WSG "skill jumps" -- why can't these be fixed?

“skill jump” stans needs not apply. Many will say “going out of bounds is an exploit, but all other jumps are okay”

How is that logical? it’s all the same mechanic to get to those spots. If you “skill jump” you can get virtually anywhere you want:

  • out of bounds on the side of the map (middle)
  • out of bounds on the horde side above the base
  • on top of the horde side sawmill
  • on top of the horde side rock near the instance entrance.

probably dozens of others.

Being able to jump up the GY, and then directly through the fence is the exact same thing, being able to jump / walk through the fence. Many pvpers will choose their race/gender specifically for ease of walking through the fence…female orc / dwarf much easier than anything else. Tauren is a lot easier to jump over the fence etc.

What is the point of having a fence if all of this is allowable ?!


The fact that these haven’t been fixed shows Blizzard’s hatred of their customers.


No no.
All is fair in love and war(craft).

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Lol this gave me a chuckle.

Your basic couple of fence/hill jumps are fine because you can still hit them from there in both melee/ranged. Out of bounds jumps are another story. Without jumps there would literally be only 3 linear directions you can take the flag from point a to point b. The jumps are fine and add depth. We literally just got done with classic summer bowl and blizzard saw all the jumps. They aren’t going anywhere


you can’t hit anyone on top of the alliance tunnel when they are in the corner…and come on, its virtually impossible to hit anyone on top of the horde tunnel can just strafe left / right over the pitch

There are literally 3 angles you can take and be on alliance 2nd level of tunnel. It has never beeen a problem for my guys anyways

Sure, you can get on top of tunnel from the 2nd level, but jumping up the walls, how is that not an exploit???

Summer Rules:

  • Players may not access “Safe Spots”.
    • Safe Spots are defined as areas of the map accessed by performing a jump or series of jumps with an end point that could not be reached without the series of jumps. Generally, most known jumps that skip between 2 tiers that are otherwise reachable is acceptable. In case of doubt, reach out to an admin.
    • Called out restricted Safe Spots:
      • Berserker & Leaf hut roof
      • On top of entrance arch to “Banana” (ramp to upper tier of base)
    • Players deemed to be abusing Safe Spots are subject to disqualification from the match.
  • Players are not allowed to use the ‘Character Stuck’ feature during a match. Using this feature would lead to disqualification.

Why can’t they make these inaccessible in game then???


These things ruin classic and should have been fixed at launch. This isn’t something that blizzard is unaware of.

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I literally played in the tournament bro, they aren’t gonna remove jumps bc they are aware there is a WSG community

“wsg community”

a group of ~200 people who will be angry they can no longer cheese every single game as drood


Where are your facts the community is 200 people? How are jumps cheesing? Was the entire tournament just cheesed? Are you better than these players bc you don’t jump?

In classic the way honor works your incentive is to play a lot, and get the most HPH which would be the fastest wins you can get.

Basically – removing those things would impede your ability to win games as quickly as currently possible. Other than that, what is the actual benefit? There is none.

Unless you are saying you can’t win without a druid running up a wall, which is probably more accurate.


My friend, there are people who play wsg for fun and not just honor. If you are currently ranking right now and all you care about is hph you aren’t a real pvper anyways. Projecting with your last sentence doesn’t change the fact that there are people who play wow solely for wsg and/or que up BGs for fun and to win

“play for fun” = play using every jump / exploit possible.

It’s really obvious that you would more often get “fairer” or at least games where teams have a better chance if a single druid couldn’t perform many of the jumps in the game right now.


It will be impossible to explain to you why jumps add depth to the game. I can tell you aren’t an actual pvper by nature. If you remove the jumps my team would actually completely steamroll everyone without a challenge.

Explain to me how the alliance tunnel roof, sitting in the corner where you cant be hit from anything unless you get up there yourself adds any sort of benefit to the game?

And now apparently after advocating for all of the jumps, you somehow think they make you worse off overall :joy: :joy: :joy:


Let me explain it for you

If you remove the jumps, then there is only ever going to be 2 linear paths ab FC can make back into their base. That would be into the tunnel or up their ramp. With jumps there are paths to take 5 at each base. So in essence nobody on the other team would ever get a flag across our team again, ever, because the FC pathing would be laughably predictable because we wouldn’t have to spread out anymore to cover the map. We would just immediately fap and dogpile the Druid and sapper. Would be hilariously easy every single game

So it’s impossible for any other pre-made on planet earth to outplay you within the confines of the game if you remove jumps?

It’s impossible for your team to ever make a mistake because there are only two paths.

It’s impossible for there to be any RNG on crits / procs from gear in the game?

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as crazy as this may sound, yes.

My ranker 10 man on som didn’t lose a single game our entire rank. That’s just how som was, classic we would lose to a couple teams. There was only 1 team in all of som that was even remotely challenging and that was Gooner/Retrntogulke team. Yes, when I tell you it would be that much easier I am telling you the truth. No we wouldn’t make any mistakes at all because there are less mistakes to be made when there are only 2 paths