Has there been any mention of a fix so far? This is a pretty major issue for Blizzard to ignore…
I tried what Onikaroshi mentioned with different addons. I have gotten none of them to work. Default Blizz UI, ShadowedUnitFrames, ZPerl, SimpleUnitFrames all only show % values.
Super frustrating…
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This is very frustrating. It was a major thing in wrath to be able to see people’s health, especially in PvP
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The warrior’s max health changes by like 1% as they take damage, proof it’s from an addon. WOTLK never had real enemy player health, it was always an addon.
In reply to Trains, above.
100% Incorrect.
The warrior’s health, in the first clip, changes slightly because he swaps from 2h to shield when getting focused by the rogue.
There is no addon guessing here.
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I used to see people’s health all the time and wonder why my cousin preferred seeing percentages. I used almost no addons.
Any day now. I’d really like this fixed.
Another day without enemy HP. 
Another bump for Blizzard ^^
Please fix this Blizzard. 
Bump. This problem is extremely important. Vitally important even.
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Missing wrath functionality is what classic is all about
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Bump. This needs to be fixed.
Blizz devs trying to hide hp so we wont target their undergeared noob selves, jokes on them I already know what every gear set looks like and will still target their undergeard noob selves.
yeah its working on my end. No addons
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This 100% still isn’t working in pvp or open world for people not in group still
Actually I think they fixed it! We did it guys