Wrong direction - pvp rewards in TWW

That’s a little different when it’s not a competitive mode. Though I do agree more stuff would be better.

I don’t think it even has to be new rewards. People would be happy just to purchase old cosmetics. Imagine participation if they gave out old glad mounts no one even uses because people that played back then have mostly quit

You def don’t realize how ironic this post is

People have cranked too many hours into this game to not attach rating to prestige. It’s what keeps the hardcore portion of this game attached and not moving on to other games. In other words, sunk cost fallacy keeps people subbed and they’d be losing a small chunk of their revenue by making it a reward system similar to Diablo.

Show me the light!

Imma stop you right there.

As long as rewards are from winning and not Honor bot farming, participation will have a healthy drive

Imagine if there was a cosmetic PvP currency you only got from winning, at any rating, at any bracket. More currency from higher rated content.

And each season X number of rewards were purchasable with this currency, accumulating every season.

People would play to win within whatever bracket they prefer

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Ya that would be cool.

:rofl: :rofl:


A question… How would this look? Are you talking about titles specifically? Or other stuff too? I think it’s kinda hard to do cosmetics dynamically as people don’t know what to shoot for necessarily…

Like I didn’t try and push rating until mop I think when I saw there was an elite mog I wanted at 2100 (didn’t get it unfortunately). Didn’t push again until WOD when there was another set I wanted.

I would love to see full elite mog 2k? Weapons at 2.1… tabard at 2.2… mount at 2.4. Then maybe something else at 1800 and 2.6? I don’t know what though…

Titles going back to being % based would be cool though.

Add something else to 2.1k along with cloak, tabard for 2250, supe up the weapon recolors a bit at 2400, maybe an unarmored mount too. More stuff 1950-2400 is so barren.

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Most of the cosmetic rewards are in that arbitrary range.

Not necessarily, but that’s where most of my concerns come in. The general consensus is that earning rewards DURING the season was a really good change back in BFA and definitely increased relative participation.

Now technically you could implement a system where the percentile rank calculator is updated in real time, but I think that would be worse overall because there would be a TON of pressure to giga farm pve gear super early on to get every edge. Think slands s4, where if you even missed the first 4 days gearing you were insanely behind and it felt like you were going up against a mountain.

I think that the likelihood of feeling a “forced” fast push would create a super active first 3 days and similar last 2 weeks, but with a longer and deeper drought in the middle.

Agreed, and I wouldnt really blame them, either!

It doesn’t, but you’d have the “partywaffles” effect where people feel the need to giga push the first 3 days or feel forever behind and that alienates a LOT of people.

It feels like a safe assumption that r1 would stay the same, but what about gladiator? Would there be a grace period before percentiles kicked in? How long would it be? And is that worse making people wait if they get 2400 week 1 but cant get their rewards?

The devil is in the details and I think logistics would be tricky.

Exactly. It’s not a one-size fits-all approach.

I think the current system is better than end-of-season rewards, but I DO share OPs concerns about massive swings in what a specific CR represents.


If you’re counting individual pieces of the set, not even true because of how many elite weapons exist at 2400. I should have phrased it in the most exact way possible because I had a feeling you were going to say that.

Sorry forgot make a wish foundation kids browse this form. 1950-2399 is super barren.


You’re just creating artificial "sub seasons’ with this approach and completely invalidates what percentage means.

So instead of merit/value swings season to season it jus becomes week to week?

Day to day? Second to second?

It’s akin to when ppl would transfer to a dead battlegrp for easy titles (wait for a dead period within the season)

You can not batch this dataset together as a whole when everyone is playing at different scales and reward in real time.

Absolutely correct me if I’m cooked, but it just becomes what we have now, with extra steps.

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Oh look, a new swole alt to add to ignore.

Are you thinking this because people could potentially get glad early on way before 2400cr while others could do it super late beyond 2400cr?

If so I see the concern but I feel we are already seeing it in reverse, people getting glad early on being way harder then late season, and don’t take issue with it. I also think with it being % based the rating doesn’t matter as much because you would be playing the same caliber opponent at either time in season which isn’t true currently.

If I’m off on why I think you have that concern then my bad.

^This 100%. My god people are so caught up in ratings. The whole point is that once rewards are % based, ratings will essentially not matter all that much. Whether the rating required for top 3% (for example) is 1700 or 2400 makes no difference! 3% is 3%!

As someone said before, this could encourage people to farm PVE for an advantage for the first few weeks or whatever, but that could be solved by simply ensuring PVP gear is ALWAYS better than pve gear. Not sure why they dropped the ball on that one this season.

As for participation, I don’t see how this would encourage people just to play only at beginning of season. The relative difficulty in obtaining reward/titles will be virtually identical through the whole season.


alright all these hypotheticals and redefining % placement insofar as seasonal rewards go is making my headspin


whats being proposed doesnt solve this with a “live time %” at some arbitrary week number.

You’re just making a season within a season, or you’re just rewarding at a different medal (bronze/gold/plat etc) which is just what we have no but now its sliding number what challenger/rival etc is

You have the same problem, just in reverse like you said. So participation drops off a cliff at the start (or whatever week is the cutoff)

you know what, nvm idc anymore lol.

Doesn’t make sense to me to have 1 person be a duelist at 1 rating then someone else gets it at another rating when there’s less or more competition and call it % based on merit