Wrath of the lich king numeric HP values for enemies

Right, I doubt it takes them more than 10 minutes to fix. The real issue is getting them to actually read and be aware of the bug.

Or maybe it’s not a bug and it’s intended, but then they should at least communicate it so we know that’s it’s a design decision

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In retail wotlk it worked so I think they just haven’t realised it worked then and applied the change


Really wish someone from Blizzard could provide an update for this or some info.

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Please, it feels so odd and clunky…

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BUMP. This needs fixed ASAP

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Mixed feelings about this. I know wrath had HP display.

Currently you have to look at what kind of gear people are in, which the boostees already stand out, to know who you can basically oneshot.

But as soon as it’s put in? Oh he has 5000 hp, here we go…

Addons go around what you’re trying to preserve so may as well just go with what’s authentic to Wrath.

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Yeah, I have had arena mates call out HP in the past and wondered how, but never wanted to believe it.

its just the way things are, people will always take the path of least resistance because they’re looking to win, not truly “Game”

Another way to put it, they’re more interested in their ego than fun.

Aka, always having the advantage even if it’s not legit.

To all those saying they want it changed from how it was in original wrath and just not display numeric values for hp. Whatever, Blizz could just add this to their list of changes and COMMUNICATE it, instead of just leaving people wondering if it’s a bug or not. I wouldn’t be complaining if they came forth and said “look guys this is a decision we made”.
But as of now, all I see is, it’s not behaving like wrath did, and it seems to come from a point of little attention to detail, not a decision.

They put such a huge effort into replicating every little detail of vanilla for classic players… why is it crazy to expect they put the same effort into replicating wrath for wrath players ?

Never actually said that. I am for the game being how it was before.
We were mostly talking about people using addons to cheat and see enemy player HP during BC.

Blizz should STOP ignoring this and give us an update.

100% agree!

On the PTR you can see hp numbers.

Yeah I thought it was off, I kept telling myself I swear hp was numerical values when wotlk came out.

Deffiently should be sorted, it works so much better.

it doesn’t work in PTR, only NPC mobs work not players.

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It did, I remember not having to use addons for that anymore.

This is still a really annoying bug. This should not require an addon, but not even addons get this to work right now.


nah it only works for npcs and party members not enemy pvp players or even non grouped pvp players