So you’re saying there IS no way to keep them out.
Then it’s not really a compromise, then, and not worth the time or manhours for Blizzard to implement.
So you’re saying there IS no way to keep them out.
Then it’s not really a compromise, then, and not worth the time or manhours for Blizzard to implement.
Why do people keep saying this. The point of the game is NOT to level. It is w/e you say it is for yourself. What makes you think you can determine my purpose and intentions?
So why did they need to add xp to battlegrounds. It should be solely for people who want to pvp, not people on a fasttrack to endgame.
So wait, you are expecting people who are leveling and want to do an occasional BG to gear and enchant each 10 levels like a twink? Just so a small minority of the player base can have a little fun?
And don’t tell me it isn’t a small minority of the player base, if it wasn’t your queues wouldn’t suck.
I actually completely agree with you on this. I have no issue with people sitting at a level because thats what they enjoy, but they shouldnt be allowed to outgear others to the point where they are detrimental to others experiences.
Maybe scaling is the way to go. Scale Twinks down and let them que back with the general pop so that they can continue to enjoy BGs at a low levels and others leveling through BGs can too
Thats what we have been pushing for. For blizz to tune the outliers so pvp is better overall.
yes we just need a compromise that works not what op is suggesting. It’s really not impossible for most of us to be happy but yeah the ones who truly ONLY care about being invincible will probably never be happy. My suggestion…reroll rogue/druid stop unstealthing and proclaim yourself an immortal.
I can agree on that too. Some people like massive population servers and some prefer “dead” servers.
I only enjoyed twinking when I could roflstomp everyone, putting them in their own bracket removed the fun for me.
Well, its better than having que times in exp off shoot up to impractical lvls just because one side is selfish. At least try something, because exp off que times are horrendous. It should not be to difficult to have a stat template like there was in legion, but for an exp off option only. I say lvlers get the same treatment then at this point. Have them take forever to get a que to pop, and only get 50 exp during the whole bg. That sounds like the most logical fix. That way the levelers can whine just as much, if not more than the twinks. Pvp just doesn’t happen in exp off currently. Why would merging brackets be bad if there wasnt any unfairness?
Yeah, I mentioned earlier that I made many friends from twinking.
How are those sour grapes? Pretty sour?
Yes, the grapes are sour, hence the reason i haven’t really been queing up for pvp since patch 8.2. I have tried a few times here and there in recent weeks, but i give up after a while. On a side note, i hope you get sour apples. Joining up in a lvling bg for a 2 hour que and only getting 50 exp through the entirety of the battleground sounds fun does it not? no. Then do not even talk. It should be fair both ways to expect a compromise. The legion stat template thing worked well. why not just add it back in as an exp off option. All i hear from both sides is negativity and overgeneralization on both sides. At least try to make it work. I just want to be able to pvp now on my low lvl exp off toons, just like lvlers want to que up and get a bucket load of exp. I dont see any harm in merging exp off and on ques if its fair and balanced.
Edit: On a side note, sour grapes make whine eventually. Ill take what i can get.
Awesome response
Well screw you, im gonna give my $0.02 anyways. Twinks arent needed for the story to progress, twinks arent needed for the end game because they deny the end game.
Someone got touched by people with better gear.
If twinks don’t get to play at all then twinking must appeal to a very small minority or those that were twinking were only interested in rolling non-twinks and not in play against their fellow twinks.
If they are that small a minority, and can’t support BG’s, then the damage to regular players, IMO, far outweighs the damamge to twinks. If their numbers have decreased because all they were interested in was rolling regular players then too bad (my guess is that this was a primary motivation especially for players that needed a major advantage.)
Y’all know that twink is slang for a young gay man, right?
Yah, I always knew and never understood why they were called twinks. Regardless, its like the word gay. Used to mean happy as hell. Within this context though, its just a player that chooses to turn off experience in order to pvp at a specific lvl forever.
My question is if the twink community is so dang small, why are levelers so against them? idk Hypersensitivity maybe. I wouldnt even talk about this subject if there was some way around it. Its either, deal with really long que times, or lvl through the battlergrounds and remake, or pvp with the 20s. Cant we have some sort of compromise that appeals to both sides. legion was great for me. I could pvp whenever, wherever. Something has to be done.