No but it would make you strong enough to tank normals at your level with a healer specced for it. I’ve healed some boosted tanks with crap gear in ramps and BF And tanking ramps etc gives you gear to tank UB etc
So we want to add dual specialization to boost the amount of “tanks” in normal dungeons while leveling?
Or we want to add dual specialization to save money?
There is more than one good reason to add dual spec
troll shut up
Aye there is, and there’s more than one good reason not to add it as well.
Except making gold. That’s really tough.
Has anyone else never met somebody who was unironically for #nochanges ? i think they just were too lazy
as a shaman that carries a healing set of gear besides what i use as enhancement, my paladin lugs around gear for all 3 aspects of the class… and yes, it does get expensive for someone who plays alts like each is a main and doesn’t buy gold.
for one, my response was to the previous poster going off tangent about healers and respeccing. second, you say retail. the wait for a tank on retail is far shorter than trying to pug a tank in tbc. source? 16yrs experience of playing retail as every class and spec and replaying it in classic. finding a tank in classic takes almost as long as waiting for av queue to pop as horde. lots of times, i forget i even queued for av and get it just as you get going in a dungeon.
Actually we very much were. You really need to look at the post history of “No boost” threads on this forum. They exploded with protest. Were you under a rock at this time?
no, i was probably busy actually playing the game instead of spending every minute in the forums just waiting to see if someone replies to a trollish response.
So, you seem to have this impression that people who tank, want to tank because they like it. Quite shockingly, a lot of tanks, especially warriors, do it out of necessity. PvP is in a very bad state for horde, and the only way I can do decent in PvP, is by grinding norms/heroics. I never intended to tank in TBC, but I was kinda forced to.
Most tanks do not tank because they want to, its because there is more to gain out of it than be a dps warrior that almost no one wants in a group unless you have friends.
Your logic is that ABSOLOUTELY NO ONE will decide to tank if dual spec was offered, is that more or less what you’re saying? Just trying to make sure I’m not confused at what is being said.
Small sample size but there are 3 other tanks in my guild, they all raid and grind heroics on the daily. All of them would really like dual spec so they can switch to it when they want to PvP or do world content. It isn’t possible for me to do world pvp or bg’s as a prot warrior, I mean, I can, but I’m pretty darn weak and don’t do much damage. Kinda defats the purpose of crafting Deep Thunder after days of grinding.
Right. Something is always a “troll” when you get called out on it. Just as everything is a “troll” when they don’t agree with you. The rules of the internet.
You want dual spec so you can save money, There is nothing impeding you from respecing… it is available in the game. You want unlimited respecs for a small one time fee
I give up I guess. I suppose from my perspective it doesn’t really matter. That I should constantly seek people out and tell them I’ll charge 100g to cover my respec costs if I’m going to tank. Perhaps it is my fault for not charging people… I see my error now. Thanks.
What happens when you no longer need badges? You stop tanking dungeons? Or out of the goodness of your heart you continue to run heroics and tank for others because you just love tanking?
I tank because I quite enjoy it actually. Which is why I have two druids, a warrior, and a Paladin who all solely tank right now. Just as I have two priests currently that heal as I enjoy the role and play them all to their fullest as they are.
I can’t speak for him, but I will speak for myself, you do not indeed have to tank for “necessity”. Which is the point I’ve made before. You’ll sit in queue like I do on my ret Paladin, but the moment you decide you don’t want to wait you’ll give your screen some dramatic eye roll as you announce that you’ll tank. And you’ll tank only for yourself. That is the big problem. Many like you will take on the off role only when you can’t snipe the resources of the community and you just don’t want to wait anymore.
We don’t need those kind of tanks or healers. The very solution to the problem is already out there. We spec’d tank in the beginning and tanking is what we do. We spec’d healer at level 10 and healed our way through. That is what the community needs, a steady stream of tanks and healers constantly and consistently tanking. Unlike myself most of those who already tank refuse to do it for anyone but the guild because the community is hot garbage. Most given Dual Spec will do a PvP and PvE DPS spec. They won’t even consider a tank or heal spec. And they won’t tank or heal for the community, they’ll do it exclusively for themselves and for their guild or friend network.
This is a community problem. Not a Dual Spec problem. If you want to tank, get out there and tank. Stop making excuses for it as there are none. Simply put.
Do you want to tank?
Raids exist, Alterac Valley as well where the last boss needs a tank to kill it. It helps for the most part.
Dual specs would be amazing but I can also see how it will never happen.
Mate, it is clear that you’re being subjective in your thought process when you started off by saying that you tank because you enjoy it. Hey, more power to you, honestly. I actually don’t mind tanking that much, but I imagine as a prot pala it is significantly easier to hold aggro and probably more enjoyable.
That being said, I just find it odd that you’d assume that the playerbase will all go from having a PvE spec, to exclusively a PvP spec then with their other talents. Not all players PvP, not all all players PvE.
So even if we can increase the tank population ever so slightly, we shouldn’t do it because the cons outweigh the pros?
I can also see how it will never happen.
It will. For sure in wotlk. Debatable in TBC.