WSG "skill jumps" -- why can't these be fixed?

Yes… At least you admit that. Thank you.

If you read the EULA section on cheating and exploits, pre-mades and the wall jump seem like they fit the criteria. In the end, it’s Blizzard’s call… But these are the reasons many players are taking up the issue.

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Apparently the devilsaur mafia was cheating as well. We had a GM tell us personally in guild it wasn’t. Times change

The friendship is magic premade fantasy wasn’t selling.


There was a Japanese gameshow thet had people compete - who could hold an enema the longest?

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How long did you make it?


I drew the short straw… I had to give the enemas.

“I’ll do it, but you’ll have to give me a week to come up with the $10,000.”

End of Story:

The only people who are in favor of the “skill jumps” are the 1% of players who benefit from them and it helps them win games significantly more easily, or troll the other team by griefingthem for hours by getting outside of the map with the flag where no one can hit them.

“JuSt RePoRt ThEm”

You’d never see a r14 druid if that worked.


You still are griping from an emotional standpoint. Empty words

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bro…you clearly are. You bring up all these reasons about how it benefits you personally.

In the grand scheme of wow it does not benefit even close to a majority of the playerbase.


It benefits everyone. You have every reason why I have stated above. I’m not going to argue if you are going to bicker like a child and refuse to understand the facts

And you aren’t?

Protip: you are.


I provided the information for the subject at hand. He is speaking from emotion

As are you.

Protip: enjoying winning at all costs is an emotion.

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That’s the point of competition. That’s why people play games/sports

What emotion? lmfao. Bro. Please how something in the game a very limited number of people can do benefits everyone?

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What do you mean bro. The jumps are easy. Why don’t you go learn them? Or just put on a rocket helm and use it to get up. Use your brain. Literally can’t even comprehend why you are arguing over something that is so easy to learn. I guess you aren’t much of a pvper anyways and can’t be bothered.

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dont get so emo…

Google the wsg jumps videos. You’ll be up that hill in 5 secs I promise

you are too emotionally attached to this. You can’t even consider another side of the argument.

I’ve said I see the merit in having it…if you have a team with a druid, it makes winning 10000x easier. However, for the majority of players it adds absolutely zero value.

You saying removing it makes it harder makes absolutely no sense at all. IF a premade is playing a pug, pugs are not going to be able to even have a chance to keep up with someone jumping through a fence with the flag. And have virtually zero chance at even getting a single HK that way.

It provides virtually no benefit to the greater group of WSG players…you very clearly NEED IT to win faster.

In a game where you have one incentive to rank which is getting the best HPH…if you claim it would be easier to win without jumps then you would be advocating so hard to make that change, bc then the game is faster and easier to win.

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