
The person necro’d numerous threads and spammed people. It also looks like you are an alt shill.

Yes zinkari. And you and several others are just narcissists And karens. Preying on the smaller communities simply for voicing their opinions. Or I guess I should say spamming their opinions. Like just shut up with that bullcorn. It’s such stupid logic to go off of.

You don’t like people spouting their opinions and voicing their complaints. Like why do you think it should stop.

That’s my favorite thing. Like bro, Im telling mommy blizzard on you. Like do it bro. No one gives a rip. Put your money where your mouth is and do something already if you don’t like it that badly.

And by your logic, you are just some cataclysm classic blizzard shill who thinks no one should have opinions if they concern permanent versions of wrath classic. And they definitely don’t have the right to spam it. Like get the heck out of here bro.


I really don’t care if wrath gets an era. The issue is when people flood the forums with their bs. Post on your main btw.

Ok and where are you getting the idea that people are just flooding the forums with permanent wrath classic requests.

And who could have predicted that anyways. NO one really thought that the permanent wrath classic era andies would be mad having their wrath classic realms taken away and turned into cata classic realms. Who would of thunk.

LIke you better get used to it zinkari. Because I don’t think it will change. Like they have every right to be here as anyone else does.


Mktaar was. They’ve stopped spamming it, but Ik they were

And? Like that was a while back now. I don’t know who this, “mktaar” guy is. But it’s like, it’s time to, move on from that, don’t you think lol. Whatever happened. It doesn’t seem to be happening to the frequency that it was. Like I don’t know what happened. I wasn’t there.

But it seemed like it was a while back now. Like it’s over.

At the same time, you can’t just expect people to be ok with that change either. And expect no one to post. And no one to spam. About permanent wrath classic servers.
So hopefully no one expected the forums to be free of the , “We want permanent wrath classic servers blizzard” thing, because, it was a very popular version of the game.

And of course people were going to be upset about not being able to play it anymore officially.

And even if they were spamming it. So what? Like does it make it difficult for you to do your afternoon forum surfing or something. Like my god guys. I can’t see any other threads. There’s like a billion permanent wrath classic threads. I can’t get through.

At the same time, if the permanent wrath classic communities are so small, then why are the pro cata players letting it affect them so much. They are small and nothing they say seems to matter much anyways. So, yah.

Seems like a waste of time, at least to me, getting mad and frustrated at the permanent wrath classic server communities for posting and spamming about their favorite version of the game that they want blizzard to make. But that’s just me.

At the end of the day. Wow is a game. And it provides entertainment to people. And everyone has favorites. And when you don’t have your version of the game, or you aren’t satisfied with the game. Some people like to complain about it.

I definitely don’t get why certain individuals insult others, or tell those players to unsub. I think that kind of showcases the double standard. Because the pro cata players, can be just as toxic. I think in general, if enough voices get heard. Permanent wrath classic players could get permanent wrath classic realms. But who knows. And then, most people who like wow, would be satisfied.

But it’s human nature. Wow basically is going down the same road a second time. I don’t recall anyone asking for classic wow servers when wrath of the lich king was the current expansion. That really started to get going during cata, and escalated even further. And the question for legacy servers was eventually asked at the 2013 blizzcon, and was dismissed. And from a business standpoint. That, was inexcusable in my op.

And, I can definitely understand the permanent wrath classic players frustrations. Like the pro cata players, don’t seem to understand empathy. Like at all. Or sympathy either. Like it truly does suck, to have to lose out and be dismissed, for the second time. Not only by blizzard. But by alot of the folks in the pro cata classic communities.

I mean, I get it. The pro cata classic players. They have what they want. And that is good for them. But what about what other people might want. No one really thinks about that. So people might chastise the permanent wrath classic players for spamming. But, you gotta get inside and try and understand why they were spamming to begin with.

And I guarantee the pro cata classic crowd. They would feel the same way if any of their complaints fell on deaf ears. I guarantee it.

Like what do you want the pro wrath classic players to do. To just, go away. To just, stop talking about wrath classic and stop spamming about wrath classic. Because, that isn’t going to happen. They will probably continue to post until their voices get heard. And if you can’t understand that. Or understand why. I don’t know what to tell you.
It’s pretty normal in my op.

  1. What in the schizopost?

  2. Nice alt spamming.

  3. I am going to reply to Mktaar every time they post about it. They spammed to annoy people, they’re going to get spammed back.

  4. You know who Mktaar is. You literally replied to them in this thread.

I honestly concur with everything you said fluffykinss.

Like, I don’t think they would be spamming nearly as relentlessly if there weren’t so many posters telling them to stop spamming about wrath classic. Or, Im gonna report you to death bro. You are all entitled. I don’t think wrath classic is happening. Blizzard doesn’t care. Like okkk…

Way to enable them folks. You all want it to really stop. Like stop replying to the permanent wrath classic posters. And it probably wouldn’t be nearly as prominent. End of story.


I put six of the Eras Andy’s on ignore. It cut down on the spam by around 90%. It convinced me that is is the same very small bunch of children making all the noise.

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You’re still alt spamming, I see.

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And I put you on ignore. That way I can’t hear the tattle tales and narcissists anymore. After this comment, I am done listening to you and zinkari.


It’s funny. All they can say is that pro permanent wrath classic server andies spam alot, and like, hop altz, And ask for permanent wrath classic servers all the time. Like omgggg. Make it stop.

Like is that all you people can say back lol. It’s pretty sad. And yah, we permanent wrath classic players are sad to. But the pro cata players are acting equally as pathetic, sad, and babyish over something so minimal. Like my god. How will I move on with my life.

Like I can’t go to the forums anymore. There’s to much spam. How will the pro cata classic players ever survive. And, how will the pro permanent wrath classic players survive without permanent wrath of the lich king era servers. They will. I mean, the world won’t end. But my god the pro cata classic players are being stupid. All of us are.
At least I can admit it though lol.

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You are a fool if you think that permanent wrath classic players are just going to, magically go away just because you told them to and that you were tired of the spamming lol.

Like, there isn’t really much more to say. At the same time, us permanent wrath classic folks. We aren’t fools when it comes to your comments either. We know you will continue to chastise people for posting about permanent wrath classic servers and all that jargon.

LIke we are all children. Making noise for one reason or another. All I see is childlike baby narcissist noise from you and others freaking and babying out because there is so much permanent wrath classic spam. LIke we are all equally as stupid. So don’t act like you are above anyone else. Because you aren’t.


In some capacity yes, and it becomes spam at that point, I have to mute those necroed threads to make the front page of this board at least better for myself.

Listen, I have nothing against Wrath era servers but going to every thread that hasn’t had a new post in 2+ months and then replying to it to boost its “Popularity” for Wrath era on the front page of this board isn’t going make Blizzard do Wrath era servers, infact its doing the opposite because all their reading in those threads is just one guy doing it. If you want a dedicated thread about Wrath era server then make it and stick to it, like I said I have nothing against Wrath era server discussion personally.

Thanks for proving my point. More whining from an alt with a total of two posts to your mane. JAEA.

There’s the problem with your whole argument. You proceed from a false assumption.

Oh yeah. Hear the mighty lions roar and shake their manes.

Just give us those Era severs and noone gets hurt - or eaten

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Just bias talking

Nope, we were many that did not much care for the new stuff - the streamlining and limitations brougth on by Cata. Many of us kept playing for more reasons:

  • WoW was still the best there was,
  • we had friends in guilds
  • we felt obliged to stay and help out guildies, and
  • we still had fun together,

even if we bickered over the “new bling and smack alec changes”.

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people saying it divides the community like it gets people back who would stay subbed otherwise.