this is getting ridicullous. Blizzard atm has oen of the WORST report systems online, with COUNTLESS cases of people gettign suspended due to the abuse that the report feature permits, not to mention the automatic “thourough” review of the cases…
Given the MILLIONS this company makes there is no REASON for this AMATEUR level of customer support and service, SPECIALLY when it comes to outsorcing customer support in India from people that never played the game and hardly speak english…ACTUALLY outrageous.
The power given to the repot system is creating a very opressive and censored comunity to levels of RIDICULOUSNESSS.
Playes are actively closing the chat box, removing themselvs form the “comunity” to avoid this opressive system.
I AM VERY carefull with the words i use jsut so i dont break the TOS, i am not violent, racist or homophopbic in my remarks btu i am what alot of people wrongfully categorize as “toxic”. If you are playing poorly and your performance affects MY outcome, i will tell you, if you did it wrong, i WILL tell you, if you ough to LEARN your class/role because you are negatively inpacting others, I WILL TELL YOU, and if you just plainely behave like a bot…i will call you one.
In no way shape or form this breaks TOS, it may anoy people, it my make people mad but then again peoples FEELINGs are not covered by TOS (and also people need to drop the whole special snowflake uniqueness syndrome and grow some resilience when it comes to dealing with criticism)
ALL OF THIS i also do it IRL, if someones performance has an impact on MY life, i WILL tell them so…the same way i accept when people critisize me, its normal, it doesnt put me down, i dont dwell on it or even complain about how it makes me feel, i will go around, learn, improve and evolve like a proper human being not made of paper …
Gettign suspended for “chat abuse” when all you did was critisice gameplay is outright ridiculous and is showcasign an abuse of the report system and is creating a TERRIBLY opressive comunity where you CANT say anything, disagree or critisize over the risk of being suspended.