WTB 450, 500, 550, and 600 Mount Achievements

I see Blizzard keeps up with almost everything else but doesn’t seem to care too much about praising hardcore mount achievers. Can we get achievements that keep up with current expansions for those that put forth the effort?

I, personally, would be able to achieve 450 and 500, almost 550. But, I am far off from 600, although there are some achievers that most likely are close or actually do have 600 rideable by a single character (probably like .0001% of players lol).


100% agreed! I would love it if Blizzard added more mount collection achievements to the game. I’m personally nearing 500 mounts myself on my main that I can use.

I also think Blizzard should change the mount total number in-game on the mount pane to count only mounts you can ride on that character only.

Instead of having the total amount you have on both your Alliance and Horde characters. This would ease confusion and give players a better idea of the actual amount of mounts that they can use on their mains instead of seeing the number we have total on both Alliance and Horde.


I agree as well and made a few posts about it. dataforazeroth (link below) gives an idea of where people are at with their collections. The top 43 people are at 600 or above so I think they should add 650 and even 700 since chances are the mounts will be reskins anyway. It would be cool to see those achieves become attainable and to watch the first people get them (and even better if they kept it going and added achieves quicker over time).

Here’s a few ideas for rewards
450 - green/fel version of grove defiler
500 - spectral shackled urzul
550 - red version of brutosaur (without vendors)
600 - white/black striped zulian tiger
650 - red glacial tidestorm
700 - icy/blue ashes of alar

and if they want a unique mount that fits the collection theme - a chariot pulled by 4 of your favorite mounts (even better, with the option to pick which 4 mounts)

Other reward options could be things like:

  • 20% mount speed increase in world content
  • access to an island with your mounts on it. similar to a small garrison
  • access to a vendor that sells previous expansion bonus rolls for low amounts of gold



Your ideas are genius. I like all the ideas you have for sure. I feel like they should have a ground mount and a flying mount though, as rewards for achievements, as you start getting into 500+ achievements. I mean, even years from now these achievements will be very hard to obtain in a “quick” manner, regardless if you have all day everyday to play or a million alts to farm old content.

These all would be absolutely gorgeous mounts! But, I agree with what you said next as well about having mounts truly unique to top end collectors, like a chariot, or something that cannot be seen, reskinned, or obtained anywhere else in game.


“a chariot pulled by 4 of your favorite mounts (even better, with the option to pick which 4 mounts)”

nerdboner alert

you’re other suggestions are phenomenal, especially the bonus ones


Majority of this games reward structure is mounts. How they don’t keep these up to date is beyond me.


Yes please!! Been way over the current “cap” for a while and would instantly get a 500 as it is.

If they wait till the expansion after SL, which seems likely at this point, many collectors will be soooo far above it.


Dear God, NO!

At the current level, there is not a SINGLE new player who could hope to join the game and obtain these in their lifetime. It is no longer reasonable to keep adding.


These achievements are clearly not for new players but with your attitude they shouldn’t add ANY new grindable cosmetics or achievements at all. By your logic they should bother adding in any new mounts at all.

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sooooo there shouldn’t be…

500 honor level
100 exalted reps
What a long, strange trip It’s been
Toybox Tycoon
Realm First! [insert]
The Bloodthirsty
Hero of the [insert Gladiator season title]
Notorious Gladiator
Warbround Veteran of the Alliance


my stance on these achievements is pretty simple, the cap should be at the number of mounts obtainable assuming a new player jumps in (so not counting removed mounts) and without having to buy mounts from the store/bmah

I believe that 450, 500 and maybe even 550 are reasonable within these conditions


We’ve needed new tier achvs for mounts ever since the middle of Legion, I think its very unfair and neglectful of Blizz to keep ignoring the “collector” playerbase.


That’s not our problem.
Some things are ment to take a while and been an achievement you know like the name suggests


Even 600 is easily achieved


not so sure about that if you exclude store and tcg mounts, or even some of the unobtainable vicious saddles

but 550 is indeed very well obtainable currently


I have over 600 and still many more to get these should be something people strive for.
Not handed out because they play 5 hours on a weekend.


which statistic are you using to track it?

simple armory

simplearmory would cap about a dozen below 600 if you leave out the 50+ store, tcg and promotional mounts

I mean yeah 600 is ‘easily’ obtainable if you throw enough real money at it so if p2w is your thing good for you I guess

Cool story can i have my 600 mount achievement now?