Wrong direction - pvp rewards in TWW

Is it really that hard to imagine that combatan-glad couldn’t be earned till like week 3? Also, r1 has always been end of season and I don’t see that changing or are we just being obtuse on purpose with that one?

Injectaur already answered pretty much exactly like I was thinking.

We already see this, this would just eliminate the inflation vs deflation confusion/issue and allow people to realize they can just q up.

I would even argue to restore the prestige of glad, they should return that to end of season too and make it like a top .5% or 1% reward again. If somehow people “cheesed” to duelist or elite…then ok, congratulations. Not sure how you would cheese it though?

Unfortunately I think the Glad at end of season bandaid has already been ripped.

They could easily do the % though, just make that % the requirement for the “Elite” bracket to start farming your glad wins.

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Idk if making glad harder is the magic bullet chief

I don’t think weekly moving goal posts is good for this, or any, game.

“I got duelist in week 4 at 1700”
“I got duelist at 2230 in week 18”

These should not be the same.

It would be manageable but annoying for players that have been playing arena for a long time, and would be absolutely confusing for anyone new to PvP which is where the focus should be.

If y’all think position on the ladder before we’re even done gearing/a balance pass is valid enough then go ahead

Nvm the shifts in player activity changing the integrity of rewards

This is obtuse thinking forgive me


Yeah, it’s a mess. Current structure is…fine? I think some less active areas (1800-2400 3s?, 2100+ 2s, etc) could probably use some carrots.

add unique carrots to every bracket, pvp will get funneled to the bracket with easiest rewards to obtain…

You’re using a lot of words improperly, like quantitative and it kinda made the post hard to read. I somewhat get what you’re saying tho, you want the rewards to change based on inflation and it’s hard to believe they’ll go back to that anytime soon and there probably isn’t a reason to do it.

Changing the illusion from 2100 to 1950 isn’t that much of a change. If someone can get 1800 they can get 2100 within a small timeframe and the skill disparity between rival and duelist is very small.

Now, if they put the elite weapons at 1950 or the tabard and put a cloak at 2400, then we’d have a problem.

They added one for shuffle, wonder if they’d do the same for 2s or add a mid mmr 3s incentive :dracthyr_yay_animated:

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I don’t think rating requirements really drive up participation

Counterpoint Sinful

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Might as well make everything 1800 like whats the point on pushing when the most desireable rewards get made insanely easier to get like lmfao?


What % of players get KSM mount and which % get glad mount



They’re not even really in the same plane of existence

ksm is like anybody who bothers to do all the dungeons so top 80% or something

glad is top 1500-4000 people

If Blizzard keeps the current CR-based model, they have to fill out the reward gaps at 1900, 2000, 2200, 2300.

Otherwise people hit 1800/2100, feel like climbing 300 more points is out of their league, and give up.

But I also think they can get around the inflation issue by introducing % based rewards per spec. Or introducing more participation rewards you just purchase with a PvP cosmetic currency

Why not, we think getting glad at rank 5000 and rank 300 is ok to be the same thing.

You guys are putting too much value on a randomly picked number for when then titles could be grabbed I think. Week 3 vs week 10 doesn’t matter nearly as much as getting to a point where people stop whining about inflation vs deflation imo.

Are you asking because you don’t know or trying to do something else? Either way the answer is it isn’t fine, the massive amount of people who complain about a lack of fake inflation because they think they deserve what they got in sl s2 shows that.

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They could do a hybrid system that is more tuned with % based rewards in mind and still have ratings. Surprised they haven’t done something like that. We know roughly the % of players that fall into each bracket on the ladder every season. Rating could be rewarded with this in mind.


Maybe they should stop trying to make rewards so prestigious and just crank out a bunch of cosmetics you can earn throughout the season at any rating

Keep adding more cosmetics to the vendor every season so returning players have a bunch of items they can still earn

Remix has huge participation and it’s primarily because of the raw amount of things you can earn by just PvEing on OP characters

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