Wrath Beta in July-September

I mean, if you’re just running if for the gear sure, but that’s on you. Giving raids a week or two has always been better for the non-sweaties.

I really have 0 cares for anyone who participates in GDKPs.

For 90% of the people, it’ll be neutral or positive.

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Gear is literally the only reason to farm a raid like this. Its not like you need the gear to clear the next tier. SWP will be a one and done for a large portion of the raiding population that has a raid capable of clearing it.

I disagree slightly. I have been on that scene for a long while now and I can tell you that warmane along with many others have alot of class scripting wrong. Classic and then TBC has showed us unequivocally that privates had it wrong time and again on many many things. Wrath will be no different. While I am a avid player of WM there are glaring issues with a few classes. I can’t speak for all but I can tell you warlocks have several issues, for example Destro varies server to server on viability due to poor conflag scripting. This is only one example of many. It’s almost safe to say alot of stuff we learned from privates should just be forgotten if classic/tbc are any example.

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I really don’t see an issue with that, if people aren’t raiding because they want to raid and are just raiding to get gear for the next raid, they shouldn’t be forced to keep raiding.

Pet scripting is either god tier or horrible, and that entirely changes how you play Demo

Exactly and that’s just locks and Hunters lol, so many things are wrong. Is it fun? Yes, but definitely not a accurate representation. It will be very interesting to see how blizz does the scripting on quite a few classes lol

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And no one is saying blizzard will do it right either lol.

I can tell you with absolute certainty that TBC classic mage is broken, it doesn’t play as it did in actual TBC., frost nova doesn’t break on damage most of the time; its literally the exact opposite of how it actually played in the real game. Blink in this game provides a GCD of immunity that while kinda funny isn’t accurate at all, and thats just getting started. Leeway works on channeled and placed AE like blizzard, consecrate, flare, etc making them much larger an AE than they should be. There are so many bugs and Blizzard doesn’t care.

As for WM, I don’t play pet classes and don’t consider mage a pet class; the water ele is mostly direct control so I never noticed issues. I played the hell out of the ATR from late wrath, Cata and MoP because it was so fun. I got into playing private when ATR died and really didn’t see a diff.

But ill also point out that I just dont play enough warlock to notice a difference in pet AI.

Where I did notice a diffence this time in “classic” Pet AI was in Vanilla classic and also in TBC classic; they are using the retail Pet AI; likely because it is the lazy way out of making that system. You notice it most with hunters; their pets are always trying to get behind the target and that was a function added I think in MoP or WoD; likely WoD. Another sharp difference in pet AI that i have actually abused Vanilla classic is Pet AI being wrong allowed me to avoid BM pet damage by stepping into a freezing trap while I had a DoT on me to cancel the pets damage. Pets in vanilla did not stop attack unless the master gave command meaning that bad hunters would often break their own CC, but not so here, instead its automatic fir the AI; not an original function. I believe that was added mid TBC if I remember correctly. These are but a small sample of things Blizzard did wrong by using the retail engine.

Where are you getting the idea we’ll even raid sunwell for more than 2-3 months? I just started two months ago and already ZA and sunwell are gonna be out. Bobby wants one last fatty before microsoft takes over, so they’ll release wrath by august latest.

“Remember the first time you traveled from Darnassus to Elwynn Forest because you enjoyed that zone more? Do you remember the adventures you had along the way, the terrifying beasts you encountered, and the fearsome horde players that tried to stop you?

Well, we at Blizzard have realized that we have deprived you from reliving that experience over and over by allowing Automated Travel Mounts (ATMs) so effective immediately we are removing all flight paths and adding a 72hr cooldown on mage portals and warlock summons. Summoning stones will also be replaced with scrawling stones where the community can leave fun messages and doodles for each other. “

/s… or not, who knows these days lol

Once again you are wrong.

Some people are like you sure and they will take a break until Wrath.

Others are not. My guild raided Naxx 40 until TBCC, we only stopped raiding on the second week of the TBC prepatch. We even raided the first week of the prepatch to have fun with the different talent trees. We knew the gear would be replaced, but we liked raiding together.

It’s just crazy to me that on this and many other topics you keep making absolute statements about everyone when you’re really talking about yourself. It’s like you are totally oblivious to other opinions about things existing.

Also, all you keep talking about in this thread is gear, gear, gear. There will never be an end for gear and it will always be replaced unless there’s a Wrath forever realm. So you may as well not even play.

they have time even if the launch is in december and pre patch is in november thats 3 months of testing if beat is in september which is plenty of time.

I don’t know if it’s related, but I’ve noticed a weird thing with companion pets. I took out my tbc ce flying netherwhelp pet and when I run along it constantly tries to fly up my butt. Disappears into my character. It’s incredibly obnoxious and 100% didn’t work that way originally. It’s so annoying to the point I don’t even use it.

Seriously, how hard is it to have a companion pet that flies beside your character, not up your crack?


There is a massive difference. Naxx gear helped leveling and p1 raid content massively. SWP gear is much impactful in wrath post lvl 65ish dungeon and quest gear. Naxx has shoulder enchants and trinkets that are still bis today. Atiesh is still very strong. Heck, I still had 2 pieces of t3 on tanking KT. Our spriest didn’t replace their cthun ring until black temple. I wear my mark of the champion on every undead/demon boss. Again, nothing like this will happen with SWP gear. It is simply not worth the investment. If people raid it just to be raiding then more power to them but I would absolutely expect the roster boss to have the last laugh on that.

lol… If they wait till december for a launch they might as well not bother. There won’t be anyone left.

yeah they use to lag a little behind, and typically would fly little forward or behind to a corner of your character and then do whatever silly idle animation they would do like little loops or whatever…

I have not had non combat pets out since TBC went live because they can be seen when you are inviz… Not a good thing in Arena.

I have spotted so many other mages and rogues when they are inviz / stealth because they wrongly think their pets cannot be seen; that is in TBC (original TBC) unique to the brewfest jackalope pet; think they called it the wapeltinger or something like that; to that i just blizzard them out… poor bastards

6-7 months for the sunwell raid and its not launched yet so you tell me when pre patch will come out?may-oct is 6 months so nov pre patch and dec launch sounds right doesnt it?

No, not at all… The leaks still say september launch. So early july beta. Early september prepatch, late september launch. That gives them 2 months of beta which is consistent with the TBC beta launching 3/22 and prepatch live 5/18

Yeah, we’ll see. Last time with Naxx my guild DID lose people, and we picked up people from other guilds that fell apart. When original Wrath was over and we were going into Cata we did the same thing with my guild back then. We lost people, other guilds fell apart and we recruited.

The time between expansions tends to always be rough for guilds. It’s sad to talk about guilds dying to help other guilds. I don’t like that part either but that’s the game.

A lot of people will want to be situated in a stable guild before Wrath, so some people who normally are all about the gear will raid because they don’t want to be guild hunting in Wrath and they don’t want their spot filled.

I do sense that you are a bit worried about your guild having issues and that is a real concern. Still, Wrath C will launch whenever Blizzard decides, not us. So I’d say try to make the best of it because SWP is coming out and also as I said before many people are excited about Sunwell.

sunwell wont be a 3 month raid it will be 5-6 months at least and its not launched yet so with that formula may-nov is 6 months.