Wrongfully suspended for chat abuse

this is getting ridicullous. Blizzard atm has oen of the WORST report systems online, with COUNTLESS cases of people gettign suspended due to the abuse that the report feature permits, not to mention the automatic “thourough” review of the cases…

Given the MILLIONS this company makes there is no REASON for this AMATEUR level of customer support and service, SPECIALLY when it comes to outsorcing customer support in India from people that never played the game and hardly speak english…ACTUALLY outrageous.

The power given to the repot system is creating a very opressive and censored comunity to levels of RIDICULOUSNESSS.

Playes are actively closing the chat box, removing themselvs form the “comunity” to avoid this opressive system.

I AM VERY carefull with the words i use jsut so i dont break the TOS, i am not violent, racist or homophopbic in my remarks btu i am what alot of people wrongfully categorize as “toxic”. If you are playing poorly and your performance affects MY outcome, i will tell you, if you did it wrong, i WILL tell you, if you ough to LEARN your class/role because you are negatively inpacting others, I WILL TELL YOU, and if you just plainely behave like a bot…i will call you one.

In no way shape or form this breaks TOS, it may anoy people, it my make people mad but then again peoples FEELINGs are not covered by TOS (and also people need to drop the whole special snowflake uniqueness syndrome and grow some resilience when it comes to dealing with criticism)

ALL OF THIS i also do it IRL, if someones performance has an impact on MY life, i WILL tell them so…the same way i accept when people critisize me, its normal, it doesnt put me down, i dont dwell on it or even complain about how it makes me feel, i will go around, learn, improve and evolve like a proper human being not made of paper …

Gettign suspended for “chat abuse” when all you did was critisice gameplay is outright ridiculous and is showcasign an abuse of the report system and is creating a TERRIBLY opressive comunity where you CANT say anything, disagree or critisize over the risk of being suspended.

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Welcome to the World of Warcraft. If you want to play here, you play by their rules. You’re openly admitting to being toxic, so it’s not a wrongful suspension. From the sound of it, the only abuse taking place is that of you abusing other people. People don’t pay their subscription fee to have other people dictate how they play or even how they suck. If you don’t want to deal with people not up to your standards, form your own groups of people who meet your metric.


nto the mention the BLOCK option…if i dont liek what someone is telloing me i BLOCK THEM…it LITERALLY solves the FULL SCOPE of the problem…HOW is REPORTING a person for not liking what they say taking prio over the sheer EXISTANCE opf the blockign option?!

If you feel you’ve been wrongfully suspended then you certainly appeal.

However, how you describe your chats and behavior definitely is a violation of Blizzard’s In-game Code of Conduct. I post it here for your perusal to see where you went wrong.


again, i am FREE to tell you you play bad, SPECIALLY when your performance directly conects to my outcome…its not ABUSIVE in anyway, its criticism in it purest form, i am not defining you as a person, i am not insulting your principals or morals, in fact, im not even refering to YOU as person, im DEFINING the wuality of your performance…no where in the normal rational world THAt is abusive and/or toxic…ALSO, there is the block option…now ,reporting THAT jsut because you didnt like somoene sopinion over your actions is downright wrong , nonsense and just completetly outrageous

Fun fact: Reporting someone’s inappropriate chat does put them on a temporary ignore for the reporter so that they don’t have to keep seeing the chat of the person who isn’t capable of following simple rules :slight_smile:


Not at all how this happens, but also, I’m sure those “countless cases” are all being 100% truthful and honest. It’s the internet, so no one can lie, amirite?

All CS reps work in Irvine, California or Austin, Texas.

Yes, some employees may, in fact, be of Indian descent. Racist undertones aside, this has no bearing on whether or not someone broke the rules.

I see two instances in this very thread. First, the name (which you should consider self-reporting), and second, the racist reference to people of Indian descent.

This is not your concern in the game. If you don’t like how someone else plays, put them on Ignore so you are not grouped with them again. Critiquing them, even if it’s valid and meant to help, is a very toxic trait.

Sure, but this cuts both ways. You FEEL someone is not performing well, but your FEELINGS are not protected either.

The only FEELINGS that matter are whether Blizzard FEELS you broke their Code of Conduct or not. Your FEELING that you haven’t is irrelevant.

I agree. Some people who only want to criticize how others play is terribly oppressive, and anyone engaging in this toxic behavior should rethink it.


been there, i dont see WHERE it defines criticism of somoens gameplay abusive.
TELLING someone they are bad is NOT harassement!! wtf is this world we live in now?! your performance gets evaluated and criticised through out life COUNTLESS TIMES, its a TOOL and normal people should use it for the sake of progress and evolution, WHEN did that become “wrong”?!

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Because by not reporting someone, that person (i.e. you) would never be sanctioned. You’re breaking the CoC and should absolutely be reported.

It’s one thing to be a decent person, politely offer your assistance in how to better themselves. Suggest Icyveins or something to work at getting better. It’s another thing to tell them how badly they suck, they shouldn’t play, get gud or anything else that is likely to have been the basis of your truth tea.

You are not. You are instead impeding on another’s enjoyment of the game. That is what bit you in the butt. I’m doubting your language was as PG as you’re saying it was, but that is my personal conjecture just based on what I’m seeing here. I’m sure it was also in /say or party chat in front of the rest of the group too. You might not have even been reported by the person you were berating, it could have been someone else entirely who felt bad for the targeted player.


Blizzard begs to differ.

Fact of the matter is it is their sandbox their rules, You have no say so in what blizzard deems as abusive chat.

That being said you’re wasting your time in posting here pleading your case you simply need to put in a ticket to see if a GM will or will not overturn said action.


It’s the world of warcraft. Where we agree to follow Blizzard’s rules. Their house, their sandbox. If you don’t like their rules, you don’t play in their sandbox.


Blizzard disagrees with you. Appeal it if you must, but not only do I think you’re not being 100% truthful about the language used while telling someone “they are bad”, the toxic trait itself is not likely to be overturned.

Toxicity is going to get stamped out from online communities, one way or another. Either your behavior will change, or you won’t be playing this game any more.


This will probably be locked soon but I just want to say: yes, you are absolutely free to say whatever you want. Blizzard is also absolutely free to action you if your speech breaks the rules you agreed to when you made your account. It’s like this in any place of business anywhere. If you go into a Walmart and start screaming and yelling obscenities you’ll be thrown out, regardless of whether or not you’re a paying customer. This is not unique to WoW at all.

You agreed to the rules, you broke them, you got caught, you got punished. That’s all there is to it.


I’m sorry, Topless, but you weren’t simply just criticizing game play, you were calling others disparaging names. You were abusive and toxic and using profanity.

Yes, there are countless reports out there of the reporting system being abused, but often when those reports are looked at, it is shown that the reports were valid and the appropriate actions were taken. Like this one.

The F word, in any form, always violates our Code of Conduct. Calling people disparaging names, the likes of which I will not repeat here, always violates our Code of Conduct.

I doubt very much that most people in real life would tolerate being spoken to the way that you do in-game. Under the best circumstances I’d say the majority would not be playing with you, several would be testing their resolve on if they wanted to express to you physically how they felt about it.

Overall, the majority of your post is extremely telling, from the use of “special snowflake” to the ignorant accusation of outsourcing our Support to India. I would highly recommend that you go over our policies again.

It looks like you have several appeals in. They will be reviewed, though to set expectations, it is extremely unlikely given the very clear evidence of policy violations that this will overturned.