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Okay? Notice the steady increase all through WotLK and then the dump at Cata?

Cata was and always will be crap. You can keep living under a rock if you think otherwise.

The servers are ghost towns and will remain so.

Blizz really dropped the ball when they chose not to leave up at least one WotLK server. I stopped playing classic the moment they said they’re not leaving one up.

Only thing that brought me back has been SoD.

Cata can kick rocks. I’ll check back in a month or so just to see who is right. My money is on me.

This is history repeating itself.


There was no steady increase in wrath. It flat lined until the Cata pre-patch. Either you’re too lazy to look at the graph or you’re too stupid to read it. I’m going to go with too stupid.


Awe. Cute. Resorting to insults because I hurt your feelings and am right?

You feel free to carry on with your bad self and keep thinking Cata is great. Hope you enjoy playing solo, cause that’s where you’ll be in short order.


imagine wanting even more wotlk classic

imagine wanting more of the same tic-tac-toe ICC in “Simon Says” mode where WA tells you when and what to do


Give us 2 of each TBC and Wrathe Era servers, please!


Remembering this is the Era Andy who necroed a 14 month old thread. And has been spamming the same trash for months. And who has admitted to not be playing Wrath when it was available. And who swapped sides on p-servers at least six times. And who’s last stance was he didn’t want to play on a p-server because he didn’t want to go back to level one. Looks like he has changed stance yet again. As a matter of interest I put five Eraq Andy’s on ignore and reduced the amount of Wrath spam by aqround 95%


And yet you still pay them to comment on the forums. You showed them!


Nah those are DOA.

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And your reading comprehension needs some serious help!


Just play Warmane bro


Tell me you played Pservers for years without saying you played Pservers.




It did. And people raid - logged. Becuase Wrath has Arthas and that’s neat but its profoundly overrated due to nostalgia.

That said, i don’t see why Blizzard can’t have a couple of Wrath servers.


If ignore worked on Battle net name you could have put one on ignore and probably hit all five.

It can’t be that hard to make a permanent wrath classic realm.


MAn. I hate the fact that raid logging is a thing to be honest. But I still want permanent wrath era servers.

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Private servers have shown over and over again that they manage the game better than Blizzard, what is the point of this comment?

Better? no
On par? yes
But most pservers are complete garbage run by kids that love drama. Only real benefit is that its free.