
Wrath had a 500,000 increase with the prepatch to 11.5 million. It flat lined at 11.5 million until the Cata prepatch which had 12 million. For about 1 year 8 months Cata at least 10.2 million. 10.2 million is 85% of 12 million. For the last few months before the MoP prepatch Cata had 9.1 million. For the cata prepatch subs went back up to 10 million. Every graph I’ve looked at has basically the same numbers.

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The only people who get to decide what’s too small is the people working for blizzard. They make their decision solely based on profit.

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The same amount of people quit during tbc and wrath? Look at the sub count drops. It was always trending down

You also have to look at the age demographics. Cataclysm was very much the newer generation of wow players coming in. A lot of the old ones just wanted to beat arthas, the guy from wc3.

Cata raids and dungeons were so much better than wrath. So was pvp

Apparently not. Because every time I point out that Era isn’t “hoppin” a I get hounded about how I’m wrong; there’s tons of people playing it.

I don’t advocate for Era to be shutdown what I do advocate for is some critical thinking and perspective and apply that to why a Wrath Era (or TBC Era) will likely never happen.

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Now you’re mixing up 2 very different discussions. One objective, and one subjective.

Your first claim - the objective one - was:

Your argument here is that Era players are confused or trying to bamboozle others by not taking into account that their servers were clustered.

When I refuted this, by explaining how clusters are in all effects one server, and that people are not confused saying: “everybody is speaking of the …-cluster when they speak Era” (which you can verify by a quick search in the forums).

You answer with discussing the - subjective - number of players required for a server to be “hoppin”.
I do not know how many players we need for a “hoppin” server, and I think nobody does.

All I know is that Era players protest every time someone is telling other players that Era is dead or too thinly populated to sustain real gameplay, or what else the “Death-criers” will try to tell us - which is objectively not true, as gameplay happen on Era servers, daily.

Actually you yourself admit that Era IS populated, else nobody would see “all these players’ on their screen”

It matters because Era players do not want those “Death-criers” to deter anyone from trying out Era, and maybe liking it there.

But as you continue by “Apparently not”. I still think that you really have not understood what I tried to explain,( and others will have to take over now because I give up after this last try).

The simple truth is that Era has in effect 4 servers (aka clusters), 1 PvE - quite populated, 2 PvP (for reasons unknown to other than Blizz) one populated, one not, and 1 RP server, almost dead*)

*) I speak here of the EU English version, that I know intimately by playing there, but I understand the situation to be almost identical in the US.


Nah era is dead.

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No it is not. What did Mark Twain say: The rumours of my death are greatly exaggerated.

But if you think that anything less than severe overpopulation is dead, then by all means stay away.


It’s so busy you spend all day trolling the US forums instead of playing on dead EU era servers.

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Once again for you: I read and write on the US forum while working, where I can be on my PC when no customers around, but not play. I play mostly HC - surely you see the problem :wink: Or when flying in-game. Or extraordinarily like earlier today when I did not feel like playing - a wholly and totally singular thing :wink: won’t happen again for weeks.

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And also because era is dead.

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repetitive much, Are you sure you’re alive and not a bot?


I’m alive, unlike era servers.


You are a bot, not exisiting in the Era servers … we can continue like this but it is a waste of time.

The Era servers are not dead as long as people play there and have fun, which they do - that you think they are dead will not make them so.


Redfall and Suicide Squad are more alive than Era.


Because they literally sell raid items and gold for money on the website. You can even buy other peoples characters that are already geared out and they transfer the characters to your account.

They also lost a good chunk of their playerbase to actual Wrath Classic. They no longer have a seasonal wrath server, but is now going with a vanilla-tbc-wrath progressional server.


Some of the stupidest takes I’ve ever read in this thread.

“If your version of the game requires other versions to not exist then your version of the game should have no right to exist.”

What on earth does that even mean lmao.

Do you have any idea how much it’d hurt the game to drop an Era for every single expansion? Mind you, I prefer Wrath to Cata, but I’m going to move onto Cata with everyone else because it’s the next expansion in WoW Classic. Blizzard never promised Era servers for TBC and Wrath for good reason.

