What don’t you understand about jumps being in will give good teams the ability to juke other teams? I want good competition bro, I don’t want to zone in and instantly frag the FC every game with zero issues because it’s totally predictable where he has to go? Do you have a competitive bone in your body?
No I get it…you want rules that benefit you. It’s been a very obvious argument you’ve been making, but it contradicts a lot of what you have said which is hilarious, and you literally don’t even realize it still.
How does it benefit me when it adds resistance to my team when I’m up against another good team? I don’t think you even read half of my posts besides the first sentence.
How often does that happen?
On som? Not very often. In classic? Every other game. Just because there are less potent pvp players on som changes nothin tho
Yeah, they “hate” america too! Or… they are just lead by a bunch of idiots and this isn’t a priority because it doesn’t generate any immediate money.
I know, right!?!
You are literally asking for a change that benefits you, someone that hasn’t put thousands of hours into vanilla WSG, while telling someone that has that they want special rules.
Reading this convo hurt my brain. Weekend BG Andys that play WSG once every 4 weeks demanding fixes for things that don’t need to be touched. Been playing only WSG since 2016 and I’m bad at jumps. I just go around.
Deja Vu Earthfury. Nice to see that tag again. Even though I know everyone has moved on it’s still nice to see it.
I joined Deja as a social but they did let me go with them to clear AQ on the first week and helped me finish my rank. Im very gateful to those dad gamers.
Because blizz is too lazy to fix anything pvp related. Plain and simple.
Not a matter of skill really, some classes / races are just flat out better for these than others by a lot. For example my female characters can make all the jumps and hops, but SOME of my male characters cannot.
The class does not matter at all. The race can, however. That’s just vanilla
Class mechanics can make some of the hops an order of magnitude easier because dash, sprint, travel form, aspect of the pack, ghost wolf all provide movement increases making them trivial.
Druid forms make then a bit easier but you can still mirror all Druid jumps as whatever class. Ghost wolf takes too long to cast and you lose momentum
There’s probably a good argument to be made for making the existing “jumps” easier, so that average players can utilize them without so much “practice”. For example, they could make a more clear gap in the fence above tunnel on both sides, and add clear paths up to GY on both sides with a standard jump incorporated.
We’ve all been in those games where only a handful of the players even know how to execute the jump, and this leaves the rest of the players frustrated. Also, as an experienced player that utilizes jumps, I don’t personally enjoy the need to re-try certain difficult to execute jumps just because I didn’t get the angle just perfect.
I feel like Halo has may good examples of maps with tricks like sniper spots that experience players can utilize, but inexperienced players can mimic and utilize right away without weeks of practice.
as others have said, what’s the point of having barriers there if they can be glitched around? This sounds like someone who liked to cheat defending others who cheat. They should be fixed or just get rid of the fences all together.
there are clear gaps in the fences - the ones you’re intended to go through. Ones you’re not intended to go through should be fixed.