WTB Gold Cap Removal or Increase Please =)

Oh my god…

You’ve spent that much on WoW!? You could have spent that one Black Desert or Lost Ark and one piece of sweet loot! And you wasted it all on a Vulpera?!

You should be playing a proper race like Draenei!

I mean i could have put that all into a fur-suit too… but as a legit furry… those are cringe af =P (not that we have much of a reputation to begin with)

-self burn-

Ohh and for the record… your one of us as a draenei

Draenei have no fur! So I’m not a member of the Suramar petting zoo.

Sorry to burst your bubble sweetheart … but you a furry =P

Pretty sure im the subject matter expert on at least that topic

That is some serious Scrooge McDuck problems there. Spend the gold.

That’s it?


Trust me i know im the problem… and i accept that.

10.1.5 will make things easier sure i terms of trading but still give me 100m gold cap <prefered unrestricted

they was going to do something with the points but they scraped that idea after they could not code it right or something

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Maybe one day (pepe hands)

I actually kind of hope you DO have that 134m for the sole reason that your sitting on it partially deflates the economy and makes other gold more worthwhile. Make sure to dump all that gold on vendor gold sinks and delete it from the economy for me please! We have a deluge of garrison and legion gold to get rid of :slight_smile:

“I got a feeling,
money is not for stealing,
that’s a lovely purse.”

none of that explains why the game should be adjusted so you can hold gold on just one character

Must farm those achievement points
Lest someone think Im a filthy casual
God forbid the thought bro

Also never heard of a haiku being 4-5-4

You can buy WoW tokens with gold, and get free stuff like transfers, shop mogs, shop pets, shop mounts and pay subs with tokens.

I’m thinking you might have a hording problem if you’re not willing to spend your accumulative gold.

Spoil yourself, 6 month subs gets you a mount.

I think you can also buy D4 with tokens too.

and i terms of mounts pets I already have every achievement related to them so i dont need anymore

you are missing mounts so you don’t have every achievement related to them - there are feats of strength related to some of those you are missing. Guess gold can’t buy everything.