Write your own loading screen tips

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Sure, he’s being a jerk, but maybe the loss WAS all your fault.

Try your hand at regular Mythic dungeons before joining Mythic+ groups so you can familiarize yourself with the boss mechanics!

If you don’t know how an encounter works, look through the dungeon guide or just ask your team! They’ll be much happier to explain it to you instead of everyone dying and then slowly figuring out that you have no idea what you’re doing!

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This one is my favorite LOL

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life is what happens while you are busy killing shardhides for a virtual currency that will be irrelevant in a few months. Happy gaming, gamer friend!


Don’t trip over a gnome, they’ll steal you’re pants.


If you don’t wear pants the gnomes can’t steal them.

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if i dont wear pants, where will i keep 90% of my stuff?
those gnomes are cruel!

That’s what fanny packs are for.

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do i look like a gnome?!

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Yeah, but then you could say that almost puts men in a… pickle when it comes to the Gnomes charging towards our pantless selves lol

Don’t forget to eat and drink, unless you’re a class that doesn’t use mana, in which case you don’t need to drink, like, at all. Ever."

If you type in chat, read it twice and you will probably delete it for good reason.


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Gnomes are great bait to catch murlocs, great sports equipment, and also food.

“Check out Steam on Tuedays. Or maybe. just maybe. Other Battle.net games.”

Tentacles and eyes wrapped around the Dark Portal, with blight and decay and sporafic “root-pulsing” growths and explosive pustules ejecting spores that whirl with magical turbulence…

The time of Xalatath has come…

When you try and fail, always remember, its the games fault

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“Lower your expectations.”

Op,what has this to do with a loading screen?