WTB Gold Cap Removal or Increase Please =)

Remove gold cap + make BMAH region-wide + put Black Qiraji Resonating Crystal on it.

I agree on all that except the Scarab Lord. Exclusive mount should stay exclusive.

Like my chicken… (magic rooster)

I agree tho if you want another gold sink make bmah region wide ^.^

Ita ok Myle, surreally just doesnt understand

Greetings friend! Can I interest you in the TRIP OF A LIFETIME? I just happen to have this submarine I made…

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Interesting tell me more friend!

I play on a wireless xbox controller will that be a problem?

Wait, guild bank is only 10m too?

It would still be exclusive if only 1 person in the entire region could buy it every few months for the most gold and arguably this would make it even more difficult to get than it was during vanilla/classic.

Sadly no which if funny because 10m as a mythic guild doesnt get you far =\

would also be a better gold sink too =)

I love the only argument people can come up with for the gold cap is that it would make the BMAH worse…

which will accomplish what exactly?

We would need player housing for that, right? So we can buy literal gold sinks?


Player housing would be a great gold sink. Take a note from Runescape

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Then again they tried to do something like housing with garissons, but it failed spectacularly.

mail it to another toon? This is the weirdest flex i’ve seen in a while

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Weird flex

Yeah Illadin was not hitting any of that all, DH have their powers by being cringelord virgins