Wrath of the lich king numeric HP values for enemies

Still showing 100 / 100 for numeric values.

Not in a BG it doesn’t

Really weird that this feature would be limited to instanced pvp. You should be able to see peoples HP in world pvp too.

I agree but i’m happy we got them to fix it in pvp atleast :smiley:

He’s not on the beta and thus cannot post on the beta forums.

Learning to ignore topics you aren’t interested in is an important life skill.

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I use shadow unit frames and I cannot see the HP values. Sucks, I really like the UI of it. I seriously hope that bliz fixes this issue.

SUF has values for mobs, but nothing has values for player enemies, blizz has not provided that.

Ahhh yeah, this is what I meant sorry. I knew that the mob HP was present. I really wonder why blizz is not allowing HP values…

Your guess is as good as mine lol

Didn’t they remove this because some addons and unattended macros where exploiting the HP data?

How is it exploitative? It was in the original game, and even now in retail. Seeing HP values for pvp is info that is important in decision making!


Not sure, I just thought I recalled Blizzard saying there was some kind of exploit. Maybe not, it was more of a question than a statement.

It wasn’t an exploit. Realmobhealth addon was just causing too much “chat traffic” between players. So they put the API back in that shows NPC health, but you needed an addon to see it.

What they did not do was put back in the API that shows player health for enemies and ppl outside of your group.

Ok, that makes some sense. I was not 100% sure, I just knew there was some reason on the clients that Blizzard took it out. I assumed it was an exploit of something, but your explanation sound pluasable.

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