. Additionally you have consumables, professions, racials, and spell scaling (which should be minimized through templates).

I don’t think you can ever get no advantage unless you enforce templates, no trinket effects, no enchantment effect, and no consumables but then it stops being an RPG and becomes an MOBA.

Let me get this straight.
You’re saying that people who want to play a battleground every once in a while while leveling shouldn’t, because you would rather break the system and crush people (including new players), turning them away from PvP indefinitely for your own selfish reasons?

I always do love reading posts about twink players whining, because they legitimately never have a genuine excuse as to why they twink other than “I like to destroy people in battlegrounds.”

Hear that new players?
Never enter any kind of content unless you know 100% what you’re doing, you’re max level for that kind of content, and you’re 100% geared.

Good arguments.
I hope Blizzard never allows twinking again.
You people ruin battlegrounds for everyone else for no reason other than “I enjoy one-shotting people.”


Maybe for you but I bet the non twinks that got their faces kicked in probably saw it a little differently, which is why Blizzard reigned in twinks and pushed them away from the “leveling” crowd.


This statement would be true if that was the intention of random battlegrounds while leveling.
But it’s not.

The point of random battlegrounds while leveling is simply to jump into a battleground for fun, dip your toes into PvP, and a bit of a bonus to exp/honor/gear.
It is not “Twink your character and level to the end of the bracket, turn your exp off, get as much gear/gems/enchants as you can possibly wear and smash other players’ heads in.”
Sure, it was possible, but it wasn’t the sole purpose of RBGs, and it was toxic. So, they removed it.

All of your arguments consist of one of the following:

  1. I PvP because I enjoy crushing others
  2. Random battlegrounds were created to twink in
  3. Nobody else should play random battlegrounds unless they’re 100% geared
  4. The twink community is huge and has a big impact on PvP
  5. Twinks love playing against other twinks

These statements/argument are either plain selfish, or wildly incorrect.

Nothing, and I mean nothing a twink player has ever said or argued in favor of twinking has ever been the slightest bit true.


One thing that’s never changed in this game’s history… how fun it is to reply to comments from the negative portion of the twink population. They’re always so incredibly absurd and it’s sometimes difficult to determine if they’re even being serious or not.

The OP was destroying people because they overgeared their toon and parked it in a bracket where they know good and well that the majority of their “competition” are either new players or rerolls casually learning their class and rotations. And yet, it’s the leveler’s fault. The fact that the OP is seeing their “victory” as some kind of accomplishment is laughable at best. That’s like the guy who chooses to stay in the beginner martial arts course at the YMCA (yes, you can do this) wins each sparring match and tells the rest of the class who are half his age that it’s their fault for not working hard to be like him.


/thread & 10 char

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This is perfect!


You would think, eh?

But given two things:

  1. BGs aren’t going to be available for a few months, thus giving people plenty of time to get the BiS gear.

  2. People who see BGs as a means of leveling may not be interested in Classic BGs because there is no XP gain from them.

The easy honor may not be so easy as twinks hope.

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To be fair, the levelers haven’t always been true either. Its just overgenerilizations of both sides, as if levelers and twinks alike have never had players that have played the game in an unfair, toxic manner before.

In my mind, in wrath of the lich king, we had the exp off/on separation ques, and it worked to an extent. It was a fair compromise at the time. Then legion came along a few expansions later, merged the ques again, and added a stat template. With the removal of stat templates, blizzard forgot to separate ques and did so very recently.

Again, why are the levelers against any sort of secondary compromise, one that quite frankly, will fix the situation for good. Do what blizzard did with stat templates in legion, but as an exp off only function, merging the ques again for those who want that, and if you choose not to add a stat template in exp off, your ques are separated. That way you don’t have to add a stat template if you don’t want to. I see this as a fair compromise. Some people might not be happy, like the twinks who really want to own others, and it might not satisfy levelers. Better than it is now, where i can sit there all day and not be able to pvp at all because of the que times.

No it’s not. Because if people were actually interested in pvp’ing other twinks you’d have queues popping left and right with that many players interested. You don’t. Which means no one is queuing. Which means you don’t have 3000+ people. You can barely scrape together 20 and it takes you 4 hours to do it. We all know what’s popular is curb stomping people. When people can’t do that because they have to fight other twinks suddenly their e-weewee’s deflate and they take their ball and go home.

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Don’t care about the context. Once someone utters those words as the opener to their argument, they have already lost. Just mho though. If it’s even valid that is lol.


So why were the ques merged again in legion? Oh thats right, because it made them fair. FAIR. Why not just merge brackets again if blizzard just reintroduces stat templates as an exp off option, and do everything it did in legion, but for exp off players.

Because they disabled stat templates because of player feedback? Duh?

So now that you have a new desktop why don’t you play max level pvp? If you love pvp that’s where the best version of it is. You have access to everything and can play your objectives still or whatever you want to do. The only difference is you’ll be more or less (kinda) on equal footing as everyone else. Or is pvp only fun for you when you run over random leveling toons all day?

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