WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

Perhaps you are completely wrong?

Vanilla Wow Class defensives:

  1. Priest: Power word shield and scream
  2. Mage: Ice Block, Nova, Blink, frost bolt and counterspell.
  3. Warlock: Fear, Coil, Void sac, Seduce, curse of exhaustion / toungs, devour magic , spell lock.
  4. Warrior: Disarm, Shield Block, Fear, hamstring
  5. Paladin: Bubble, Hammer of Justice
  6. Shaman: Earth Shock, Grounding Totem, Tremmor totem, Frost shock, Earth bind
    7: Hunter, Rogue and Druid have tons also; not evenincluding talents.

I think you’re conflating CC utility and defensives

CC’s are used as Defensives… Just in the same way fear, pala bubble, etc can be used as offensice CD…

that is the beauty of the game; things dont have just a single boring use.
Its the play that is offensive or defenisve; not so much the ability itself. Example what is the point of Kidney shot? For the rogue to not take damage from his target, or to prevent it from action. That by nature is defensive.

Sometimes yeah, but a stun or root can be used to lock down a player to kill them or prevent escape too

yeah i agree

nah the point of kidney shot is to stun your opponent for a duration of time based on how many combo points you spend

And the point of using CC is defensive in its origin. Preventing the target from performing undesirable hostile actions

sometimes, but you can also cyclone a healer to prevent them from healing their teammate. is that defensive?

yea that is defensive because his action of healing is offensive by nature of him being an enemy.

I disagree, cyclone is a CC ability that is used offensively in that situation. Cyclone is not inherently a defensive ability.

Barkskin is a defensive ability that is purpose-built to decrease damage taken and increase your defensive capability temporarily. Barkskin is a defensive ability.

do you see the difference?

I understand your thinking, and this is why I was pointing out its the use that matters.

Example; same kind of thing::

Paladin bubbles and yet can Zugzug while taking zero damage. Defensive CD by design but used offensively.

The use is what matters; not the intended design.

A paladin bubble is vastly different than an ability like cyclone lol

bubble is a major defensive cooldown because you’re literally invulnerable to all damage and CC. It is inherently a defensive ability with 0 offensive benefits baked into the button itself

these are two fundamentally different things that you don’t understand and that’s ok. I’m typing on the forums way too much rn

Yes I am fully aware of that; pointing out that just because something is considered offensive or defensive is meaningless… All that actually matters is the use.

The whole point of defensives is to avoid harm and maintain advantage; they don’t need to be constrained to shield wall copy / paste abilities.

ah yes, earth shock. The “defensive” that we have all been thinking about…

Remember when we used to have all these posts during classic and TBC talking about how amazing Wrath PvP was???

Wrath PvP is good. It’s just not for everyone. Same with TBC. Everyone has their own preferences.


I warned them its’ not better. Got told I was wrong.

No one is wrong or right here. Its individual preference. Same with any expansion. Some people prefer MoP. Some people prefer Vanilla. Etc.

I just told them its not better. its just different.

Solo queue arena in Cata bro. That’s the rumor anyway. Probably less than a year for that.

As someone has mentioned, those are utility spells. Not defensives.

When a vanilla shaman gets kidney by a rogue for example, zero of those “defensives” you just listed, help me. But now in wrath, I actually have a defensive as enhance when a rogue stuns me.

I’m sorry, but this statement is just completely off basis in my opinion.

Again, if people enjoy vanilla PvP, by all means play vanilla, but I as an enhance, can actually enjoy PvP in wrath and going forward as I have actual defensives that help me survive in a battle.



This has an easy solution. Go run some retail level cap pvp a few hours.

then come back and either live era forever. Or wrath. And go…its not so bad.

THat was me last week. 2 nights in retail. That grass wasn’t so green. it was photoshopped in lol.