
Nostalrius took a fat dump on Classic Vanilla

We haven’t see a pserver close to nostalrius since 2016. Almost 10 years. Like I said, most pservers are complete garbage run by kids or p2w


Wrath was the Ozzy Ozborune Mohawk Grenade era. Playing cata again it feed more like what Wrath fans were talking about during the early days of Wrath Classic. Catac is really good.

Pservers are mostly megaservers, and mostly PvP. You call servers dead when less populated than you would like. For me this points to you being a Pserver player.

Oh, not “you” …

And Blizzards servers aren’t? What are you on?

Layering alone allows any halfway decent private server to deliver a better experience.

Era servers are not mega servers. HC EU have one layered server, one not- Guess where I play.
And still I do not do PvP.


Also wrong

But what IS true are that P-servers are the direct theft of Blizzard’s intellectual property. If you play on a p-server that tells me a lot about your personal ethics.


Nothing wrong about that

Playing on a p-server I would feel about as much guilt as driving 56 in a 55 mph zone. So not much after giving a greedy company many 100s of dollars over the years.


You’d feel differently about copy write protections if you ever did something creative. But you can’t copy write your particular style of mopping the floor or any other of the janitorial duties you perform on your job.

Which tells me everything I need to know about your ethics.

Meh. As if blizzard has any ethics either. They don’t. And blizzard as a company sure isn’t being run by gentleman and scholars either. Sexually harasssing woman is just, such a great thing yah know #sarcasm. As well as being insanely greedy to boot. More money than most average human beings in america have, or will ever make. But they can’t spare one bloody private server.

So, let’s not act like blizzard is really all that great, first off. Second off, Blizzard has no intentions, seemingly as of now, to actually let people purchase a permanent wrath of the lich king classic client server experience. So, what in the heck is wrong with pirating it then. They don’t want to sell it to people in the first place.

At the same time, kind of mind blowing how easy it is to just get human beings to drop money into your bank account nowadays to. And blizzard is like, the king of getting other people to drop money down for pretty much no effort or quality.

Like that is the dumbest argument ever. If they would just, give permanent wrath classic server players what they wanted in the first place, when it was asked for. There wouldn’t be nearly as many permanent wrath classic players just straight up flocking to private wrath servers then. Like you cannot even argue With that. And no one would be arguing about wrath classic servers either if blizzard would just bloody do a permanent wrath classic server option already.


If it was that easy you’d have built a company worth 69 billion dollars like Activision/Blizzard.

If people are paying they think the quality is worth the cost. No one is forcing them to pay.

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I have that dim bulb on ignore, so replying to me is pointless. Life is so much more pleasant.

“bAsIcAlLy” well TECHNICALLY vanilla wow is retail in its most primitive form lol. by definition.

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bro you aint getting a wrath era
get over it
its past annoying at this point
cata is literally the same game with better mechanics
just stop being a crybaby and go play it


but “muh barrens”

I heard if you say Mktaar’s name three times he’ll appear on your thread to cry about wrath servers.

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lmao I’m for both cata and wrath but that guy’s comment had me dead :skull:

85% bruh