Wrong direction - pvp rewards in TWW

I don’t mean to be rude dude but are you a little slow? The rating DOES NOT MATTER. If you’re within the cutoff for top 3% (just as an example) at one part of the season, versus another part of the season makes no difference.

What will happen is that as the season progresses and more people are on the ladder, there will be more spots for a particular cutoff. This is exactly what you see right now for the rank 1 cutoff in the beginning vs end of season. At the beginning of the season, the cutoff may only be like 10 spots, but by end of season there’s like 200 spots.

So although the rating required might be lower at the beginning of the season, the relative difficulty in making that cutoff will be the same because there are that many less spots.

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They could try making the PvP actually good. Then people will play for fun. As of right now: You need to give people rewards for participating in clown fiestas, otherwise no one would play. But if the PvP was actually enjoyable… people will do it

Okay so like the thing is that fun for most people is rating

even if they aren’t aware of it

Take bad season make everybody 500 mmr higher boom it’s a good season

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I would say pvp is actually pretty well balanced and enjoyable compared to previous expansions IMO (i’ve played every season since BC). I don’t think it’s that at all. Pvp in this game is competitive by nature. If people are going to put in the time required to become really good (and it 100% will require a good amount of investment), they want to be awarded appropriately for it…and be able to show off their skill in some form/way.

Ok but again I don’t see that as an issue. If duelist was randomly decided to he at 3%, and at week 6 it was 1800cr but week 20 it was 2200cr you’re still only playing against the top 3%.

So nothing changes except people can stop complaining about inflation vs deflation, which is exactly what I’ve said I would like this for. Though I disagree that the same problem would exist.

Am I cooked for having this same thought? I’ve played most seasons since wrath and found that this was the case in % based seasons.

Exactly, and this isn’t even new. Years ago you used to have different cutoffs at the end of season for gladiator and rank 1 from season to season, and expansion to expansion. They were all still just as difficult and respected because top .5% is top .5%, and top .1% is top .1%. The rating literally only mattered in the sense that you would want to know what the cutoff rating was, so you could shoot for that rating.

People are just so attached to rating nowadays…“ah need mah 2400”


The year is 2028 and the expansion is “The Last Titan” before you even get Combatant at 1400 you grab your “Sparer” 1,2,3 and 4 Achv from 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1300Cr. Duelist has been removed and replaced with Gladiator. Glad mount is now 2100, Enchant is 1600, Cloak is free after 1k Cr.

There was literally a board in dal sewers in Wrath that showed cutoffs lol. Just stick a few of those in the designated PvP zone by the vendors

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What other rewards should they add. I would love to see an officers lounge like in classic wow. Perhaps a vendor that sells unique class sets even recolours. Same goes for vicious mounts (recolour).

I don’t know about 3’s but the shuffle ladder is already perfectly set up to have them make rewards based on your specs position on the ladder. Like they could make the enchant top 500 of your spec etc (as an example only-don’t freak out about the number used).

There are some concerns around dead specs though so to prevent 1300 cr Blood DK’s from getting Legend (or whatever prestigious reward there is) they could also tie it to a rating i.e. “Legend requires 50 wins above 2400 within the top 50 of your spec”. The only downside is the achievement requirement is a bit lengthier and can’t just be a neat little blurb of “Achieve 2400 in Solo Shuffle” but that’s not a big deal considering the lengthy requirements and hoops players currently jump through for some PvE achievements.


Your point about blood dk spec and achieving legend at 1300cr is a non-issue. Again rating does not matter. If the cutoff for Draconic legend is 1300cr, but it requires you to be within the top 3 Blood dk’s in the country…there’s no issue. If you think that’s a joke because of the rating…go ahead and roll a blood dk and try getting 1300 yourself…lol good luck!

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That’s not true. The issue with underplayed specs like tanks is that the best players typically don’t push on them for various reasons. If they did then everyone would get pushed down as they claimed the top spots. Like if you look at the top 5 for Blood vs the top 5 for a competitive spec like Unholy you’d likely find much better players in the top 5 for Unholy.

I feel like you can implement this directly into the pvp ui.

That depends, underplayed specs that aren’t tanks are actually way harder to get r1 then something like warrior where there are spots for anyone with fingers.

Hmm that’s a good point. Maybe I’m just tired and not thinking clearly (likely) but could that just be an issue due to r1 being a percentage? Since Warrior is so popular it opens up more slots for a % title as opposed to it being a ladder rank like I suggested. Again as an example look at top 5 Arms Wars vs top 5 Blood DK’s and tell me which you think has better players and would be harder to break into.

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Yea % based is significantly weirder with specs because you’re only competing vs that much smaller number then entire region of players. I think there should be a minimum required cr though to keep people from absolutely cheesing on tank specs too.

Imo, give it a starting static then lower/increase it accordingly depending on the ladder.

if they made the base color of tier limited time as well as elite set i bet participation would increase. as is you can get next expac for marks

Thid is exactly what they should do. Farm wins at a certain rank.