WSG Premades - Force to Face Other Premades

I think this needs to be done now. It is not fun being qued into a WSG or any PvP match which sets a 10 group premade vs randoms. Make them only face other 10 mans ques. Even if it makes their que longer. It is an unfair advantage to guarantee 2-3 healers vs a random group of people. Make the brackets like this:
1-3 = Solo que
4-6 = Premade 5
7-10 = Premade 10

It is only fair to set it up this way. Otherwise it is a waste of time.

Update Trial

I have Solo Qued in the last hour.
1 game pug vs pug
6 games premade vs my pug.

I went 1 and 7. Lost all games 3-0 capped to the premades. This is not fun Blizzard.


I like this idea.

Alliance are already waiting 5-10 minutes in queue. Lets make these changes and increase that to solid 20. A few months of 20 minute wsg queues will do wonders for faction balance.


hell yeah brother

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It’s actually currently completely fair. Everyone has the same access to queue solo or with up to 9 other people. There is no unfairness about this.

I think there is a definite disparity between teams with and without healers, and this may really be the crux of the issue. A premade has the ability to select its comp, while a pug can be formed without any healers.

So separate queues
signup roles upon engaging, like dungeon finder but for WSG

yep not going to happen.

Look this system is not hard to implement. If League of Legends can have a system set up for a Duo group to do Rank, then why cant a developer spend maybe a few hours to create a code that literally states the following:

Fill Alliance/Horde up to 10 people > 1-3 people que match with equal or up to 5 group > 5-7 group match equal or less to 5-7 group > 8-10 group match only equal to 8-10 group.

The coding is not going to take long and would solve all the issues. Part of the randomness of Solo que is you do not know who you get with you. But premades, you get 2 priests, 1 druid (FC), 5 Hunters, Fill in final 2 spots with a filler.

Its not fun to face off vs a premade, unless you’re also a premade. Then we have real fun and that is enjoyable. It is when you have no communication and its a FFA vs an organized party, that is not fun. This is a game about Fun, not challenging you. Play retail in arena as an off meta pick if you want to focus on difficulty/challenges.


Not saying it’s a good or bad suggestion. Just saying that’s I’ve heard this argument for years and I don’t think it’ll ever change.

So how do you que up 6 people vs 6 people?

7 vs 7?

Do you stick pugs in the empty slots or do you launch the game half empty

i mean the idea is you fill with the people to match 10 once you have a 5-7 group. There are plenty of solo que players. the issue is when you get a small group or solo que players vs a 10 man premade.

That’s not the idea.

That is under the premise that 7 friends find 3 randoms to q with which is the same as having 3 pugs

Yeah, I wish they’d do something to make solo queue less frustrating. I’d love to shoot for a decent pvp rank, but it looks like it’ll be another farm or be farmed experience like in 2019 Classic. It’s disappointing – pug vs pug BGs are some of my most fun memories of the original game, and it sucks that it can’t be recreated because Blizzard won’t make the sweats fight other sweats and actually work for their ranks. You’d think now that “No Changes” is firmly in the past, people would quit using the “it’s always been this way, deal with it” excuse for why Blizzard shouldn’t improve things.

If you want to premade, you should face premade groups. That is the jest of this post. Solo Que should only group with other Solo Que players. Having a system of groups vs non group is poor design and only caters to the ego’s of people who have the organized groups vs the non-organized groups.

I did not want to have a Duo get qued vs a 10 man as 2 people cannot organize enough to change an outcome in a 10 man BG. So I wanted to keep the 1-3 people with Solo Que so you could have a friend in an MMORPG. The idea is to cater to Solo, Duos/Trios, and Premade groups.

I prefer to do battle in WSG with a premade vs premade. It is not fun to farm at GY. If you like that play style, I think you’re part of the problem in this game.

I think you have a wildly inaccurate view of what I like

I’ve been playing warsong for years even before classic in organized sweaty scenarios.

They need to add RBGs that yield 3x the rep/honor gains. That is 105 rep per cap vs 35 in a random bg.

500 rep a win nearly.

This will pull many premades looking for honor and rep because the yield is so high even if they lose.

Premading like that in randoms while RBGs up is stupidly inefficient by 3x even if you lose.

I will be writing a thread when I get home tonight going into detail

the reality is most of these premades are bad at pvp, but want to beat even worse players then them.

its not about an equal playing field. its about stomping noobs.

hence why ranked mmorpg pvp never does well.
in ranked mmorpg pvp most of the actually really good players will stomp all these self proclaimed pvp gods, causing them to quit.

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They’ve been doing this with overwatch for years, they know how to do it.

Exactly, in the end the only ones playing rated, are always the same 20 sweaty neckbeards.

Bg’s in classic, should be a fun and relaxed environment, like bfd, which was tailored for pugs and casual guilds. Not this premade meta, that requires specific classes, specs, comms and gear.

Just force premade vs premade, without any extra reward or rated crap and they will go away in 1/2 weeks.

This idea that you have to group up, have specific communication channels and work your way through complex social skills in a mmo is outdated by like 20 years.

People are burn out of social media and online interaction. Just let players click queue and have 1h of relaxed but meaningful fun in bg’s, while battling randoms.

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Hmm… almost as if you’d have to play a Classic version of a game if that was what you wanted to experience.


No dude.

How do you fill out a game if a 7 man premade ques up and there’s another 7 man premade?

You have to use solo players or 2 ir 3 man groups.

How’s that gonna happen if solo players pair with solo players and 3 mans pair with 3 mans?

Just saying “premades should
Vs premades” is extremely shallow and does nothing and barely works.

RBGs is the answer and I’ll be writing a big thread about it tonight

Sorry to be the one delivering the bad news, but unless you have a collective rewind mind machine, you won’t ever ever have the same experience you had back in the early 00’s.
In the present 99% of people spend at least more than 2h a day looking to their magic screens, while social interacting.

Spending more time per day, in a third party software, talking with strangers is not fun and new anymore, is just boring and tiring.