Wrong direction - pvp rewards in TWW

Reference : https://www.reddit.com/r/worldofpvp/comments/1cxidck/tww_illusion_at_1950_rating_fire_bee_mount_for/

IMO blizz is taking the wrong approach to pvp rewards in TWW.

ATM, season to season progression is all over the place. Differing levels of participation, inflation etc make each season feel so different. It is hard for players to feel a sense of quantitative progression with wildely different rating levels each season.

The post shows rewards being tied to rating. While I believe rewards should be more spread out, doing it behind a STATIC system isnt going to work. Rewards behind rating based on a dynamic rating system is the way to go.

You said in the interview you wanted seasons to feel similar in difficulity. The inflation RATE is at an all time high (my shammy went up 28 mmr in 7 days without any queues). Tuning the system helps but the system itself needs to be proactive, not reactive.

Blizz, we need a dynamic rating system. How are you going to fix this problem?

PS with the inflation rate being double the previous season’s (last season we had around 14-16 mmr/week) does this indicate we will see TWW prepatch very soon (90ish days)???


I think lowering the rating requirement for the enchant is probably a net win for participation.

In general though, I think Blizzard needs to scrap the whole “cloak” as a reward. You might as well not even have a reward for hitting 2100, so participation is going to drop off incredibly hard after 1950 now, which is a huge L, and is probably going to be worse than now.

Just give the cloak with the rest of the elite set ffs.

Also, it would be nice if some effort was put into ADDING rewards, not just lowering the bar for existing ones and/or devaluing what relatively prestigious rewards are still left.

I also agree that dynamic rating system would be ideal. It’s going to be a big sign of how lazy they are if they just keep more or less the same rating-reward structure that we have now.

I don’t think anyone likes being able to crank out the elite set/enchant/glad mount/etc. with incredible ease one season, and then feel like they need to be awc pros the next season to get the same rewards.

PS: Please rework the reward for Legend. It’s so painfully bad and not commensurate with the difficulty it requires to obtain, that it isn’t even funny. It’s quite pathetic (e.g., you guys churn out mounts like there’s no tomorrow, so just slap a mount (not the glad mount) as a reward for Legend).

We like mounts (or at least most of us do I’m pretty sure) :slight_smile:

Pennants are trash, you can’t even use it in arena lol (a temporary title + pennant is so bad, it gives me zero motivation to push for it). Please try harder.


Facts mate.

Add mount (not glad)

Add more rewards

Make it dynamic.


Cloak reward sucks and is lame. Hard agree.

I really want a Champion’s Purse reward or something. Like 50k gold for hitting 2k. A nice monetary incentive since many PvPers complain of being destitute.


We have all been saying for a while that going back to % based rewards would fix the inflation vs deflation issue. I’m also a big supporter of just more rewards in general to get people to want to play.


we def need to get that bee mount. love the illusion at 1950. not sure how many people will play passed that but I guess we’ll see

Is it just me or did we datamine the enchant or elite set being 1950 before

And it was just like some error due to the pointless threshold even existing from sl

Yes, because they said mop remix would end around prepatch and there’s ~90 days left in remix.

Agreed, but I really feel this is a community problem more than a blizzard one and just making everything percentile creates more problems than it solves. Im not sure exactly what the solution is, but I don’t think it’s as easy as people are making it out to be.

I think you could just do cloak for 1950 and keep enchant at 2100?

True. Especially considering the CANYON between glad and r1.


Not that I am aware.

The interview stated they wanted to spread rewards out more (not glad mount). Maybe this is a reflection of that.

Hmm I guess that tracks then

2400 being tabard, title, weapon and start of glad progress is kind of stacked

and 1800 to 2100 kind of a rift if illusion is mid

They could move either weapons or tabard to 2.1/2.2 to compensate.

This kind of neuters a large section of the ladder if implemented.

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Doesn’t this also turn everything into end of season rewards? So no mog or anything for 4-6 months and no real idea if you hit the cut off.

Would prolly decimate the low end that isn’t sitting there refreshing rank calculators


Yep, % based rewards triples down on not playing the game until the last two weeks of the season.

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What problems do you think this would create?

I don’t see why going back to % rewards means we have to go back to end of season rewards only again.

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How can’t you?

Here lemme q the Instant servers are up, win the first match of the season and collect my rank 1 title at 15cr

I’ve suggested this before, but IMO, they need to “turn on rewards” on week 3-4 of a new season. Wherever you are %wise on the ladder at that point means you should be automatically awarded the corresponding reward. I still think they should leave rank 1, and possibly gladiator as end of season rewards only though.

This would encourage jockying for position early in the season for when rewards are turned on, and allow the difficulty to be consistent throughout the season in obtaining these rewards.

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Yeah but then the concern is the whole thing gets so messy not to mention if we have dynamic % rewards you will likely see some pretty cheese manipulation to get people to certain thresholds very early on in the season.

The rating system needs to be streamlined and the least convoluted it can be, not more complicated.

Interesting but def comes with it’s own slew of issues

Like what kinds of issues? Not sure how easy it would be to “cheese” it…or how one would go about doing this? I would say by week 3 or 4 there are enough games played by many people. Even if at that point, the ratings required to be say top 3% are low…it’s still top 3%…if most people haven’t played many games yet, then there will be that many fewer spots available to be top 3%. It all evens out.

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