
I’d play WoD Classic.
I missed out first time around, and the retail version of WoD is riddled with post xpac nerfs that really diminish the content.

You think raid logging won’t exist in cataclysm classic to. You are delusional if you think it won’t exist in cata classic lol.


No I am just telling it straight. Like, anyone who has an opinion that differs from mine about wrath classic. Their opinion, is completely irrelevant and wrong lol.

Like seriously. To heck with the anti permanent wrath classic posts to. I don’t agree with them.

Only opinion I agree with is, yah wrath classic was cool. And I hope permanent wrath classic servers exist officially from blizzard soon. Anything else is just, well, I don’t agree with it.


I totally agree. I would like to see a permanent wrath classic. IMO Wrath is where the game peaked and then began dropping off with Cata.


Lmao ok, whatever dude. Patch is out, quests/80-85/etc are live. Move on.

Waaaah. Blizzard too away my toys momeeee.
Waaaah. I’m going to necro some threads momeee.
Waaaah. Why don’t I have any friends momeee.
Waaaah. Will I ever grow out of being a constant whiner momeee.
Waaaah. Waaaah. Waaaah.


you private server players are weird, ICC was out for almost half a year and you still want more?


It didn’t happen man sorry yo

stop being weird man
game didnt change a thing
its literally wrath with extra content + 2-3 buttons that makes classes work better which doesnt even make a diff for you cause you didnt get max lvl in wrath


I am not sure more likely we will get tbc first once cata flops. tbc had more consistent demand for raids probably stemming from tbc raids having loot systems more similar to vanilla. Also prob has more leeway to add stuff if they want to go for tbc plus. Might see a return to wrath once legion eats the expansion which eats mop which eats cata. Hopefully they wont make it so you can just zug in dungeons to prep for raids.


Sub numbers for wow started to drop heavily after wrath and eventually they stopped reporting in players leaving the game.


Not true. Sub numbers dropped about 15% in Cata and they didn’t stop reporting numbers until WoD.

You start with a fail assumption and then proceed to add more fail assumptions on top of it. That makes your entire comment fail.

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You keep throwing those numbers out there and saying that ‘10.2 million people subbed for 20 months’, but your logic is flawed. You assume that it is THE SAME 10.2 million people who played all of those months. At that time Blizzard was advertising WoW literally EVERYWHERE and it’s not unreasonable to think that those subs may have included a large amount of churn, but we will never know how much.

In my experience - all of my friends who played and most of my guild quit WoW not long after Cata dropped because it was no longer the game we enjoyed and wanted to play. The expansion destroyed the old world leveling experience, removing nearly all the challenge, and it MOST CERTAINLY fractured the player-base. There was a fairly significant push by the community for Blizzard to release dedicated pre-CATA servers.

This leads to my frustration - I was super-excited for Classic WoW when it released. Played ALOT until TBC dropped. Although I wanted to play through TBC I had to leave due to real life issues not long after it dropped, but I left with confidence that I could return any time since Blizzard promised that Classic would never go away so we could be confident that our characters would always be there in classic. Well, imagine my surprise when I re-subbed last week only to find all of my characters stuck in f@#$@ing Cataclysm realms? The expansion that killed the original game for me? Needless to say I immediately un-subbed since I will NEVER play cataclysm again. I’ll spend my remaining 25 days of game time leveling a new character on Classic Era realms, but doubtful I will continue once that game time expires.


We can never know how much churn. So there’s not much use in discussing it. Wrath flat lined for two years but we know there was a lot of churn. We even called the new players “wrath babies” because all they knew was wrath easy dungeons and they started quitting in Cata because the dungeons were so hard for them.

I’m really so sick and tired of idiots posting sht like this. 12 million people started Cata and about 10 million played throughout it’s run. How many friends did you have? What percent is that of 12 million? There were dozens of servers. How many servers did you play on? No one cares about your anecdotal BS. Your story telling time has no place in a serious discussion.

Talking to you is like talking to a trump supporter. Every one they knew voted for him so they claim he couldn’t have lost. Ergo the election must have been stolen.

You just named three things that hold little to no interest for me. I like leveling alts first and foremost. Secondarily to that I like maxing out professions, maxing out reps and, yes, even chasing achievements.

Leveling was completely ruined by cataclysm.


im more happy with cata then i ever was with wrath lol

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I’m really sick and tired of you discounting the experience of other people and calling them stupid because their experience differed from yours.

If anybody is an idiot here, it is you.


Looking at it for Cata alone, just going to requote it…

Then compare it to WoD, 10 million at the start of WoD to 5.6 million, which only went into 6-7 months in the expansion.

You really are a fool. I don’t use my experience as evidence of anything. That’s because I have an education. I get that you think your fee fees count as evidence but I’ve learned that personal experience is always defeated by actual objective data.