WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

How will you ever survive

it 100% exists in all the Activision rated systems.

It’s true and 95% of the PvP community agrees. Wotlk pvp is terrible and doesn’t get good until Cata/MOP.
That is why Cata/MOP were regarded as the best PvP expansions of all-time and still played on private servers for their PvP.

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The rating reqs for everything is what is killing arena. Keep the reqs on T2 weps and shoulders unlock the rest and MAYBE players will start arena games up again.

t2 wep was challenger rating last season, is that really what’s stopping people? i think it’s just the gameplay being garbage

As someone that loves wow pvp and quit wotlk after about a month of being 80, and went back to era. I’ll give reasons why wotlk pvp sucks.

  1. Literally every class has some form of on CD “immunity” it’s so lame moving from target to target as they all pop invincibility.

  2. Button mashing, more button pressing doesn’t make ur game better, it’s the silence between the notes or whatever that quote is.

  3. Removal of anything cool or unique. Look at vanilla set bonus and trinket vs wotlk. Wotlk every trinket is like +300 ap and on use +1000 ap. Boooring. Give me the white rarity gnome net and a shadow reflector any day.

  4. Arena sucks. Removes any variance and player expression from the game. Few comps are viable and the whole thing feel like “let me just watch YouTube strats, and win or loss based on comp counter comp. Give me a 2v3 at lumber mill any day.

  5. Cooldowns, a lot to be said about cooldowns, but il just say pvp trinket in vanilla vs wotlk. So lame that everyone is forced to use pvp trinket, because it has raw stats, 2 min cd, and effects everything. Sorry if you pvp trinked in the last 5 mins, you don’t need to be able to remove a stun or a fear or w.e, that’s what trinket swaps are for, which is an amazing fun part of the game. Literally removes an item slot from the game, and the coolest most useful item slot at that

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Nah; Remove the Rating req from T1 and increase the Item level the same as T2. Also make Arena points more eaily farmed in BG’s via Rando Q @ like 20 points a win.

T2 keeps its unique look and Rating req.

So you dislike arena, but like BGs?

I am the complete opposite.

No I like how vanilla works. Bgs and wpvp are both good, but yah I really am not into arenas.

My issue is more with how combat feels in wotlk vs vanilla. Arena as the whole of pvp is just the Cherry on top

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NA is a pve raid log community, EU=pvp community EU arenas are fine

the sewers walljump is so dirty, i’m amazed they’ve left it untouched

Played some on my alt today (even lower than my main), and two different guys just stood still in disgust when they saw the walljump. I guess they’d never seen it before. It actually felt so bad.

I guess it’s authentic to wrath but it seems like a glaring oversight to only allow it to certain races.


Cata/mop servers are extremely dead compared to wrath.


weve been saying this since s5 yet here we all

tbc had no rating reqs on anything other then weapons (1800) and shoulders (2k). population was 3x what we have now and the gameplay was horrendous

2,494 = glad
or for 2s it is 3,203 with R1 being 3,440.

Na. Blizz put us in a really weird patch. Both dks AND rets would have been top of the top for some of Wrath, but Blizz ruined it by messing with the patch releases and labeling it as something that it was not. DKs are super weak in this version of Wrath.

Look at old PvP Wrath clips online and YT of DKs soling 3v3s and even going 1v5 and almost winning in them. They were MUCH better in original Wrath as were ret pallies.

I got war and druid that I play in Wrath now. Sucks Cata is coming out soon. Was really hoping we could stay in Wrath like the majority of us want.

Yet another expac coming out and yet another wave of people who will get all their toons deleted if they dont pay extra money to move them over. My god.
I got glad years ago on my old EU account, it was difficult there but back then no one even fathomed farming up and above 3k rating in order to get glad. These ratings are…idk. So many I play with just give up before we can even start the climb.

So with how things are changing, will R14 be 2.4k rating in Cata or will that base scaling be removed and they will go for %s where then 3k will be R14 and 3.5k will give you a hero…

Yea CASTERclysm is coming soon. My god cant wait for that…not. I never wanted Wrath to come out. Dont want Cata. If Dragonflight was any better as I thought it was going to be then I would still be playing that.

I’m getting queues and having fun. :man_shrugging:

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My eyes are bleeding after reading this.

I doubt they will change the rating values for the RBG rank titles, and hero will stay % based. That’s how it’s always been in the past; some seasons hero is 2700+, and I’ve seen a season or two that hero was lower than R14

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Vanilla. Only three classes that have reliable defensives. Wrath, everyone has some sort of defensive.

I hated vanilla and TBC because of this reason alone. If you did not play a specific class with defensives, why even PvP. To each their own I guess.

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When I got Hero it was on BG9. I got slightly over 3k RBG rated on a fury warrior who sometimes went prot. That was S11 though.

Cant believe i missed your post; yup… it really is exactly this.

The downward spiral starts in TBC when they gave out dumb stuff like use while already in CC pain suppression and Avenging Wrath, instant cast spells with greater casting distance than 30 yards, dumb stuff that turn the PvP game into a trading card game. Just 2 examples of many; there are tons more
Era has its own problems that I am very aware of, but its an order of magnitude more fun than Wrath.

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