
I personally always felt like wrath was the best version of the game. I liked cataclysm classic. But It felt so annoying not getting permanent versions of my favorite expansion. And others of course also share that exact same opinion.

Just alot of hate on both sides and dislike and I don’t understand why. I mean, I get my behavior has been terrible, But let’s stop kicking a dead horse already. It’s hard to remain behaved, objective and normal about this whole permanent wrath classic vs cata classic debate when no one else seems to be.

Man and naxx was a joke when wrath originally came out back in 2008. I always felt it was one of the easiest raids. But this is objective to. I am sure there are people out there who thought it was hard.

I guess I can’t really speak though. I view the game from a casual lens. Most of what I hear about raids is from friends or articles or whatever. I still remember the game informer magazine in 2008 talking about how much of a joke naxx was.

I honestly feel the same way. So many narcissists to when it comes to raiding. Raiding honestly feels like working at a mcdonald’s to me. Never forget one of my friends putting on his resume that he was a guild raid leader in wow under the “why we should hire you”, thing on his application. I wouldn’t of hired him if I was the hiring manager. Can’t remember if he got hired or not.

People usually have to force me to raid. Because I personally don’t feel like dealing with all the drama and all the other bullcorn. In 5 mans it’s more contained. And, that is usually where I stop in every expansion. I never get past the heroic 5 mans in most cases. And of course if someone is desperate for a raid spot to be filled. Fine I will fill in.

But I always enjoyed leveling to. Even doing it a trillion times I didn’t care.

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No thanks,

making more than one server is what split the player base in the first place.

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Cata is what split the playerbase in half brother lol. I think wrath was the middle ground, and quite frankly was really the only era realm we really needed a permanent option for.

But, everyone has favorite clients. And mine will always be wrath. The game changed in cata going forward. It just lost alot of magic. No doubt still fun of course. I still play retail to this day. But, I want wrath classic back for the mix of both worlds.

Cata in my op is when wow officially became retail. But, that’s just me. Wrath was the last era of the game with the classic flavor to it.

And it wasn’t any more split than it already was to begin with. Like alot of people quit during cata, and then came back during classic launch. So those players were never going to be playing with retail players to begin with. But cata was what caused alot of the classic player crowd to quit to begin with back in 2010. So, those people won’t be playing if permanent wrath classic servers don’t come out.


No matter how much i want wrath classic . The underlying issue is too many flavors of wow is causing an oversupply. The raiding and battle grounds are basied on how many people are in that version of the game.

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I mean, it’s always been like this. Never forget playing in xp off back in the day. Just another feature that split people in half because alot of people are big babies about getting owned in pvp by people that outgear them and stuff like that.

With wow in my op right now, we really only need 3 clients. Wrath classic. Cata classic of course going forward into pandaria classic and wod classic and whatever else. Wrath was the last of true classic to me. And of course the base expansion of retail.

That’s it though. But to me, not having permanent versions of wrath classic, is a slap in the face to anyone who wanted classic to begin with. Wrath classic encompassed everything from the first 3 clients of the game to. Cataclysm is why I wanted classic. Because it no longer felt like old wow anymore. It felt like a different wow entirely. And I think wrath would have preserved the best of both worlds.

Mktaar spamming the same rubbish on his alt. Again. No threads to necro today?


I support this💪


You got me here

You lost me here. Cata is not retail. Retail as of today is The War Within and has absolutely nothing to do with Cata. Between Cata and The War Within there are more years and expansion than Vanilla to Cata. More changes happened the last time you played.
Use another word for Cata, or maybe, just call it Cata?


Cata sux :eggplant:


This post is an example of one of the few of the minority that want perma wrath servers, you mean.

Or actually this post isnt an example of anything other than a place to cry pointless tears about something that will not happen realistically.

That’s just wrong in every way shape & form but enjoy the unga bunga raid fights that even a chimpanzee could do

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You are assuming the people asking for era servers enjoy cataclysm cough cough retail 1.0 cough cough*.

Believe it or not, shocker to the retailers (lol), the vast majority of classic players didn’t want cataclysm. Classic ended with wrath, period.


Wrath will always be the best choice for an era server “eternal”

Out of all the private servers, wrath realms have historically maintained their realm population over for over a decade vs any other version of classic.

Highest population and also highest subscription in wow’s history happened around the end of wrath of the lich king and dipped down by the end of Cataclysm. Wrath will be the best choice if blizzard had to pick one expansion to have an eternal era server.


Compare the population for classic wrath on phase 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 vs now, the more phases we see the more you will see wrath destroyed any other future/past classic expansion in terms of population.


Eh, not really. Wrath era only works with seasonal resets like warmane does. Without resets and using era as a dumping ground, wrath is by far the worst as an era server.

In wrath, ICC makes all other content other than ICC completely invalidated. There is zero point in doing any other content other than a single boss for the weekly raid.

Wrath era should still exist of course, ideally with resets. But vanilla and tbc are far better suited as stand-alone eternal servers due to superior progression systems that incentivize you to play through each raid tier.

The Chinese are currently enjoying Wrath with millions of people playing. Thats one option for people who want Wotlk here, though I suppose you better brush up on your Chinese.

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bump…10 char limit ftl

Wotlk kinda mid tbh.

Naxx sucked.

Maly sucked.

Sarthe Sucked.

Ulduar was cool.

Onyxia Sucked.

TOGC was aight.

ICC was good.

RS was aight.

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