
Of course it won’t bankrupt the company. I just don’t think you’re worth the charity cost. I guess you could try to explain why you and “several others” are worthy recipients of a charitable donation from Blizzard.

They wouldn’t have to really make anything. Just host content they already own.


I don’t really see the problem with making it then. I could understand if blizzard would go bankrupt. But they won’t.

At the same time. It wouldn’t be a charity case either. And it would be the last time I asked for anything from blizzard actually. I would be perfectly satisfied at that point.


If blizzard is doing something that it knows will be a monetary loss it’s the equivalent of a charitable donation. I imagine that Blizzard is doing some sort of charity work, most companies do. It might even be in kind services from the same programmers that would make wrath era possible. Just make the case that you and “several others” are a worthy cause to receive a donation.

Did you miss the last 19 months?


3: One PvP, one PvE and one RP. The Consolidation chaos ensuing - at least in EU was terrible. and lost WoW even mopre players.


3: One PvP, one PvE and one RP.

… and this is why the Era servers are populated still today?


I’m sure there were many months that era servers ran at a loss and even if it’s profitable at the moment I’m sure there will by many months in the future they run at a loss.

Dunno if I would count less than 9000 as ‘populated’. The only reason Era looks full is because nearly all the servers are now linked together.

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  1. I once aske someone in the games business. He said that for something like WoW his best guestimate would be that 200 unique players would pay for one server - at half 6 months discounted WoW fee - counting on half going towards Retail and half going towards Era.
    And the goodwill generated by keeping TBC and Wrath Era servers is a thing not to be counted in $$.
  1. If we play, think it is populated enough for us to have fun, why is it even a problem how many play there?

Gave my WOTLK players a proper sendoff and then deleted them all. Classic ended here for me and I suspect for many others as well.

even 2k active players is pretty populated. modern player has been spoiled and think everything needs to be a megaserver. In a decade or two, wow might not be thriving so much and might be around that pop and it’s perfectly fine. You only need 25 players to raid and do dungeons.


wrath was dead, the population fell of a cliff and had some of the lowest raid log submissions in the history of classic.

move on.


FYI Wrath is OVER!


No, for the simple fact that you guys don’t deserve it at this point.

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I only joined Classic to play BC and Wrath. Anything after that isn’t classic in my eyes. The fact that Wrath isn’t even getting 1 dedicated server kind of hurts.

Logging into Org and seeing the retail version of it kind of low-key pisses me off.


Oh look he has bad opinions in every thread not just one🤣


Lmao, you’re mad that I’m being honest. Spammers and thread necro-ers do not deserve what they want.

The fact that you think you get to say what anyone deserves is telling to say the least :rofl:


Every one gets to express their opinion on what behavior does or doesn’t deserve something. Of course we don’t have the power to enforce our views, only blizzard gets to decide that. But we certainly have the right and power to express our views.


Do scam likely/spam callers deserve your money/time?

No, obviously not.

Same thing here.