
Numbers don’t lie but some people are too stupid to understand them. Would you say if someone paid $15 every month for 20 months to play a game they liked the game? 85% of the 12 million who started Cata paid $15 dollars every month for 20 months to play it. That’s a simple fact that many don’t get because math is hard for them.

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signed, Cata is sh33t


my sides rn lol

Many of us kept on playing because of friends and guilds. This can be hard to understand today, but some guilds were more like family to many players. We shared in and out of game, and even if Cata was less than stellar (to put it mildly) we stayed for one another.


Not only are many people incapable of doing simple math many don’t know the difference between anecdotal evidence and scientific or statistical analysis. Many blame the education system but I think it’s mostly because the human species just isn’t very smart.

I wonder if, in fact, we have been observed by aliens and upon close examination of human conduct and human behavior they have concluded that there is no sign of intelligent life on Earth.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

I agree that being part of a community can make an expansion you wouldn’t like if you weren’t part of it enjoyable.

I understand that we tend to believe our perspective was the one that was the most shared.

My own experience was. I played all expansion since 2004 and the expansions I played the most and had the most fun in were Cata and MoP. I also enjoyed WoD phase 1 and some of phase 2, but when my guild died during phase 2 I lost all interest in the game. And I was having fun until my guild died and I couldn’t find a new one to replace it before tiring of the game.

So it’s hard for me to believe that most people thought Cata was worse than it’s prior expansions and only their community made it bearable to play during cata when my own experience was the opposite. But I can understand that you would think so if that is how the expansion felt to you.

It sure was how it felt to me back then, that’s why I am not going to play it again. And even if many of my guildies quite liked the new raids, the general consesus was that this expansion was rather :poop:y.

Of course it is anecdotal evidence. But it was the reason I and many of my guildies kept on playing. Our Guild fell apart for good in March 2012 (still Cata) with most quitting WoW altogether. But by then I had found the IronMan challenge (OG Hardcore) which kept me subbed all the way to BfA.


/shrug. That’s the same sort of “evidence” people use when they say every one I know voted for Trump so how could he have lost. The election was stolen. And all the other side has as evidence is numerous recounts done by republican and right wing organizations that could find no evidence of election fraud.

I honestly tried really hard to accept the changes during the expansions released cataclysm going forward. Now, I just want a permanent version of wrath classic, a version of the game that does pretty much everything I like and want.

Like, I just don’t see the point going forward with changes and expansions that caused me to want classic wow to begin with a second time.

It isn’t that hard to provide legacy expansion experiences for each expansion so that everyone is happy.


Agree 100 %


You mean the overrate credit card simulator? Classic is trash

Yah I am hoping that they add permanent wrath classic realms soon.


Nah Wrath was bad. GG so glad they finished that cold prison

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And that’s all you will ever do.

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Wrath was the best. Anything anyone else says is completely irrelevant and wrong.


we had enough raidloging and rmt for 2 years,lets take a break and have it happen in a different place at least

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Now you’re contradicting yourself again.

I noticed something interesting today when I was watching YT. Even people who have never played WoW or have a surface level understanding of the game all seem to also agree that Cataclysm was the turning point for when the game started going bad.

This guy is an avid TF2 player and his suggestion to revive the game was to do what Classic WoW players did. Pretty interesting to see that even people who don’t even play the game seem to perceive that it was where things went wrong.



Old mate dim bulb changes direction more than a weather vane in a thunder storm.

Which tells you how meaningless that view is. People are just repeating a meme the loudest voices in the room shouted. Here’s the reality. 12 million started Cata. 10.2 million or 85% paid $15 every month for 20 months to play the game.

If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it.

Joseph Goebbels

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