WTB Gold Cap Removal or Increase Please =)

feats of strength are irrelevant and dont give any fake internet points

so in the words of Lord Dio…

useless, Useless, USELESS!!!

oh so you are a collecting of numbers

sí, soy todo acerca de los números

gold sinks only exist for those who aren’t hardcore achievement hunting…

To be fair I am sitting on my gold… There is nothing to buy.

Why would they waste the time and energy on a change that only 0.01% of players will see?

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I can understand if it took away development time… but let be honest its most likely a 10 second code change. So if no time or energy is wasted why not?


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take war resources apply that code to gold cap and change resource name =P

copy paste code is a blizzard specialty

at least it “Should” be

whether its an easy code change or not, the only conceivable consequence of removing the goldcap is even further ruining economies. im gonna say no, chief

the money exists whether there is a goldcap or not =P has zero impact on the “economy”

if anything people hording the gold versus spendin it keeps prices down =P

makes since too for guild banks too

So about that cap increase

WoW should introduce taxes on gold wealth so that Azeroth could maintain social services such as orphanages, mental health care and weapons for our Warsong & Frostwolf veterans, and other similar programs.


i only financially suppose worgen and vulpera. And the leftovers go to pandaren.

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and this is murca… you gotta pay for that sweet sweet healthcare

Veterens tho deserve it

bump it up