I’ve been watching a fair bit of the wotlk beta recently as I haven’t got access to it and it seems the hp value for enemies is still displayed as “%” and number values for resource bar. However in wotlk (2008) there was hp number values.
Is this going to be added into classic wotlk?
For reference as I know people will argue and say “no this was added in cata” look at the 3 videos posted below.
Video 1
Video 2
Video 3
Wasn’t this a toggle in the options? Maybe the streamer you are watching isn’t interested in that check box?
I’ve watched multiple streamers and yh a few aren’t interested but I have seen some i.e. Whaaz who has “both” selected so display both percentage and numeric value but it still only displays percentage for enemies.
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Seems to be a bug with the base unit frames.
When i use Easy Unit Frames it shows both. Reported it.
Yeah from what I gathered, the addons have all the data to display it but Blizzard have it disabled on default frames which wasn’t the case in retail wotlk
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Bumping this until there is some sort of update 
I have just verified on beta that addons have the necessary data to display it.
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Yeah so Blizz just need to fix the default frames then, hopefully they do it before the launch!
Bumping this until there is some sort of update 
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Bumping this until there is some sort of update 
I am in the beta and I have not seen an option for this. Others last night were saying they were having to use an Addon.
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Yh it shouldn’t be like that in wotlk retail this was not the case
They usually don’t do interface changes until late into beta.
Ah nice hopefully they make the change then later 
I’ve tried these addons and it’s still the same for player targets that aren’t in groups/raids
This is a pretty annoying bug. I’m so used to the numbers being there that combat just feels wrong.
I know right and it’s not like it’s a hard thing for blizz to fix
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