WRATH arena/PVP scene is completely dead

Time to add solo qur for arena. The thing thst has been requested for 20 years.


This has nothing to do to why arena is dead. Balance is so far down the “screw this” list.

Most casuals can’t get the arena ratings for gear, so they quit.

Bugs and exploits go unfixed for months at a time, so people quit.

PvE gear is a hard requirement, especially during S6 thanks to the unbalanced ulduar changes. Those who didn’t raid couldn’t compete, so they quit.

Known cheaters and scripters run rampant without being banned. Dekel, the warrior whom got R1 on three warriors last season was a well known scripter caught red handed and he didn’t get banned. He spent his entire last week of the season doing boosts. If players like this can exist and get away with it, then why bother?

You’ve got a game mode infested with blantant cheaters and exploiters combined with a non existent casual population. Of course it’s going to die. This is coming from a mage whose gotten glad ever season since s1.


The people who sell arena carries should be perma banned. Not only because they sell boosts but because they probably do other shady garbage as well.

Stay at 79 and pew pew in 79 BGs, way more enjoyable than 80 Arena. SCREW PvE/Raiding.


You should be banned. Not because you sajd they should be banned. Because if you think they are doing other stuff, you are probably the one doing it. And probably is a good enough reason to be banned.

Imo being able to get 2200/2k for rewards is the easiest it has ever been in the lifespan of classic arena. The MMR inflation introduced each week has helped multiple friends I have reach their rating goals. I don’t run into too many boosters but that is really my biggest problem with the game, especially glad boosts. Idc if you help someone get 2k or 2200 but you definitely shouldn’t have glad unless you earned it yourself.

And thankfully this season SHOULDN’T be quite as bad in terms of the PvE gear gap as ToGC is much more accessible and you can get some cheeky uld 10 HM items from essence which are still strong.

They’ve made good adjustments, but PvP has never been the main content in WoW, most people I know have absolutely zero interest no matter what you change. There are a lot of people who might copium themselves into thinking they’d arena if big changes came in, but reality is it’s just not for everyone.

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didn’t they add solo queue on retail and it’s the most dead the game has ever been? I lurked their arena forum and they’re saying like hour long queues rofl

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As opposed to what? No queue at all?

Stop being ignorant for a moment and use your common sense for a change.

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what? as opposed to 2v2 3v3 or 5v5 queue before solo shuffle existed lol
did you mean to reply to me?

Ignoramus, pay attention…

How is no queue at all better than a 1-hour queue?

I actually have them needing classic (any) as much as they need DF.

Its carried some subs for them. Some only sub for the “old” stuff. I’d be among them. I thought that xp bonus would help spur the DF drive. Nope. Just the 1 70 I stopped using 2-3 weeks in.

I am not saying wrath’s pvp scene is flawless. It, to me, is feeling way better than retail’s however.

For me all wrath is missing is ashran for an “epic”. and retail ashran went to crap the times I ran it last week a few hours lol. say 10 runs…I maybe actually started 3 of them. 7 were hot drop fills ins to horde…right there on the bridge. Loss was coming…soon. “Fun” times not missed really.

DF is 5 minutes a month now.

Get my tendies, see whats int trading post…leave.

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I’ve come to the realization Classic is bigger than we thought it is after quitting Wrath and going to one of the most populated servers in retail for DF.

Moonguard despite being an amazing RP server with great guilds for whatever content you may want to do, feels small. Valdrakken on Moonguard is around the same feeling population wise as Org on Whitemane Era.

I hard disagree, but won’t argue preference. I enjoy the competitive nature of DF PvP. I put in the same amount of time to learn EVERYTHING about the meta specs and counters the way I would a season of Smite, I’ve gotten dubs over multi gladiator teams as a Classic Andy playing to prove something to myself. It’s an exhilarating experience for me where Wrath pales to even TBC, but again that’s all preference. Even had one guy achievement check me and call me a smurf asking who my main was :rofl:

it’s not, just play EU, NA is a raid log community, NA is the community that calls pvp toxic…reason why retail pvp is pretty awful, devs only focus on end game pve that 1% of the population takes part in lol.

EU still has a healthy Arena scene on wrath, if you actually like pvp, I’d suggest making a EU account.

NA scene is mostly dead because of the x-mlg players and the boosting/rmt, that sort of gatekeeping is not even a thing on EU, because EU pop is 10x larger for pvp.

It got worse since I have been here pretty much full time. I gave it 2 nights last week. Just 2…

Omg we didn’t win a fight 30 seconds in. 50% of the team drops out. those that replace them…25% of them are making that a rotating door too. I forget how “fun” that was.

the damage numbers got stupid too. First night in I was fumbling on a rotation not seen in months.

3 million damage face rolling basically in a minute or 2. It should not be that way. And my damage sucked. 3 million for a minute of play…is bad.

b-but muh perfect PvP!

No. That is not true. The ques for normal arenas certainly went down. But that is not solo que. To say that solo que arena in retail is dead is just not true.

Players want to be able to log on and play pvp. Its like if you want to play call of duty or counterstrike. You log into the game and joim a server and start playing. That is what solo que in retail is like. Players are not stupid. They want to play when they want to play, not only when its convient for thier team partners. It is a perfect solution and just like rdf, when u have a thing that makes the game better, they should add that to classic.

As someone with your experience have you also noticed an increase in toxicity? like emoting, taunting etc…

It seems super rampant in comparison to how it use to be. This community seems to be full of some type of toxic culture

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I love when i try to say the same and i get a “stop crying” response from a S tier spec lol

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Its worth pointing out that the roleplay servers iirc are not connected to other servers with crz. Id look at a server like A Stormrage for a better picture

This is why I’ve never seriously gotten into PVP myself. I enjoy doing BG’s from time to time, but the thought of bots and the grind up to be competent in Arena has put me off of it. I wish the UI was improved so that you could solo que for Arenas but also see other players like LFG so you can maybe create perhaps a cross realm team with them (and maybe cross realm friends list specifically for Arenas). I’m not sure if Arenas have brackets or not, I’m going to assume they do.

It’s just not accessible to casual PVPers, and I don’t want to hunt down PVP guilds on my server in the hopes they have randoms who have no arena experience to partner up with. I guess I could but the state of Arenas just isn’t worth the effort.