
You mean what others call vanilla, if I have that right? Pre-ANY-Expac?

If so, yes. I tried it for a few days out of nostalgia but it was dead. At least, the starter zones were. But also, I like the expacs up to Wrath. Spent many hours rebuilding my old addons for most of that old look & feel. Just started getting comfortable with it again and poof!


Does it really now. You know what doesn’t exist? Classic wrath era. Go figure. It’s what this post is about lol.


It’s not happening. You can cry all you want, but it won’t change anything.

Yep. And you can cry all you want about how I keep crying. You are not going to stop me from crying about permanent wrath classic servers and how I think they should be made lol.



  1. Extreme in effect; severe or radical.

What would you consider a drastic drop in subs? Just give me your numbers for a small drop, a medium drop, a large drop, and an extreme or drastic drop in subs.

Just say no to Wrath Classic

theres like 10 other versions of wow that they support

…no, no it’s not. SoD has over 175k raiders (IronforgePro), and even if you said “well a lot are alts” that still means there’s 21,993 (7 classes + 1 ‘unique’ for each faction; 8 total classes) of each class playing. That’s means there almost 3 times as many people playing ONE class as there are playing Era. Total.

It’s not. But people are being fooled into thinking Era is “hoppin” because they see ‘all these players’ on their screen. They fail to notice that almost no one is from the same server. – I see that and all I think is: "So if this ‘connected realms’ thing wasn’t here, this would be an empty server…Pagle. Once a megaserver, nothing more than single-player world.

Careful what you ask for. I could easily see them shutting down Era in favor of HC for the ‘Vanilla Era feel’ and Seasonal for the ‘funzy server mode’ while having a “Progression Server” that goes from Vanilla up through Wrath on a 3 yr cycle (1 yr per era). No carry-overs to Retail…your characters are just gone at the end of the Season/Progression/Death. All while remind us that Retail has no character wipes.

If you’re going to take shots then be accurate, it didn’t “flat line”, Cataclysm dropped to 10 million and retained that count until 12 months into the last patch, which honestly yeah you would see player drop off on a content drought.

Heres some numbers for you.

Q1 - 12
Q1 - 11.4
Q2 - 11.1
Q3 - 10.3
Q4 - 10.2
Q1 - 10.2
Q2 - 9.1
Q3 - 10
Q4 - 9.6
Q1 - 8.3
Q2 - 7.7

because Blizz clustered the servers instead of merging. Effectively and in any aspect you can inagine, it IS 1 (ONE) server - not many. You can make guilds, trade … everything.
And everybody is speaking of the …-cluster when they speak Era. We all know that we have in effect TWO live Era servers, one PvP and one PvE, The only one not having realized this seems to be you.
Nobody is “fooling” anybody into thinking anything here other than you inside your own mind!

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That’s highly hypocritical of you to say when you keep going around saying that 85% of people liked original Cata. You keep throwing that fake statistic out back to back.

You are confusing going to level 85 with 85% of people.

Original Cata was the first expac to lose subs all the way through. Only gaining subs right as MoP was announced. Then they dropped again.

Wrath subs rose all the way through. So you straight up lied with your 85% figure there.

You are getting your date mixed up. Yes 85 is true when talking about Cata, but that is because we level to 85 in it. Not because 85% of the Cata players liked it.

Cata started with 12 million and ended with 9 million. 9 is only 75% of 12 btw. BUT it was 12 increasing vs 9 decreasing values.

But go ahead and call Vanillitaur the uneducated one.


If some one paid $15 every month for 20 months would you say he liked the game or he hated the game? 10.2 million, 85%, of the 12 million who started cata paid $15 every month for about 20 months. Yes, there was a million sub drop for the last couple months of Cata during the long content drought.

Wrath subs flatlined all the way through.

You’re the uneducated one. You don’t know how to read a graph over time. It matters when the drops occurred. Cata didn’t drop to 9 million in the first few months. It dropped to 9 million in the last couple months. For 1 year 8 months Cata had 10.2 million subs


No. Ending at a higher number and having subs on average rise all the way through isnt flatlining. Any graph from any source you can ever find ever will prove me right, that Wrath subs did not flatline all the way through.

And you literally got 85% and level 85 confused. You got those two numerical values confused. Nothing in Cata has to do with 85 other than going to level 85.

And here is another example of where I keep telling you that you make up stats.

And their NASDAQ report for that time period for ATVI shows me to be correct. All reports say Wrath was the all time high and that things began to decline during Cata. These are facts.

And you say this again

Coming from the person who claims Wrath subs flatlined the whole way through and stayed the same.

In original Wrath, they began to drop a bit, then RDF was added, it helped lots of people. Subs began to rise again. But even that drop was higher than Cata sub count on average and higher than MoP during any time of it’s exitance.

Cata subs literally dropped the entire way through in original Cata.


Things began to decline after Wrath*


Nah. Didn’t like wrath.

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No? But would it hutr you that those liking Wrath got a server? Why not figth for everybody’s possibility o play wat they like?

I have what I like (Era & HC), but I still say: Give 2 BC servers and 2 Wrath servers NOW! Please.


Because they’d be so dead the player retention would be so small

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Cataclysm was the beginning of where wow started to get player retention though. Alot of people quit during cataclysm.

It didn’t really help when pay to win metrics came in. And now, you can just buy your way through everything with real money.

Every wow expansion now, regardless of classic or retail. It lasts for a bit. And then just drops. Where as I could play wrath forever. And I feel many others would agree with that.

Here is another interesting tid bit of info here. But, warmane is actually a pretty popular private server option after doing some research. It’s been around for a long time to actually. Since before classic wow even got started in fact. And it is all wrath of the lich king client based.

Now, tell me something. How can a unoficial private server do it, and make a wrath of the lich king server somewhat popular, and keep it making money etc. I do think private servers make money in some way to keep servers running in some way. But how come they can do it, but somehow blizzard can’t do it. That makes zero sense to me.

Now, I am not promoting private servers. But I do find it hilarious that they can do what blizzard can’t do. Like shoot. If private servers can make it work. Why can;t blizzard.


And … Let them who like to play Wrath and TBC be the judges of what is too small. We’re still many happily playing Era and HC - both declared dead several times. Is it better that they do not play at all?

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I was going to say vanillataur, I was on vanilla era the other day. And it had alot of people playing. I just didn’t play long because, well. I am not a vanilla guy.

But it does have some core fans on it. And I felt it was pretty good population wise. But whatever. Everyone can think what they want to think I guess.


Yeah. I get you, Mktaar, I’m mostly playing HC, I played IronMan - which is kinda HC+ - for so long, that normal Vanilla play has lost its attraction to me. But I log in on my old toons now and then and level a bit. I always am pleasantly surprised just how alive these servers still feel.