
Not really. The vast majority of players stayed.


Nah. Subs dropped pretty significantly over the course of cataclysm when it came out. Where as in wrath, it just kind of stagnated. Cataclysm had loads of people who quit, craving the classic experience.

Like you can say I am lying all you want. But I am stating the bloody facts.


I thought both were obvious. When vanilla era was dead it was unlikely there would be a BC era. When there was no BC era it was obvious there would be no wrath era. When Vanilla classic was a massive success it was obvious that classic would continue until it wasn’t a success. As long as an expansion is sufficiently profitable the next expansion would be released. Classic will end when an expansion looses blizzard money.

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I quite frankly hope blizzard loses all of their money. And goes bankrupt soon.

Like I don’t understand how anyone is even playing cata classic right now. It is insanely buggy. They didn’t test anything. It’s pretty apparent.

But yah. If blizzard execs went bankrupt. I wouldn’t care. They won’t give people on the permanent wrath classic debate what they want. And they can’t provide a bug free cata classic environment either. Like, all of the bugs I have been reading about so far, should have been fixed in beta and alpha. It’s pretty insane.



Dont give in Blizzard, no to wrath classic!

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I don’t think you’re lying. I think you’re an ignorant fool who doesn’t care about the facts enough to do a simple internet search to find them. The fact is that 85% of the player base that started Cata paid a sub for 1 year and 8 months. That’s the official sub count from Blizzard. For a short couple of months at the end of Cata the subs dropped to 9.1 million than quickly went back to 10 million. The over whelming majority liked Cata enough to pay $15 dollars every month and into MoP


Yup, this was obvious - but not until they did not do it for TBC-C… part of the Era fail was also due to Blizz’s normal praxis of trying to get us to pay too much, and then discounting too little too late. I never cloned, and only advanced ONE character - unfortunaely my main - to TBC-C which I am happy to have done now, as I have almost all my toons in Era still. … I was ready to pay to clone my main back to Era from the moment it became clear that Cata was arriving.
For that reason my Wrath main is still level 60. I stopped playing Wrath the moment Cata was announced.
For me at least it was NOT obvious that they would be that inane once again.

I still hope for CLassic Era servers, call me naive if you like.
For now I cancelled my sub, stating Cata! as my reason for quitting. I hope still …


I mean, I never cloned either. Because I was waiting to clone in wrath.

They also had all the servers up, when they should have just had players transfer to 1or 2 of them. The classic server I logged on yesterday had plenty of activity going on, including people wanting to run raids.

Blizzard basically just saw that it didn’t work, and then assumed it wouldn’t work for anything else later either. But they didn’t do it right.

I mean, who in their right mind is gonna pay almost 40 bucks for one clone of a character. That was insane. I am willing to do anything to get classic wrath tho at this rate. Charge me 100 bucks per toon cloned to classic wrath. I would gladly do it.

But now, we are where we are today. I think 1 server would be enough for permanent wrath.


I’m genuinely curious why this is your stance? Because you’re honestly coming across as someone with the emotional maturity of about an eight year old.

How does someone else enjoying a different version of the game affect you? At all? You do realize most people who want permanent Vanilla, TBC, Wrath servers won’t be playing Cata Classic; so the argument about splitting the player base is really not valid.

So again, why are you so vocal against something that doesn’t affect you at all?


Anyone can guess why something happened when there’s no data… My guess is something every gaming company has learned. People will play a game for a couple of years, then become bored and move onto something else. It doesn’t matter if the something else is less fun than the game they played for a while. They’ll move onto a lesser game or expansion simply because it’s new and they’re bored with the game they finished playing. That’s why every successful game gets an expansion. Almost no one will play the same game forever.

I honestly kind of gave up on the people who disagree with me turdiefurgie lol. Like the arguments are all over the place.

Or the classic, it won’t make a billions of dollars. We sure do live in that era where everything comes down to money. If not enough money is involved, or no money, don’t do it. And don’t question anything either. Questioning things is a trait that almost no one has now also. And that is sad.

Blizzard is litteraly the definition of the krusty krab. I can see blizzard execs having employees pay blizzard just for breathing. It’s one thing to make money. It’s another completely to be just straight up egregious about it.


Umm. We will feywaif. We will all play permanent wrath classic forever. You and alot of others won’t. But me and vanillataur here will. As well as several others I am sure.


The money thing kills me because genuinely, how much would it cost to run these servers permanently?: (I honestly don’t know!)

Vanilla - 2-3 servers
TBC - 2-3 servers
Wrath - 2-3 servers

It’s not like there is new content to constantly update. Just host the content and leave it alone. I’d even pay a separate/additional sub fee for these servers.


Yes, I think there are several others but several isn’t enough to support a profitable server. I get that you think Blizzard should treat wrath era as a charitable donation and eat the monetary loss. But if a business is going to engage in charity I’d rather it go to help the homeless or to support environmental causes than to support the few that want a wrath era server.

It wouldn’t cost really much of anything yo. Like litteraly. It just wouldn’t make enough so that the ceos and presidents could buy there 600 million dollar yachts.

Like man did blizzard just get straight up greedy. And 90 percent of the profits blizzard does make. Goes directly into bobby koticks wallet. No one else. Or whoever the ceo and president of blizzard are now. Probably just as bad.


You are acting like this could bankrupt the company if permanent wrath classic got made.

And the monetary net lost would be insanely small to. Not enough to leave a dent in company profits. Which 90 percent would go to the big dogs anyways. Like how does anyone even work at blizzard at the developer level. I can only imagine. They probably only get paid 10 cents a day if they are lucky.

And then dangit. We listened to mktaar. Now those devs aren’t even getting that 10 cents either lol. They will have to scrape by the rest of the year now. Thanks wrath classic.


I don’t think anyone posting here knows what the cost of maintaining wrath era would be. But blizzard knows and they didn’t become one of the most profitable gaming companies by walking away from a profitable venture. For all the complaints about it’s games on the forums Microsoft decided Activision/Blizzard was worth 68.7 billion dollars.

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They need to stop making different iterations of the game… they cant even keep up with their current bugs.

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Servers already do that. Most people will never interact with players outside their servers outside of RDF and BGs.

I think if there were any sort of financial loss (which I highly doubt), the PR gain would be significant. It would show that Blizzard listens to their subscribers. It would allow people to play the classic versions (pre-Azeroth destruction) of the game in an official Blizzard-controlled way permanently, allowing new players to the franchise an opportunity to play the three most popular versions of the game. If this sounds like a sales pitch… haha