Wtb the return of twinks

The most common excuses that negative twinks give for not engaging endgame PVP are 1) end game is boring or 2) end game is too complicated.

That’s a terrible excuse and just doesn’t work? Endgame pvp is not anymore boring than 10-19 brackets, etc…?

Well didn’t you get the memo? Their excuses are ok but levelers have no excuse for not decking themselves out before hopping into a BG here and there to break the monotony of doing the same quests again.

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Twinks that use their powers for the evil of killing other players are a cancer and always have been. You could’ve been a force for good and powerleveled people etc. But you chose to be evil. No sympathy. Go play a pay to win mobile game if you want to pwn noobs with your “skills”


Is it still a cancer if I pwn noobs when I’m max level?

If they level squish, all of you twinks will be in the same queues.

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Nope, that’s called “epic PVP” or so I heard.


Twinking should stay dead. Where it belongs.


I feel leveling battlegrounds should die. I have no sympathy for those who are that closed minded.

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Having done BGs during Classic, you have to keep doing it, every week. Because they had a ratings decay system. Every week your ratings dropped unless you did a certain amount of activity. You want to talk about no-lifing? Folks who hit the higher ranks practically had to do that JUST to hold their rank.

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Its just like people who play tabletop RPGs.

Being a munchkin is fun, but only for the munchkin. Nobody, save the munchkin, enjoys being in a group and having one character who can walk into the room and be so strong that everyone else might as well not exist.

A wiki comment that describes munchkins …

Munchkin is how one should refer to someone who tries to win a role-playing game. It can be expressed, displayed, or seen in an aggressively competitive style of play. For example, getting the most enemies killed or the most loot taken, all without any thoughts about roleplaying, a storyline, fairness, logic and, the most importantly, other players’ fun.

Yes, not all of that applies to twinks obviously, but one can easily see that the two types of players share a lot in common.

Pretty sure the level 110-119 bracket is loaded with twinks that have mm hunters that one shot players. so…

I heard this from Asmongold.

Twinks are just brats who wants to bully new players. They dont want to compete at max level coz they are losers.

I kinda agree with Asmongold.

BTW. All my alts who leveled up to max level have twinked on BGs… to kill those toons who have expensive gear and enchants… I was a twink killer. I have my ways of getting gear better than heirlooms on each BG bracket. I had fun killing twinks.


Heh, stopped right there because of this


I tried it, hated it. Twinking is terrible for the game, and it deserves to die. Putting best in slot enchants and such onto non-heirloom gear was just repulsive.

I honestly prefer the fixed stats buff we had back in Legion where gear didn’t matter! Your stats were fixed to the top of the level bracket, and the only thing holding you back was your XP, which only denied you certain spells and abilities available to the later levels of each bracket!

I hated twinking back before XP was in battlegrounds, and I’ve hated it after it was added in BGs.

Twinks made false claims of being a big impact on the game, and in every single case, the twinks were called out as exposed LIARS!

Twinks don’t have an impact on the game aside from being annoying pieces of garbage ruining battleground brackets!

Kill twinking entirely, not just for the bulk of the game, but for endgame too! Restore fixed stats for PVP!

Yeah, starting your comment with that is the perfect way to get 99% of the forum to NOT read any further.

This reminds me of the navy seal copypasta.

I have over 300 confirmed twink kills.

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Asmongold has so much bias against twinks its not even funny. Asmongold does max lvl dungeons and raiding. Simple. That is what asmongold does. He provides commentary on his youtube videos adding his thoughts and opinions on the state of the game, how it can be improved, and various other things, including guides. I am going to take his twink comment with a grain of salt.

Pvp is legitimately about 2 things. The bis gear complete with enchants and the like. The second is how skilled you are at playing a specific class. Combine Those 2 things and you are a wrecking ball. Twinking in is basic understanding now is basically like max lvl pvp. There are always going to be people who are griefing and just there to make the game unfair. The appeal to max lvl pvp, which is the same rules twinks used to live by, just with out a lvl bracket, is that you can pvp whever you want, against whoever you want. Like, there are guilds out there, ic an almost guarantee this, that legitamately log in after getting all the best gear and enchants for the season, and log in to random bgs just to curve stomp people.

So when creating a low lvl pvp toon, thats how it genneraly works, but with a separation, and varying lvls of players all scaling up to the cap of the bracket. Anyone who twinked aimed at getting the best gear, and the same applies to lvlers, because the better gear you have, the better survivability you have. In wrath of the lich king, the exp on/off separation was a fair compromise. I am not going to dispute that.

In legion, i was surprised, as i am sure many other players were when the ques were merged with exp off and on again, with the addition of a system blizzard called stat templates. This would make the game fair. i don’t remember the exact words, but i do remember it was changed due to fairness and twinks not having significant advantages over lvlers. I was highly pleased with this change. The problem for me personnaly with the separation back then, and now, is that the que times were a bit to high. That has always been my issue.

I definitely believe blizzard should reintroduce the stat templates as an exp off option for merged expoff/on ques. Not every exp off player wants merged brackets, so they have the option to not use it. They could turn off the stat template when they que up, causing a separation of exp off and on. This way, no one is forced to do any one option. The stat templates would work exactly the way they did in legion, just for exp off purposes only. I feel this would work.

The issue with stat templates is that there is no ability to customize your character. This may not be an issue with low level BGs, but I believe it’s why they were removed from higher level BGs (where gear still provided some advantage as a flat percentage increase).

From a development perspective I can see where it would be difficult to balance 12 classes with 3 specs across 10-11 brackets plus trinket and consumable effects.

Tbh though in all of the twink threads the anti-twink crowd also says there are like 3 of them in every BG on the enemy team.