I am very familiar with twinks. What they are and how they destroy the leveling battleground experience. I understand being prepared. I have full heirlooms and and enchanter too. Nothing prepares someone for facing down a twink in full BC raid gear with ~21 primary stat gems in a BG. A heals/dps in op gear has 3x to 4x the throughput of the most decked out leveling toons.
I’m in the process of leveling a Shaman from 20 to (so far) 109 via questing, an occasional dungeon and… ~60 Random Battlegrounds. (According to REFlex.)
Not having to deal with exp off chars in the queues is the difference between night and day compared to the last time I tried this with an alt. When exp off were mixed in.
Because you are correct! Twinks do have a far bigger impact on the game than most folks realize. They actively drive folks out of PvP during the leveling process and usually after a couple of bad experiences, they stay out. (PSA: Opinion Alert Ahead: YES THIS IS MY OPINION.)
Tell you what though - if you want to queue in with exp off, I’d let you, but only if Blizzard goes to flat templates for all classes in the leveling brackets. At that point gear goes out the window and regardless of what you have equipped each char gets W of the primary stat for their class/spec and X, Y, Z for the secondary stats. Deal? Better for new players, better for everyone else too.
what is wrong with removing separation between xponn and off if its completely fair? Adding a stat template to exp off twinks would make it fair, plain and simple. Twink ques are way to long currently. A compromise would be awesome.
I am a twink player, in fact I am here to do another post concerning it. I cannot advocate this. It was never fair imho. And it never will be. What I would advocate is allowances for twinks on a downgraded scale. i.e. they get itno normal ques only they go into next level slot up from normal at all times. BTW twinking not dead only not pvp anymore. Furthermore Wpvp twinking was far more fun (killing targets 10-15 levels higher to watch them flail around confused because they didn’t take you seriously,) and it really is DEAD due mostly to hit%/level changes. Twink for pve or most likely you’re giving it up eventually. Sorry.
But they are a small population, and to protect to overwhelming majority of players who arent twinking from getting destroyed and ruining their experience in leveling through PvP they had them removed.
My argument to that, is yes they are smaller than the non twinks, but then, why is it a big deal then? because lvling players created a big deal instead of dealing with it. I just want a compromise at this point in time in the game. I mean, a stat template addition to exp off would get rid of the separation, but would also make it fair. Both sides just have a bunch of whiners. I dont see anything wrong with twinks joining levelers if a stat template added would make it fair.
If the larger majority is not able to overcome the few twinks they come across in BGs and learn to utilize target calling and burst/cc to shut them down than they should stick to dungeons.
Not all of them want that. But to the twinks that want to pvp, id say let them have what they want. Let the exploitation twinks and lvlers go away, as they should not be a part of the game. Let those that are at least trying to compromise have their way.
I think the only compromise would be to scale. Make it so a person who twinks can sit at that level but never outgear others to the point where they no skill their way to victory
The point of the game is utilizing outdated content as a means to level? Well in accordance with the 7.2.5 leveling nerf of legion, and the introduction of allied races/heritage armor it would seem blizzard agrees. Which just shows this game is going downhill.
Yes, which completely destroyed another way. For example, who cares about the objectives or team spirit. Now its like, oh yah exp. Any lvling bg i have joined recently, its just non sense. its just as monatonus and noobish as before.
Strangely enough the leveling battles in the last couple of weeks have provided some of the best PvP I’ve seen in awhile. Several really close games with down to the last second could go either way outcomes. Sure there have been the occasional blowouts along the way, but for the most part it’s been some of the most fun I’ve had in a while. Better than any of the max level stuff I did in Legion.
(Haven’t done any max level PvP in BfA because I only have 1 max level char at iLvL 289 or so.)
People keep overgeneralizing, like both sides are all the same. There are nooby lvlers, griefing levelers, nooby twinks, griefing twinks. not all are the same. Yes. many twinks who are in it for the soul purpose of 1 shotting peeps, a stat template isnt in there best interest. So what. You cant please everyone, but those types of twinks dont need to be pleased. Its about a compromise. Something that appeal the most of both sides.