
Yes, at the end of cata they dropped by ~25%, with a resurgence followed by a fall in mop. I think many of us were fatigued after that and some weirded out by the kung fu panda esthetic, and unsure of wow’s future. Think nowdays we will be able to get over the estetic choice of pandaland and enjoy the content.

25% despite sunk cost fallacy and stockholme syndrome left due to cata. (fixed)

Additionally the small bus idiot needs to think 85% would imply .85=x/12. Or x=10.2 which is the number of players on wow during the resurgence of mop.

yeah it did Wows sub numbers went down by almost half after cataclysm launched the first time. it was a terrible expansion then and its terrible now.

how do you lose money on a $15 a month subscription game that you don’t even have to develop?

literally no one on the planet has accused the dungeons in cata of being difficult. i felt like i was playing stupid baby mode the entire time.

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Doesn’t look like almost half. In fact, doesn’t even look close to a quater either.

Everyone has different takes on the expansion. But calling it a terrible expansion is subjective.

you probably work at a starbucks and brag about how educated you are and how stupid everyone else is as you make coffee because your liberal arts degree doesn’t pay any money. enjoy paying off those student loans mr. educated your defending the downfall of wow subscriptions during a time period when chinese gold farming was at its peak. they literally made chinese prisoners farm gold as punishment because cata was so awful and broken.


Either you didn’t play Cata, or weren’t paying attention during the first few months of Cata or you’re lying now. Complaints about the difficulty of the Cata dungeons was everywhere. In fact we called them wrath babies.

I retired five years ago at 62, bought 10 acres of land in southern Arizona, and am just loving my life. It’s too bad you’re wrong about everything you post, but you’re probably used to that by now.

My degree was in Botany.

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dont ever play cata man, just uninstall or do whatever else
no1 cares

How can you be this close to self awareness and so far off. It’s astounding.

Maybe those MILLONS OF PLAYERS that came after your friends quit we’re a fully different group? Maybe your opinon isn’t the only one? Maybe different groups enjoy different things?

You should be raging at blizzards incompetence of not launching cycles of vanilla-wrath fresh.

Not every product has to be for you. You’re not a main character. Stop posting, thanks.

Era Andy. Figures.

I remember that :sob:

Same can be said about people wanting permanent wrath classic. It is our opinion. But I don’t think anyone else really needs to have an opinion on that.

This “Wrath-babies” meme actually proves that there was a great turnover in players, at least from Wrath onwards.

Me and my guild - who most of us played since 2006 - did not think that the Cata dungeons were difficult. We agreed that the “difficulty” had just returned to Vanilla/TBC level once again.
But we met many complainers, and more and more as the expansion (Cata) went on - strangely as the “difficulty” was reduced - people still complained. We pugged quite a lot, me and a guildie (me Tank, other one Heal or DPS), so we met a fair amont of new players. Actually even though we played on one of the smaller servers, we met a surprising amount of new players, always.

I know this too counts as anecdotal (and will get a fee fee comment by Feywaif) but our Guilds broke up, reformed and finally folded alltogether. Of course I did not play all servers, all regions, ect, but my SO and two sons played too, different realms, different guilds … and they had the same problems - and whe heard from many having the same as well.
We lost the core players who had levelled alts in great amounts (at least one with 2 full accounts of 80 who levelled only a couple to 85), we lost the dedicated GuildMasters.
And all this happened NOT because we were young, or life happened - only for a few - we were older than most WoW players back then, most were in their 40 or over, settled, grandkids … time for WoW - but the fun had left WoW with Cata.


Hmmm, nah, I think fun was still in Cata, but this does depend on what someone would define as “fun.” Like to me, I still found fun in Cata, though with playing with friends and still having a good time.

I mean, truth be told, there was some things I didn’t like about Cata, such as the scaling up difficulty on heroic dungeons, since Ghostcrawler did say back in 2011, “We didn’t like that the Heroic dungeons in Lich King and early Naxxramas had become zerg-fests. It made the rewards feel like they weren’t earned.” And the Firelands was one of the worse raids imo. But I still did have a lot of fun back in Cata. As I said, it just depends on what someone would define as fun.

I thought this over while walking. The shift in player base …
Bear with me: In Vanilla and TBC most players were allround players, we levelled alts, ran a dungeon with the guild when we felt like it, raided every Thursday evening - or whenever. We did gladly join in a free for all outside Menethil or wherever, all for fun.
Slowly in Wrath it changed, some became raiders, some PvPers (they left the realm) and a few stayed allrounders, helping out, filling in …
With dual spec this changed too, slowly, insidiously. Groups were no longer happy with a tank or healer doing its best, but not having the “right” talents, and top notch gear not knowing everything and doing it 100 % right first time around. We had no excuse any longer for not having the right gear, talents and glyphs. Raiding became a second job. ad the community we had was no longer enough to tide us over the rough spots. Yes we still had fun, but less and less so until most quit, never to return, not even for Classic.

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That’s all really subjective.I thought dual spec was great. As a holy priest questing was hell and I couldn’t afford to respec constantly. I welcomed the chance to have a full healer spec for dungeons and raids and a dps spec for everything else. That made the game more fun for me. Before it was added I had a dedicated raid healer who just raid logged and did nothing else in the game. Because nothing else was fun with my raid healing spec. I played alts when not raiding. Why would any healer have a hybrid healing/dps spec after dual spec was added? Of course groups expected it.

Yes seen from your point of view this is how it also was.
You were happy with the changes because it fit your playstyle.

This is just as subjective as when I say that this change was not good for us because it did not fit the playstyle of me and my guild.

And you even confirm what I say:

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Of course it’s subjective. 99% of everything posted here is subjective. I’ve never pretended my personal experience with the game was anything more than my personal experience. I don’t have a problem with people talking about their personal point of view. I just get annoyed when they claim their experience was the norm for the other 12 million people playing the game when there’s no data to back up that claim. Notice how I didn’t say most people or we? That’s because I don’t try to speak for other people. Where as you post this.

You’re all we we we, most people etc. You have no clue what 99.999% of the 12 million players thought or did in the game