WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

How is it possible to get glad and not earn it?

Boosted or not.

The example that comes to mind is mostly in 3’s. Let’s say you’re a decent player, maybe high duelist… but not able to crack the glad cuttoffs and the season is coming to an end. You can pay 30/40k gold/hour (probably more, if not real money) to multi R1 players to get you the rating you need to get glad. It’s harder to get carried like this in 2’s certainly, as more of the game falls on your shoulders. Plus, if needed, they will just call out when to use all of your cooldowns and coach you through it. People like Snutz have made an absolute killing doing boosts like that. Often those players are so good with their CC and awareness that they can really pick up the slack from the person they’re boosting.

Even though you have to play the games to get that glad rating, you certainly wouldn’t have earned it. At least in my eyes.

I feel like people said TBC arenas, until TBC Classic came out, then they said Wrath. Now Cata.

MoP, afaik, has largely been regarded as the best PvP expansion, but I don’t recall so many people praising Cata, prior to Wrath Classic launching.

I’m curious if things will be as good as remembered with end path class talents.

I don’t think anyone said that about TBC. People were well aware that TBC is probabaly one of, if not the worst PvP arena expansion. The RNG was bonkers in OG and was even worse in classic.

I feel like they did before TBC Classic came out (but I could be misremembering). I also feel like there was a time on the TBC Classic Beta where streamers were streaming arenas, and hype was being generated.

Of course as soon as Arenas actually came out, everyone started saying it was bad, and the worst… kind of like how they said Wrath Arenas would be great, and now people are saying it’s the worst PVP participating in all of Classic and Arenas are hot garbage in Wrath, but Cata will be amazing.

And of course, I could be wrong! I just feel like it’s a repetitive cycle of people complaining. I’m having fun, but I’m also realizing that I’m not very good! I was happy that I almost hit 2.2K rating last season (first time really trying), but now I see that I’m struggling to get above 1800, and probably only got past 2k when I did, because of rating inflation…

Anyway… if you’re someone who’s been around the block quite a bit in the PvP scene, could you shed a little light as to what we might expect for Cata PvP knowing that we will most likely be getting last-phase character talents with phase-progression gearing?

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paypal someone to log in your comp with Teamviewer and play your char

Games are easier after 2k once you escape the swamp of preg dk

TBC was the gold standard. The people crying about TBC pvp and claiming wrath is where true pvp begins were kidding themselves. TBC pvp was legendary, wrath pvp was a downhill slope. The drop in participation compared to TBC is cold hard proof.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah. Gold standard of what to never do again.

I have no clue honestly. The only praise I remember PvP cata had was rated BGs, but I’ve always heard praise of MOP PvP. I stopped doing arena in OG wrath because of how broken DKs were in S5 and 6. Didn’t do any arena until Legion, due to the awful memories of OG wrath arena.

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That is some hard copium there.

Had to laugh when you were instantly called out by two faceroll spec players who each gained 1000 rating once wotlk released

Ah yes, should have rerolled a FOTM class each expansion just like the majority of the PvP community.

I’m very proud of what I’ve accomplished with probably the least played spec in TBC and wrath arenas.

Did you try playing enhance in TBC? I did, and it was miserable, playing the million RMPs, Shatters, and Ret/war on top of playing on servers that had a small pool of people to play with.

At least I’m not hiding behind an alt account.


Final season of Cata had decent balance; its problem was that it was polluted by certain PvE trinkets and Raid weapons that created special issues for PvP.

I personally enjoyed it a lot since I was playing Mage and its S tier in Cata.

Overall tho, MoP patch cycle 5.2xx - 5.3xx is superior. MoP patch cycle 5.4xx has some unfortunate problems that frankly make the game less good, its still slightly better than 4.3 Cata because all classes are well represented, but If Blizzard is smart Regarding Cata they will Disable Dragon Spine weapon procs fully in instanced PvP would be a good move.

If Blizzard is smart about MoP they will use Patch cycle 5.3xxx in place of 5.4 to keep class balance in a better place overall.

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And you think wrath doesn’t have FOTM classic? LOL

FOTO classes are much worse in wrath because it’s extremely fast paced and one-shotty. There has been so many games where 2 assassination rogues or a rogue feral 1 shot me in the opener with no opportunity to react. There is so much more burst in wrath and it’s awful because it leaves much less room for skill to outplay counters.

In TBC games were much slower and more methodical. You had a much better chance to outskill counters. Meta builds were a big problem if you were at the top, but much less toxic in the brackets below it due to the slower nature of TBC arena. I saw tons of awful rogue priests in the 1300 bracket, and very few of the comp at all in the 1500-1800 bracket. Rogues who knew what they were doing were a god class, but it was also a high skill cap class that you could beat handily in the brackets below 2k. The god classes of wrath are warriors and DKs which are totally brain dead with hard mode weapons.

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Classic is 1000% about people refilling FOTM specs. How many people played ele in TBC? All of a sudden you see much less rdruids/mages/rogues and a ton of Hpals/DKs/Eles. I’ve always known this, pvpers are absolute degens because they only flock to the strongest spec/class.

You know why games were longer and methodical in TBC? Because you literally just played healer/dps. You only had M/R as the top double dps comp. Every other game was Rdruid/War, Rdruid/rogue, and DPR. Snooze fest.

If you did not play a Rdruid, War, Rogue, Mage, or Disc, there was pretty much no reason to arena in 2s and 3s. At least wrath has much more variation of classes compared to TBC.

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What comp(s) do you play?

I haven’t played rogue/rogue, but for rogue/feral vs Hpal/x the Hpal pretty much has to bubble the blind (or even sap if both are out) in the opener, because if you trinket blind, you’ll sit a full clone and your partner will be dead.

But if you do bubble, there’s a good chance its GG, and that feral/rogue just flop, unless they run away and manage a reset.

I have a lot of trouble against double rogue as disc/feral, but if I keep rake/ff on the rogues, and abolish poison on my priest/self, we have a good shot… as long as I don’t panic trinket a sap into blind when they pop shadow dance and go at my priest in the opener.

Protection Paladins

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This is why most of the pro level arena players quit Wrath in p1.

Current rating reqs are just not spread out well IMO

Honour(no req) - Trinket, neck, ring, cape, wrist

Honour(100 rating) - belt, boots

1400 - gloves
1500 - pants
1600 - chest
1800 - wep, offhand, wand/relic ETC
1950 - Helm
2k - shoulders
2.2k - better wep

I think they should change the gear completely add an upgrade in every slot for honour so people have something to go for/engage in pvp for for ages.

Then have a higher ilvl upgrade for every item with gear requirements that go up evenly eg 1400 gloves 1450 trinket 1500 legs 1550 ring 1600 chest so you always have something to shoot for a little bit above where you are.

also add good pvp trinkets that have resil with on use SP/AP/STR and another with resil with a proc SP/AP/STR so pve gear isn’t such a big upgrade.

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