The whole argument that “Your version of the game shouldn’t require my version of the game to not exist” is so dumb lol. We all preferred MoP to WoD, but we moved onto WoD anyway when it came out WITH THE REST OF THE PLAYERBASE because that is the game we play. Blizzard didn’t give us a MoP Era server just because “because WoD shouldn’t need us to stay alive” did they? It’s an MMORPG. Classic servers will all be low pop/dead if Blizzard pooped out an Era server for every single expasion.

You had two entire years to experience Wrath, now it’s time for a new, refreshing expansion. Most people don’t want to spam ICC and AFK in Dal anymore. It was a good expansion but they want something different now. So get over it lol.

Which, from the perspective of US’s clusters, has a grand-total population of less than a single Wrath (now Cata) server.

I would argue, by what’s going on with Lava Lash US, it’s around 3k. Below that and it appears to become difficult to find groups (as per complaints from Lava Lash, which currently has ~2.9k active raiders).

It comes down how we each perceive things. You see the players as a whole (I guess?). I see each of the tribes (aka Realms). It’s how I saw Retail when they started Cross-realms and it ended up with seeing most-everyone being from ‘another realm than your own’; I think in my entire stint on Arthas-US, I saw 5 other’s from Arthas…I was there from OG Wrath until OG WoD.

Hey folks, I would just like to express my reasons for wishing to play in a dedicated Wrath Era server, as unlikely as it seems it will happen. For those of you who are happy playing in the progressive Cataclysm Classic content, cheers. I sincerely hope you are having fun. After all, isn’t that the whole point of playing games like WoW? To have fun?

I guess you could say my approach to playing through the Wrath Classic content has been more relaxed and casual even for a “casual player”. Every so often I would pay Behsten 10g to lock my character’s level, so he didn’t wind up outleveling the content of the zone he was questing in before moving on to the next one. This made both the quest rewards and loot drops in dungeons stay relevant and useful. I’m 47 years old now, and I work in a warehouse environment where I am required to perform strenuous physical labor. Being able to just relax and play through the Wrath Classic content at my own pace has not only been a privilege for me, but a blessing. My only regret is that it didn’t last long enough for me to complete all the quests there were in the world of Azeroth before the Shattering.

To this day, I still have yet to complete the quests for the Argent Dawn/Crusade in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands, the Hydraxian Waterlords, the Warrior’s Fallen Hero of the Horde quest chain that sends you to the demon hunter in Azshara, and the classic quest hubs in Winterspring, Blasted Lands and Silithus. For me, having the luxury of a lasting WotLK server would mean finishing my character’s journey as both he and I experience, for the very first time, the lore of the content as it was before the world of Azeroth changed. It would bring me a sense of closure, fulfillment, and peace.

I know I could always go back to questing in the Classic Era realms, but I’ve become spoiled by both learning the Riding skill and having a mount at Level 20 and having all my mounts be fast mounts with an improved Riding skill at Level 40. LOL
It just wouldn’t be the same having to spend half my 60 levels questing up and down The EK and Kalimdor on a foot beat. I guess that, ultimately, it will be what I have to do if I wish to truly experience Azeroth as it was before Deathwing’s arrival. Although, I really feel that should not be the case.

My hope is that Blizzard will someday soon grant the wish of at least a couple permanent Wrath Era servers (one PvE and one PvP) to the players who desire them including me. I swear that I would pay a separate subscription, whether it be 6 months or annually recurring, for the server alone. Again hopefully, some kind of arrangement or deal could be made that would be financially feasible and make maintaining a Wrath Classic Era server worth Blizzard’s effort without hurting the progressive Classic Realms. Have a blessed day, be safe, and stay healthy.

Thank you for reading. Happy, healthy (both mentally and physically) gaming to all.


I do hope that we get them soon.

I am only visiting these forums to lol because I was right in how Cata would lead to the population to drop like a box of rocks.

It’s so bad they’re literally releasing a version of MoP.

I wanna have multiple of whatever you’re on. You’re tripping big time.