WTB 450, 500, 550, and 600 Mount Achievements

Not overwhelming them with high-number achievements doesn’t make sense anyway, since for these types of achievement, the next one only becomes visible once you’ve completed the current one.

You aim for 50 as shown in the achievements pane, and then once you get it, it shows you the next amount to aim for. It’s not like they’re all listed there from the get-go.

That’s just an excuse from Blizzard, and a very poor one.


Not saying I agree with it- just what I heard. I for one, would like to see achievements through at least 600, preferably higher for mounts. There’s plenty of options for rewards.


pretty sure there are folks with 700 mounts, granted, probably a handful, but i’m sure they exist. achievements should meet those chosen ones as well, rather than already be behind the bleeding edge. 600 is no joke either, i still havent gotten there… :slight_smile:


I haven’t really done much collecting in years. The last time I was what I would consider a “Hardcore” collector was in MoP. I got every TBC mount still obtainable and was making good progress on WotLK before I stopped playing in WoD. Since my return I didn’t really do much with how busy I was with all the other content in the game. As of SL I REALLY got back in to collecting. In less then 2 months I collected 122 mounts between SL, BFA and some WoD. As someone who is edging up there by taking advantage of the expansion that added the most mounts in history It is crazy to me that they haven’t added a new mount achieve since 8.0 (BFA’s launch)

I think Blizz is going the wrong way here. Instead of putting more focus on mainline content to be everyone primary goals things like mount collecting, Lore Master, Open world meta achievements and so on should have rewards to show off a players dedication. In MoP I did Daily Quest Achievements in Townlong steppes because it gave the elusive Onyix Cloud Serpent. In SL many people did EVERYTHING associated with open world content in Korthia and the Maw to obtain one of the 4 new hand mounts. If you haven’t done it some of that grind was pretty mindless.

So more we say. More, More, More!


Just came back after a 6 month break from the game and I have to say I’m pretty disappointed that there has been no progress on these achieves…


Our friend Xanlorash made a post on the new Community Council forums (Regarding Mount & Pet Collection Achievements!).

Hopefully that got some more visibility at least. Not sure if someone is able to bump it to the top of the forum as well?


Hope we see some achieves in one of these 9.2 PTR builds.

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It would be nice if they just said, we hear you. It’s been years at this point.


yeah. they need to put in new stuff for achievements. new mounts and stuff. who knows what will happen in the new world.


when i have leftover mounts i don’t need, i sell them in the auction house. i find some from missions. this happens rarely.


i know this a long time ago. i got a mount from hearthstone i played back in those recent years. but it is the truth. feat achievements are hidden.


Will we see these achieves in 9.2.5?

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I doubt it.


On the player stats pane of the Achievements used to give total mounts your toon could use, then they removed that.


This topic needs to stop being posted.

The number of players who want this represent less than 1% of Community. The number of players who would be upset about an “impossible” time sink achievement being added are well over 10% of Community. I have played the game since day one and even do not have 600 Unique Mounts Collected, and I have spent thousands of hours grinding to have the ones that I have now. It is not “feasible” and comes down to simple RNG or the players who abuse the system to have the maximum number of kills against a given rare.

In addition, I do not even think the majority of players asking for this have thought ahead far enough to consider what it would mean for them - Sure, you may have an achievement magically appear in your box (in which case what is the point other than you wanting to be able to “FLEX”). For everyone else who wants this as something to push towards:

The Rares that drop mounts would be hunted to extinction. It would mean new players could never find the rare they want (looking at you Horseman in Maw) and would mean experienced players would have to do nothing but sit AFK at mount spawns since realm hop methods would never work. The people asking for this achievement are asking for more people to have to sit afk and not play - and that leads to more players QUITTING.

If you want vanity - Statistics Tab shows how much unique mounts you have. You do not need an achievement that will drive everyone but you insane. And IF this was added, this should become a Feat of Strength as the definition of those is achievements that a normal average player could never obtain - and I challenge any player asking for this to create a new account, and grind out 600-Mounts in 1-Year. You can even take a year off work to do it - You MIGHT be successful if you do nothing but grind for those mounts and use alts.

It’s not possible. It’s not realistic. Stop Asking : = )

Edit: It should be noted I have more mounts than everyone on this thread but three other people, and I could have more than all but one of them. This opinion is coming from a person who would get free achievements. But I can look beyond my own nose and see that it would be damaging to community even more than most current mount grinds have been.

Actually, no it doesn’t. That was removed quite a while back.

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Interesting - My apologies, been so long since I checked.

This is kind of hilarious to be honest. Blizzard consciously made the choice to spend time and remove the ability to show vanity on battle-pets and mounts beyond achievement. And yet in so many threads same people asking for more achievements to be consciously added into the game…?

GG for those hoping for 500/550/600 Achievements. We have a sooner chance of the PvP Rated Achievements all being moved to FoS like the Season Specific Ones… And that’ll never happen XD

As someone with 595 unique mounts… no :smiley: I’ll ask for whatever I want.

Shadowlands added over 100 mounts alone. BfA was around 80-something. There should be at the very least a 450 and 500, maybe even a 550 achievement.

If you don’t want to see these requests then don’t click on the threads.

Btw, there are 809 possible mounts. If we subtract the mounts we can’t get anymore and ones you have to spend money on, it breaks down to this:

31 Shop mounts
12 Promotional
7 Recruit-A-Friend
17 Trading Card Game
5 Challenge Mode
2 Brawler’s Guild
27 Gladiator
14 og epic mounts
8 misc mounts removed from the game (like ZA bear, black proto-drake, etc.)
3 Keystone Master

So a brand new player could start collecting today and without spending a dime or worrying about mounts removed from the game they could get roughly 679 mounts. I might be off by a couple because the website I’m using is slow to update so we’ll say 670 for error.

670 mounts. No money spent, no removed mounts.

Asking for a 600 achievement is not unreasonable.



How many of those 670 Mounts have a less than 1% drop chance and weekly lockout? I would estimate about 200? If so, than poor new player has to do NOTHING but farm same raids and world bosses over and over again for upwards of 2-Years to one achievement?

You may as well add a 5 Million Honor Kill achievement. There are players who have that many, surely makes sense for “new players” it also would take less time than farming 600 new mounts from scratch. Most of my guild members are new and have 80-160 so this achievement would be a slap in their face.

Furthermore, as a collector, I can say confidently that we don’t need achievement to motivate us. We will keep farming away and making our own goals to stay engaged. New players who see stuff like this…? They will quit at a time we NEED new players to revigorate game as more and more veterans are quitting.

Adding this achievement is pointless for us, and harms community for majority. Sure, I would love a cool new unique Mount for my hard work. But you could easily add that for say “Assemble the Drakes” and have that poor new player only have to collect say 20-50 new mounts. Or “Assemble the Aqua Force”.

Arguing for a 600 Point Achievement over a bunch of smaller “collection” ones only proves you want to have things others cannot get, and that makes these selfish and not gonna ever ever happen :wink:

Citation needed.

p.s. ROFL at this:

There are not 200 mounts with less than 1%. The ones I can recall off the top of my head are:

  • Sha
  • Nalak
  • Oon
  • Galleon
  • Ruhk
  • Lich King
  • Soundless
  • Infinite Timereaver

Love Rocket probably won’t be on that list anymore.