
But that is between you and your guild. You and you’re guild are not the millions of people from around the world though.

Each and every one of us, has our own opinions, has our own takes, our own thoughts, etc. We all look at everything different. Because everything is “subjective.” Because not everyone agrees with everything. I mean, a lot of people agree that Shadowlands was the worse expansion that has been released, but even that is subjective because there is some people who loved it.

… and all this subjectivity is the exact reason to give us TBC and Wrath Era servers. So that we (meaning me and the more than one other person wanting this) do not quit WoW altogether.

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It’s not actually. When you look at it, over the course of TBC Classic, it failed, and the numbers declined. And you can see this because Blizzard had to close some servers. Same thing in Wrath classic, although they’re now only starting to close down some of the servers too. So why waste money on hosting TBC Era or WotLK Era if the numbers are going to be low. They realized this mistake with Classic Era, the numbers were low. Only reason why Classic has stronger numbers right now is because of Season of Discovery and Hardcore.

only you, mktar and other half dozen want wrath era man
game is already buggy and dev teams spread thin enough for them to make a server for 12 people

… and so fun that when other use the inclusive “we” in this way, you do not say the least

Ancedotal once again, but speaking with people in game - on my teeny tiny server (EU RP), there’s way more than 12 wanting this. And I would think the percentages are not that off, that we could not get enough for 2 servers per expansion per region.

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game is super buggy rn and dev teams spread super thin
i dont want era servers, i think it would be a disservice to the community at this point
if i had to vote it i would vote i against it

If they want the “Old Azeroth”, Classic Era/SoD/Hardcore is there for them anyways. Wrath and TBC content is still available in Cata classic, and is infact (mostly) still available today on retail.

We should have had them - they could have just kept some of the closed down servers up - and made paid transfer there for us nerds. I would have paid.

And because YOU do not want it, nobody should have it?
If this is a do not split the player base kind of argument, my answer is: I have alrready cancelled my sub. I will not log in to Cata ever, I play Era and HC till my sub runs out.
Cata will be buggy whether these servers were there or not.

If I had had a chance to vote, I had voted against Cata without Era servers.

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Shall we say the same thing? Just because you want it, means we should have it?

See how weak that sort of argument is?

more likely blizzard doesnt want it, i happen to be on the same boat
blizz knows you guys aint playing, like you didnt play the 2 year version you just had.

farewell brother, im more concerned about resources than what half dozen ppl will do with their lives

Bye and thanks for nothing.
Ressources are not a problem. Your way if thinking is.
The If I think it’s not fun, nobody should haave it-mentality is going to ruin a lot for the future you.

not interested in “uncalled for” advice
you had 2 years to play it, should have played while you could

I put five Era Andys on ignore and era spam dropped by around 97%. That’s good enough to tell me it was the same (very) small loud mouths making all the noise. I too say NO to any more era servers.


I did, just as I played TBC, I only stopped when Cata was announced. Call me naive if you like, but I imagined Wrath to be the endpoint.
2 years are not enough for me, so I still would like to have the opportunity to stay in Wrath and not progress to Cata, which I won’t play …


thats such a silly thing to say
cata is literally the same game with 2 extra buttons and more content

I don’t see why every version isn’t out as a classic remaster, but my theory is they are testing the popularity of each old expansion to see how they hold up with time. Also so the player base isn’t spread too thin.

I would expect dedicated servers after MoP or Cata classic maybe.

throwing era servers are bad even for the old expansion enjoyers
whats the chance of they resetting the cycle with 20 era servers around

[quote=“Vanillataur-garrosh, post:255, topic:1842441”]
I did, just as I played TBC, I only stopped when Cata was announced. Call me naive if you like, but I imagined Wrath to be the endpoint.
2 years are not enough for me, so I still would like to have the opportunity to stay in Wrath and not progress to Cata, which I won’t play …

Alright, seriously, this is getting bonkers. Exactly what is it about Cataclysm that makes such drastic changes that its not a continuation of the story as a whole? Playing Cata again, right now, and it is just wotlk with new zones, a few new abilities but overall plays exactly the same.

Mana still matters, the spec trees are still classic era style talent trees, there arent new models, gearing still works the same, the features are still the same (we are literally expansions away from things like m+).

About the only thing you could call a change was hunters going to focus - which was something even the og wow devs said they wanted at launch of vanilla…

like im struggling here… you are making leaps that arent there. if you like wotlk you’ll enjoy cata…

and for those that say its ‘modern wow’ how exactly? we have literally two full talent tree changes between current and live (legion and then dragonflight), we still have the old class feel (that doesnt change till legion), we dont have a lot of the trial systems (that started in wod)… like outside of hysteria i dont get it.

This is such a silly thing to say, and just your opinion. For levellers the world changed. For Hunters Focus, Talents and most everything pet related changed