WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

I think MG is just with other RP realms? I’m basically fighting Horde with WM on from WrA constantly.

Yeah but all other rp realms are dead so its basically just WRA and MG

ADD RBGS NOW or wotlk pvp is going to keep dying


It’s nowhere near where it used to be, lmao.

Back in early MoP/WoD if you played whatever the meta comp was you’d get insta-dm’d the n word on repeat. And if you were high rated you’d get ddosed if you decided to q up.

The experience I remember the most is qing Godcomp in s3 of WoD and beating a turbo and getting a DM 10 mins later of like a paragraph of a dude explaining how he was gonna find me and kill me and my arena partners.

It’s a LOT more tame than it used to be.

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No thank you

This was so frustrating in RBGs at higher ratings. Roll into a game and 2 people on your team get taken out of the game because the other team knows them.

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That will not fix it.

Happened tons in 6.1, kinda when it became a problem. (so early WoD) Never had too much trouble (a couple things did happen with Baelmos) but he was a scumlord who popularized cheating almost exclusively in WoD, and he was indeed cheating toward the end of MoP like in late 5.4

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“Cata is when PvP gets good.”
This is probably the worst opinion I have seen in this thread.


Well its 10X better than Wrath, so there is that. Wrath is just a pitiful low point in 3.Classic version.

I think he likes Cata because he’s a rogue main, and that makes a lot of sense since Cata rogue is about as strong as it gets.


Different opinions I guess.
2s becomes a more trash bracket than it already is and 3s is filled with ret and rmp/rls so.

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How’s cata 2’s worse?

Majority of healer dps become 45min games.

That’s kinda normal because healers are normally over tuned. 2’s and arena in general is just kinda a bad design if you’re being flat honest with yourself; because the game has to be hyper homogenized. Worse players hate getting killed fast and hate CC so they QQ until the only meta that works are 2… Either its ends 0.1 seconds after contact is made OR it like retail goes into dampening because mana never runs out for healing, and healing is too strong. (in general)

No matter what is done, 2’s just sucks; its why you don’t do them unless you’re forced into it.

Worse 2’s is almost always comp based so no matter what is done its a lotto roll for some match ups being whatever the machine gives you = you win / lost and that allows the algo to control you. The mmr system attempts to get you to a 50/50 win loss ratio no matter what, so effectively smurfing you…

I have never heard of this MMR system attempting to give you a 50% win loss, sounds like you are confusing this system with League’s system.
Also regardless of which xpac we play if it’s wrath or cata it will still suck since it’s always being ran with the last balance patch of the xpac causing fotm comps that stick with nearly every season.
RLS/RMP in cata is without a doubt the most boring thing to watch and to play against.

Op warrior opinion discarded

any ebola cleave enjoyers

OK but my overpowers can still reduce damage and healing done by 1/2 right?

no wth why

This sounds like you’re trying to nerf all my cool stuff it’s bad enough I went from 3 fear immunities to only 1 (+ undead racial)