You are just totally ignoring everything I explained to you at this point. You’re not a pvper so I can’t expect you to understand a more in depth explanation of the bg. All you want is honor so you don’t care but whine when other players use more in depth strategies to win. Crazy it’s almost like playing a video game
You’re mad because you’re bad. You want to dumb down the game so everyone can play at your level, instead of you know, learning the map and the jumps, it doesn’t take a long time to learn them.
Fax no printer
gaming hehehe
They are exploits and unintentional, and some can only be accessed by certain classes and see, eg, jumping through the fence ally side. Blizzard doesn’t care and fixed a few blindspot exploits but both sides have them. They are cheesy as speed pots, and as wow was never about timing jumps and terrain par qor, it’s become common and accepted, Ya when ally spend 30min just running in circles and slips through the fence at 15% ditching the Tauren and getting away Scott free. That’s cheese not skill.
People who play wsg tho always play female chars for the fence. Like it is what it is my dude, classic is not a balanced game. Games do not need inbreakable balance to be fun. Anyone can learn the jumps and level engi if you want to play wsg beyond playing for a few kills
I’m a lvl 19 twink priest, just saying when it’s obviously dragging out a game it’s cheesy, like I said it’s like using speed pots to get away, cheesy but not against tos, just got to adapt, and we’ll. Fence, don’t stop this toon, but I don’t have dexterity to perform the jumps. The big reason I play WoW is that it’s not finger movement intensive, of course if your young and map your keys and have that skill then yes your more skilled than me, but I’m geared a d I’ve played 1000s of matches in wsg, sometimes it’s better to die oom and rezz to heal your fc then survive and drink, Blizzard fixed the obvious terrain exploits that blatantly violated tos, but as far as skill jumps go they can be easily countered by a good team and both sides are balanced better by them. I hate them but accept it as community choice.
now…I find this interesting coming from a horde player. And it’s even more interesting that horde players are the ones that have been doing this. Now Does ally do this? Yes, but not often. However I’m not sure about this know in SoM, I haven’t tried doing BG’s at all. Horde end up doing this most of the time. We (well I know I did) saw streamers doing this throughout the closed beta when they brought in BG’s.
This is why changes should have been made. Content was exploitable, known bugs back then were indeed used, just not to this degree with how much the masses didn’t really want to play the game as intented or play fair.
The problem with a lot of vanilla players now is they think everyone should be playing classic the way people did back in 2004. This is never going to happen even if blizzard tried to force people to do so. Blizzard knows about the wsg jumps and they aren’t going anywhere. As I stated above they add an element of depth to the bg. (Barring out of bounds griefing)
Couldn’t be further from the truth. There is no point speaking with you, you’ll never see anything other than the way you have determined it.
That’s fine. Don’t respond to me anymore. Go about your business getting farmed in wsg by people who like to play it
Bringing back classic was to play the game as intended. If blizzard knew about all these pathing glitches they would have been mostly fixed in actual vanilla. Also having to decide your race/gender based on which jumps and ducks you can perform is restrictive to the fantasy intention of the game.
Im for changes, add more paths to the map that arent used by 5%> of the playerbase and allow complexity to flow for the general player, not restrict them
Not at all.
The only reason Classic Era exists is to protect Blizzard’s intellectual property.
Everything beyond that is window dressing.
If too much of that window dressing falls off then its unpopularity might make it unattractive to maintain. Not gonna happen for awhile but could.
You are calling for a change to the entire bg because you want to fantasize as a different race.
You are claiming 5%of the player base use these extremely simple to learn jumps but have provided no data or evidence it is 5%.
Gg can’t wait for the next non pvpers opinion on why he knows more about wsg.
A delicious example of irony.
Because that would require them to pay one guy a few hours pay to readjust the invisible walls on those maps. That’s a lot for a multi billion dollar company.
Or just get good
Ayyye ladd ya got me good there
you’re literally arguing just to argue…
you claim you would win more if the jumps get removed, and it would benefit you…
But then you claim to “get good” you need to learn these “simple jumps”
Which is it??? You’re literally arguing both sides and you’re too stupid to realize it.