WTB Gold Cap Removal or Increase Please =)

zulian tiger is not rare , brutosaur was removed from the game entirely it has not being on bmah since june 14 hotfix 2021 ,and they wont acknowledge this , let that sink in .


that sinks been in since warlords

I only have 2.3m can I have some gold?

get them to increase the gold cap then sure =)

auction house addons need to disappear.

bump it up


Body is Clear.

sure as soon as i get a dev response =)

Think because you’re rich they’re going to respond to you? Anyways I used all my reports on this thread for spamming. Let it die.

Continuing the discussion from Forum Guidelines & Information:

noted =) so i cant bump only talk on the subject. =) thanks for the info

You’re not going to get one on a suggestion. They make note of them and add them for consideration. All internal. You’ve made the suggestion, and it now no longer has anything to do with you.

true, but nothing wrong with keeping it a point of discussion =) Ive edited the post based on porwas and kaleberry suggestions and i definately appreciate all the info

Also consider the fact that with cross erver trading nothing is really needed for a realm based economy

can’t you put gold into guild banks? you don’t need other players in your guild.

guild bank is only 10m cap too… and that would just be more work

5-7-5 actually, and I think its syllables, not words for haiku.

Turns out im the dumb one ^.^

/gentle pat on the head.

K but it’s gonna cost you all your gold.

You see that myle, shes charging all the money for your head pats

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