Write your own loading screen tips

never spit into the wind.

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“Lifes tough, then you die”

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“Using an interruption style spell can cost you precious DPS and should seldom be used if ur awesome!!”

I kid because everyone who has one users them all the time and at the right time. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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“Don’t run away from a base you could have spun because you were afraid of dying in an instanced battleground. This healer will know what you did and make sure you never survive a team fight ever again”

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Reticulating splines…


Abandon hope all ye who enter here.


It’s a skill issue

Invest in a smart phone

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“If you find my shirt, WEAR IT!”-Theotar.


Having trouble in battlegrounds? Don’t forget! It’s never your fault and it’s always useful to argue!

Rip and Tear, until it is done
Why yes, blood elves are purdy
Hey, you who hasn’t subbed yet, whaddar you waitin fer

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THIS sooo very this!

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We pulled the rip cord? Happy now?


This is not the “Wall of No” that you are looking for

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This is my favorite and I’m saving it!


SLOW DOWN!!! You will be utterly bored with this round of content in as little as 2 weeks!

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Warcraft two still has some of the funniest loading tips imo.

“Never pet a burning dog.”

Just what? I am trying to play an RTS. Why is there a dog on fire? Umm can someone help?

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Never eat raspberries

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An Interrupt is a spell that only some of the classes have, but it can be used to interrupt casting of most mobs and even some bosses. For the sake of your party use them when your able. They will appreciate it.

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“Amazing chest ahead.”

Only dark souls players will get the reference.

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Can Simplyred make an awesome thread or what…? :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hmm, let’s see if I can dig around in zee ol’ Swarf hat for a few things to add to the list…


*thinking thinking thinking…


I got nothing. :weary:

*sets out bowl of tootsie pops