
Low quality bait

is that an actual stat? hold on, where do I find that statistic?

put “wow sub number” in a search engine.

Everyone has morals. And talking about wrath of the lich king classic permanent options, over, and over, and over, and over, and over again. I don’t see anything illegal about that. People see it as necroing and spamming. I just see it as protesting.

And it doesn’t mean certain people shouldn’t get what they want, and other people should get what they want. But in my op, it isn’t really that hard to satisfy everybody. And in this case, if permanent wrath classic happened. No one would be complaining this hard.

Then they would just have this buggy mess that we call cataclysm classic. Kind of sad how there are probably cataclysm private servers that have been around for probably a decade or so now, that have way, way better quality than the company who originally made it does. Like I don’t get it.

Like retail, is bloody retail. But, at this point. With classic. For any given classic expansion. I would rather just do a private server. Because the quality doesn’t suck.

Like how in the holy mother do you mess up the launch of a game this badly. Leave it to a company who does things purely for money to answer that question.

I also cannot help but agree with asmongold. But, any sort of mmo where you can buy your way into success, it will never have an actual success pattern and a core playerbase. Like pay to win is why all the mmos out now have such a high turn over rate. Because the appeal of being sucked in, well. That appeal is gone when you know everyone can just pay their ways through to get the best stuff with real money.


could you share the specific link where you found that information? I couldnt find anything about 85% of the population liking cataclysm. there was a poll but I couldnt find the results online.


You have to do the math. Cata started with 12 million subs. it dropped to 10.2 million. It had 10.2 million for about 20 months. I think people paying $15 a month for 1 year 8 months is evidence they liked the game. 10.2 million is 85% of 12 million.

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Morality and legality don’t always match. There are things that are or have been legal in the US but are immoral and vice versa.

It’s like having a fight with your wife and taking it out on your co-workers.

It has nothing to do with what people want. It has to do with what blizzard can offer that makes money for them.

If you actually did something creative you’d have a different view on the theft of intellectual property. But you can’t copy write your particular style of mopping the floor or any other of the janitorial duties you do on your job.

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Ready for the “why can’t we have permanent Cata servers” threads to appear 18 months from now.


And on another note:

9000 unique players is a lot! If every player plays just 1 hour a day, and they are evenly distributed over time, there’ll always be 375 players online. This is a very pessimistic scenario (most play more than one hour, and players are not evenly distributed in time 1-6 am. is mostly deserted :wink: )

And yes clusters exist. The reason is exact this. To make the servers populated. I don’t know why this is suspicious, or why you think it is. It functions just like one server with the big asset that none is forced into giving up their name, as would happen with a merge or a consolidation - like the mess we saw earlier.

And as everybody is asking for 2-3 Wrath Era servers and 2-3 BC Era servers, I suspect pop there to be about the same as in the Era clusters.

PS: None of us really knows the pop in any of the servers in question - only Blizz knows, and they do not tell.




I imagine the fear from many of the cata enjoyers here is that they realize their game mode is pretty much going to be on life support fairly quickly. (Yes I know you’ll deny it cata enjoyers but we both know your lying to yourself.) Best thing we can do is simply not play cata and play another version of the game that’s available to kill the metrics for cata and force a plug pull :slight_smile:


Nah, Go big.

Permanent legion classic. I’ll start that early as hell. Ngl, if retail let us chromie legion to level cap….id be there the whole time.


based. legion experience had a lot of unique stuff that has been changed with retail. Probably the biggest modern expansion that warrants a classic version. MoP is up there as well but it’s still a pretty typical wow expansion.


I guess my entire friend group that quit during cata was a minority, then.

Cata is dogwater. The fact they’re speed running this entire expansion in a year to get to MOP is all the proof you need.


Do you think your experience on one server contains more data than the official sub numbers that Blizzard released?

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LOL, Is someone triggered? I Don’t Care about your Opinion nor Your Feelings. Enjoy the game my keyboard warrior, Peace

I think the frustration is that anything from cataclysm going forwards, is basically not classic anymore. At least in my op.

I mean, blizzard clearly doesn’t seem to care about the community that asked for classic wow in the first place.


I mean, bro. Cataclysm had a ton of subs going into it. But over the course of 2011, the subs dropped pretty drastically lol. In wrath the subs essentially stagnated. They did not go up. The subs did not go down either.

I mean, cata is legit when the sub numbers started to drop. They changed to much. Deleted to much. And nerfed to much to. And, don’t get me wrong. Cata was great. But us permanent wrath players should be able to get a mix of both worlds. Some permanent wrath classic servers. And a cata classic progression server or whatever.


Hmm. Having a life?

Ok, ok. Playing ESO because I mistakenly thought Classic WoW was just vanilla WoW and anything WoW after Wrath just plain sucks.

And I don’t follow forums (obviously) so I had no clue when I jumped in and found Wrath that it was going to get nuked a week later.

This just plain sucks.


You know classic era exists, right?

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